AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest


You called him a scumbag. How, in any realm of logic, is that not to be construed as he deserved it?

I'm Mexican, Latino...don't call me Hispanic, cause I didn't come from Spain.

I've noticed that a lot of "hispanics" hate blacks and other latin descents the most.

I grew up in the hood and made it out, RUNNING with questionable circles. You're throwing shade at folks YOU think YOU'RE better than.

You had 'family', some of these kids in these cities have no 'family'. They have absent parents, impoverished living conditions, and education systems that don't educate.

You're the lucky one. I'm the lucky one. Doesn't mean you get to pass judgement on someone because luck wasn't on their side.
He's was a scumbag. Plain and simple. I never said he got what he deserved..someone else did.. I never passed judgement...I just looked at the facts.

I never said I was better than anyone ( or threw shade) .. I made the choice,  much like you did (repped) .  To change the way I did things growing up, changed my friends, changed my behavior.  Honestly, if I said something like that, quote me.. because that wouild not be doing anybody any good.. If I said it, I can admit to being wrong, I'm quite frequently wrong ( my wife reminds me of this all the ) 

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Right.. he was a criminal and  criminal = scumbag ... or POS, technically.. if you refer back to my original quote.
Calling someone a scumbag is passing judgement, bruh.
Then I digress..

The dude was a dope dealer with a lengthy criminal him what you will... I never said he got what he deserved, that was the point I was trying to make. 
Then I digress..

The dude was a dope dealer with a lengthy criminal him what you will... I never said he got what he deserved, that was the point I was trying to make. 
you havent made any  good points yet.

just a lot of whitspanic talk.." sell-out . someone who has turned they back on they own community in exchange for self gratification"... 

you're an awesome dude
 so much better then those scumbags...... 
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got lost in your own ego

You're entitled to your own opinion, but you knew the context in which you stated he was a scum bag.

I think the cops who killed the drug dealer are more scumbaggish than the drug dealer. 
joeoh29 joeoh29

You coming into this thread and posting about his arrest record is victim blaming and deflecting.

I guess his arrest record trumps the police brutality that caused his death? :stoneface:

You coming into this thread and posting about his arrest record is victim blaming and deflecting.

I guess his arrest record trumps the police brutality that caused his death?
no different when them clowns were posting vids of guys who weren't MB in the MB thread.

He knew what he was doing.

You coming into this thread and posting about his arrest record is victim blaming and deflecting.

I guess his arrest record trumps the police brutality that caused his death? :stoneface:
no different when them clowns were posting vids of guys who weren't MB in the MB thread.

He knew what he was doing.

Seems like these new SN's always pop up in threads involving Black people.

Wonder if it's dudes with multiple/throw away accounts or clowns who have been banned before :nerd:

You coming into this thread and posting about his arrest record is victim blaming and deflecting.

I guess his arrest record trumps the police brutality that caused his death?
No man.. not at all.. I hope what the police did gets brought to the light.  thats ****** up.. i said that at least once today already.. so f'd up and there's no way around it.  

There are 3 sides to every story-  yours, theirs and the truth....unfortunately we'll never know all three.

lol..saw the whitspanic reference too..
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No man.. not at all.. I hope what the police did gets brought to the light.  thats ****** up.. i said that at least once today already.. so f'd up and there's no way around it.  

There are 3 sides to every story-  yours, theirs and the truth....unfortunately we'll never know all three.
so what was the point of posting his criminal record?
so what was the point of posting his criminal record?
Character assassination...which lends more credence to him trying to rustle jimmies. Leave that to CNN, Faux News and the other outlets. 
I can't even go on Facebook right now.  Nobody I know was outraged when he was killed, but now everyone's up in arms over rioting and looting.  Seeing the word "animals" thrown around far too often for my liking. 

If you're the type of person that is more upset by broken windows and burning cars than you are by the police killing an unarmed black man, I really don't know what to say to someone like you.
So many people commenting on social media never stepped a foot inside of Baltimore. They're letting the facades and gentrification of the Inner Harbor fool them, they have no clue what it's like to grow up or live on the west side of Baltimore nor do they have a clue about how corrupt BMore PD is as well .. this isn't some small town like North Charleston, this is a major city with 600K residents!

People continue to lose track of why the situation spiraled into what we've seen over the past 24 hours. People aren't destroying property just because it's the cool thing to do, this is 50 years of oppression, lack of government support, lack of educational support, heroin, crack, aids/hiv, and 3rd world country living conditions combined into one big pressure cooker that has finally exploded.

That peaceful talk went out the window Saturday when those white people started chanting racial slurs during the protest, even calling their own white people who supported the protest "negro lovers"
.. Yeah everybody wants the black man to be peaceful, hold hands but when you deliberately and continuously disrespect us, we're not supposed to be in outrage? Enough is enough, we have video evidence of police shooting a man 8 times in the back as well as footage of police dragging a man into a paddy wagon with a broken limb. 80% of that man's spine was destroyed by the time "help" arrived then he proceeded to die due to those injuries. Not to mention the countless other brutality issues we see everyday not being mentioned by the media. We supposed to just turn a blind eye like Stevie or Ray and act like none of that happened while ya hit us with the usual "it's being investigated internally" BS? Nah, we tried your peaceful way which got us no where, now it's time to start taking matters into our own hands.

Oh yeah, Mayor Blake looked pathetic on TV last night. She sounded like she guzzled down four bottles of red wine, watched two seasons of Scandal, and then hopped in front of the camera trying to give us a coherent elaboration of what was taking place in the city. Put the bottle down boo-boo, these streets is missing you
Thank you
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