Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

Yeah not letting your definition of ignorance

What does that have to do with @me like 52 times and copied and pasting your questions like 17 times?

Isn't that a little obsessive?

Especially when you are " indifferent" to me

You are cheering me up :wink:


mister friendly mister friendly , I call it having fun at your expense.

Look at you, grab a kleenex man.
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Yeah not letting your definition of ignorance

What does that have to do with @me like 52 times and copied and pasting your questions like 17 times?

Isn't that a little obsessive?

Especially when you are " indifferent" to me

You are cheering me up :wink:

:lol: mister friendly mister friendly , I call it having fun at your expense.

Hows it at my expense?

* my expense.... did you find the map to my house?!?
Hows it at my expense?

* my expense.... did you find the map to my house?!?

:rofl: You just make for a convenient target b, that's all.

Again, you do theists a disservice with your arguments.

At least, be candid in your ideals. I mean it's transparent what your sentiment regarding atheists is.

And I'm willing to bet that your unwillingness to answer this....

Do you think that atheists are amoral or of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about agnostics? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about polytheists? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

Also are all theists on par in terms of morality? Are Christians more moral than Jews, or Muslims for that matter?

Also nontheistic religions, such as buddhism. Are they amoral? Of less moral fiber than theists?

....because you didn't want to "offend me", because you needed to hear what I thought about those questions first, is probably because well, you're just as bigoted against other theistic or nontheistic faiths are you are about atheism.
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My man makes a bunch of ignorant statement and asks a bunch of loaded questions and then gets mad when people cite him when he tries to play innocent.

Good grief. :lol:
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Hows it at my expense?

* my expense.... did you find the map to my house?!?

:rofl: You just make for a convenient target b, that's all.

Again, you do theists a disservice with your arguments.

At least, be candid in your ideals. I mean it's transparent what your sentiment are regarding atheists.

And I'm willing to bet that your unwillingness to answer this....

Do you think that atheists are amoral or of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about agnostics? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

What about polytheists? Are they of lower moral fiber than theists?

Also are all theists on par in terms of morality? Are Christians more moral than Jews, or Muslims for that matter?

Also nontheistic religions, such as buddhism. Are they amoral? Of less moral fiber than theists?

....because you didn't want to "offend me", because you needed to hear what I thought about those questions first, is probably because well, you're just as bigoted against other theistic or nontheistic faiths are you are about atheism.

The copy and paste again?!?

Geez :lol:

You are wasting your time just as I am, entertaining your obsessive posts

Convenient target and doing theists an disservice? :lol:

You have yet to produce any bigoted statements...You're reaching

Heck I could say million transparent things that make theists look horrible and its not going to change anything relative to your life.

The majority of this country and the world will continue to believe in God and you know it.
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The copy and paste again?!?

Geez :lol:

Convenient target and doing theists an disservice? :lol:

You have yet to produce any bigoted statements...You're reaching

The majority of this country and the world will continue to believe in God.

:lol: I already detailed your bigoted statements, your loaded line of questioning. You can continue to veil those questions as sincere, but the fact is it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what you're insinuating.

I could say million transparent things that make theists look horrible and its not going to change anything relative to your life.

:lol: No you can't.

The majority of this country and the world will continue to believe in God

That's your whole purpose here isn't it? Just to say that.

Felt good to come out and say it didn't it? I bet you feel unburdened.

You feel so threatened by atheism you tried to make this into a pissing match.

You tried to equate atheism with the religious condoning of violence and intolerance but you couldn't. There is no equivalent. Nothing about atheism justifies such acts.

All this time however you could've just went "well most people in this nation and world believe in God, SO THERE".

:rofl: Go to bed.
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@@lionblood, that site you posted takes certain passages out of context.

I know what you're getting at and yes in these biblical and religious texts, there surely is a lot of misogyny, sexism,violence and an entrenched patriarchal system and order. But at the time and era, what society wasn't? It reflects the society at the time.
There's no such thing as an "unbiblical" or "not religious" God. God is a religious term and name. Sounds like some serious back pedaling is going on here......
I know what you're getting at and yes in these biblical and religious texts, there surely is a lot of misogyny, sexism,violence and an entrenched patriarchal system and order. But at the time and era, what society wasn't? It reflects the society at the time.

Irrelevant. This was the nation chosen by God. The people of God. The God that is all perfection and all powerful. Are you alluding to those things being a part of perfection?
@lionblood, that site you posted takes certain passages out of context.

I know what you're getting at and yes in these biblical and religious texts, there surely is a lot of misogyny, sexism,violence and an entrenched patriarchal system and order. But at the time and era, what society wasn't? It reflects the society at the time.
well of course, the bible was created by men from that society
The copy and paste again?!?

Geez :lol:

Convenient target and doing theists an disservice? :lol:

You have yet to produce any bigoted statements...You're reaching

The majority of this country and the world will continue to believe in God.

