Air Jordan Future Featuring xi sole 2014

One must make less than $11,500 a year to be considered living in poverty; $23,021 for a family of four.

That is for nyc... Way off of 50k a year lol just google it
One must make less than $11,500 a year to be considered living in poverty; $23,021 for a family of four.

That is for nyc... Way off of 50k a year lol just google it
I dont need to google jack , I live in NYC and if I made 50k I would have to apply for government joke
U most have one hell of a crack addiction to spend that much... I was 18 living on my own with rent bills n car payments n buying watever I wanted n vacas n I didnt make no 50gs a year lol
Just read through a sea of corny hating outlandish statements. Is buying kicks really this serious to some people? 
U most have one hell of a crack addiction to spend that much... I was 18 living on my own with rent bills n car payments n buying watever I wanted n vacas n I didnt make no 50gs a year lol
I pay 2400 for rent per month, 400 car note, 330 a month for garage,car ins 220 a month should I go on and a sneaker addiction should I go on
Holy sh*t... I'll give that to u a lot more in bills I see were ur comin from but that still ain't poverty that just ur living expenses move to Staten Island ull save an but load in rent
Just read through a sea of corny hating outlandish statements. Is buying kicks really this serious to some people? 
i truly believe some people really get upset when they can't get a pair of sneakers they want...i got more important things to worry about...and who ever feels offended by that than re-think your priorities, it aint my problem
Bows and Arrows in Berkley are getting the Futures in both colors. They have a total of 16 pairs. Drove by and saw Campers in line.
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