:lol: I already detailed your bigoted statements, your loaded line of questioning. You can continue to veil those questions as sincere, but the fact is it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what you're insinuating.

I could say million transparent things that make theists look horrible and its not going to change anything relative to your life.

:lol: No you can't.

The majority of this country and the world will continue to believe in God

That's your whole purpose here isn't it? Just to say that.

Felt good to come out and say it didn't it? I bet you feel unburdened.

You feel so threatened by atheism you tried to make this into a pissing match.

You tried to equate atheism with the religious condoning of violence and intolerance but you couldn't. There is no equivalent. Nothing about atheism justifies such acts.

All this time however you could've just went "well most people in this nation and world believe in God, SO THERE".

:rofl: Go to bed.

Those questions aren't anywhere close to being bigoted

You are just so insecure that you take it as such.

Threatened by atheism?

Fine me a statement, that even hints at fear towards atheists?

Stalin's atheist views likely influenced his anti-theistic views..You can refuse to admit it but that is prevailing thought to many.Denying it on a sneaker message board isn't going to
change it.

And yes that is my purpose in here, to let you know God exists even if you refuse to admit it.
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Those questions aren't anywhere close to being bigoted

You are just so insecure that you take it as such.

Threatened by atheism?

Fine me a statement, that even hints at fear towards atheists?

Stalin's atheist views likely influenced his anti-theistic views..You can refuse to admit it but that is prevailing thought to many.Denying it on a sneaker message board isn't going to
change it.


They're clearly bigoted. The insecure one here, is clearly you.

Listen, I'm not under any false pretenses here. You clearly have some sort of complex. You're unable to accept the fact that atheism, by itself, does not condone or justify violence or intolerance.

That threatens you, so much so that you NEED Stalinism, communism, and atheism to be one in the same.

Even though they are not. Even though atheism and anti-theism are not one in the same.

However, violence under the flags of zionism, crusade, or jihad is clearly and unequivocally justified through religion.

Atheism, in any stretch of the definition of atheism, has nothing to do with the justification of violence. Atheism was here long before Stalinism.

And yes that is my purpose in here, to let you know God exists even if you refuse to admit it

No your purpose here is that of a petulant child that needs validation so badly just to feel alright.

You coming out and declaring "well....well, most people in this world and this country believe in God so THERE, nyah nyah nyah", is your way of unburdening yourself.

You're so threatened by atheism that you're willing to go to any length it takes for you to assert your convoluted nonsense.
You're so unsettled and insecure that you can't even accept that atheism doesn't condone the violence religion does.

No, that can't be, you can't accept that.

No confidence whatsoever in your own faith, that you need to vilify atheism to live with the truth.
You believe in Santa and the Easter bunny too Child?

To say someone "refuses" to admit something carries a connotation that said claim actually exists WITH insurmountable evidence. The spaghetti monster exists, people just refuse to admit it. Look at all the evidence. FOH.

Faced with the violence condoned and encouraged by organized religion, some believers are eager to point out that atheists are equally violent, if not more. In fact, some suggest that atheism is at the root of the worst atrocities in recent history, like the regime of Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong.

While it’s true that Stalin and Mao were corrupt leaders who denounced religion among their people, suggesting that their depravity was caused by atheism or that their behavior was at all indicative of atheism as a whole simply does not follow. Similarly, the idea that atheism is somehow uniquely responsible for despotism is clearly false. History is filled with examples of the religious whose beliefs were directly responsible for murder and violence (1). Yet such direct relationship has not been seen with secular tyrants. If anything, non-religious dictators themselves act more like religious zealots, elevating themselves as deities in the cult of personality they’ve developed.

Atheism Has No Doctrines

The violence within Christianity or Islam can often be traced back to the teachings of those religions because it is embedded in the ideology of the religions themselves (2). Even though war and violence in the name of God are often motivated by non-religious ambitions, such as political and territorial gain, religions in such cases are often used as an excuse for justifying such acts, disguising their intentions as holy and recruiting armies of people who would not have been willing to risk their lives for purely secular causes (3). People throughout history have been martyred and sacrificed in the name of religion, and holy wars have been fought over the tenets of those religions.

The same cannot be said of atheism for the simple fact that atheism is not a religion. Atheism is a lack of belief in deities. It has no governing dogmatic principles, no rule book and no core ideology. Comparing atheism to religion is like comparing apples and oranges. It’s more helpful to compare atheism to theism, which is simply belief in a deity. While some theists also hold fundamentalist beliefs, just believing that some god exists is not enough to cause wars and violence based on the belief alone. How many wars have been caused by deism? You’d need some additional dogmatic beliefs in order for that happen. 

No one commits mass murder in the name of theism or atheism alone. Additional dogmatic principles are needed to justify such grisly outcomes. In the case of theism, religions like Christianity and Islam provide such dogma, creating convenient excuses. Secular totalitarian regimes and religion share this dogmatic element: a belief that a set of ideas are true because an authority figure says so and that questioning those ideas can lead to serious or even deadly consequences.

Therefore, it’s not reasonable to say that atheism condones or promotes violence or that tyrants have killed in the name of atheism. Such actions or any other action, both good and bad, do not and cannot speak for atheism in general, as no two atheists necessarily hold any of the same beliefs or convictions about the world. The only thing held in common between all atheists is a lack of belief in deities.

This means that some atheists are undoubtedly unkind, aggressive and violent. It also means that some atheists are kind, friendly and peaceful. Any type of person can be an atheist, just as any type of person can be not interested in golf. Just because some non-golfers are jerks doesn’t make not golfing bad any more than atheism can be blamed for the behavior of a handful of atheists. If you’re trying to make a decision about whether you believe in God based on how a certain non-believer you know acts, you’re using flawed reasoning. For the same reason, not all religious people are bad or cruel individuals, yet the practice of violence and war is deeply imbedded in many religious ideologies. It is, therefore, best to examine your views about God or other religious beliefs by evaluating the evidence provided for such claims, not based on the behavior of people who do or do not accept it as truth.

The Cult of Personality

It’s true that the tyrannical communist regimes of Mao and Stalin were opposed to religion, with religious belief discouraged and punished under their rule. This had less to do with atheism and more to do with the threat of religion as competition with their own tyrannical plans. Totalitarian regimes are built on dogma and fear, not freedom of speech and inquiry. In this way, they greatly resemble religion. In effect, these leaders essentially created religions and inserted themselves at the top as new deities. As Sam Harris put it, “The problem with fascism and communism, however, is not that they are too critical of religion; the problem is that they are too much like religions.” These cults of personality are not derived from atheism, and it is hard to see how one could argue that their activities were representative of atheists as a whole. Indeed, many free, irreligious nations, such as Denmark and Sweden (4), are among the most peaceful and prosperous countries in the world (5). The point, however, is not to say that atheism necessarily causes people to be happier or more prosperous. What is clear, however, is that atheism does not lead to violence, tyranny or genocide any more than religiosity guarantees a peaceful and prosperous nation.

The world’s religions have rules and holy books that tell their followers what’s wrong or right and how to behave. Thus, it is reasonable to hold a religion accountable for the message that it preaches. There are no holy atheist scriptures, no atheist pope and no atheist rituals, tenets, creeds, code or authority. Atheism cannot be held accountable for the activities of atheists in the same way that religion can be judged by its doctrine because atheism has no doctrines.

mister friendly mister friendly .....

Goodnight mijo, sweet dreams.

Put those convoluted, bigoted arguments to bed with you.

Stalin's atheist views likely influenced his anti-theistic views..You can refuse to admit it but that is prevailing thought to many.Denying it on a sneaker message board isn't going to
change it.

What about the fact that the barbarism of the Crusades was definitely motivated by religion?
"God exists"

Ok, back to the starting point, submit your argument of existence. Proof, evidence, observations, ect...
Those questions aren't anywhere close to being bigoted

You are just so insecure that you take it as such.

Threatened by atheism?

Fine me a statement, that even hints at fear towards atheists?

Stalin's atheist views likely influenced his anti-theistic views..You can refuse to admit it but that is prevailing thought to many.Denying it on a sneaker message board isn't going to
change it.


They're clearly bigoted. The insecure one here, is clearly you.

Listen, I'm not under any false pretenses here. You clearly have some sort of complex. You're unable to accept the fact that atheism, by itself, does not condone or justify violence or intolerance.

That threatens you, so much so that you NEED Stalinism, communism, and atheism to be one in the same.

Even though they are not. Even though atheism and anti-theism are not one in the same.

However, violence under the flags of zionism, crusade, or jihad is clearly and unequivocally justified through religion.

Atheism, in any stretch of the definition of atheism, has nothing to do with the justification of violence. Atheism was here long before Stalinism.

And yes that is my purpose in here, to let you know God exists even if you refuse to admit it

No your purpose here is that of a petulant child that needs validation so badly just to feel alright.

You coming out and declaring "well....well, most people in this world and this country believe in God so THERE, nyah nyah nyah", is your way of unburdening yourself.

You're so threatened by atheism that you're willing to go to any length it takes for you to assert your convoluted nonsense.

You didn't answer my questions man
You didn't answer my questions man

Oh, I'll answer your questions when you answer them yourself. I don't want to offend you. I need to know what you believe first.

But seriously, I never said you "feared" atheism, I said you're threatened by atheism. And I already outlined and quoted the statements you've made to prove it.

Mijo, you're going to get in trouble, go to sleep.
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