Blind date in nyc

Aug 9, 2012
I'm always reading stories about people on nt so I thought I would share mine.

So I'm taking a trip to nyc with a friend before school start on the following Monday Jan 13. We broad the plane from our connecting city and my friend tell me how do u feel about going on a blind date in nyc. I'm like it's cool I would have no problem with it. The run down on the chick is that she works in a hospital 26 yrs old and light skin. This is all I know until I talk with my friends friend who set this up. Not sure how I'm going to approach this situation because I maybe like **** it I'm going to get them yambs on the first night. I'll post more when I get more info.
Blind dates? What is this, 1995?

Just get eachothers Facebooks.

Yeesh, I would NEVER go on a blind date in this day and age. 
Treat it like you're just going to hang with some friends, unless shes hot, then treat it like a first date.

But, on the cool, if all they know is shes light skinned, shes either really bad( :wow: :evil: :wow:) or really bad( :x ). Most likely the latter, doe.
the only description given about her, other than she's 26 and her occupation, is that she's light-skinned? Then I'm not too sure that's a good thing. I would be asking for measurements
Blind dates? What is this, 1995?

Just get eachothers Facebooks.

Yeesh, I would NEVER go on a blind date in this day and age. 
This right here. She can't even get my number till I know what she looks like.
Lol I'm about to meet up with my friends friend in about 30 min to get some questions answered. And I'll see about the pics
I'd do it. There's no mystery these days. Just go in to it with the "I've got nothing to lose" attitude.

People are too reliant on the Internet and social media. Old social interaction > Facebook.
Blind date sounds like a lot of fun if you are looking for more than to just get in them pants, you'll go in with low expectations and treat it as just two people hanging out....if you go in there desperate for sex on the first date and hoping for a supermodel, your jimmies might get rustled....

I would do it, if I was in your shoes....could really turn into a great story.
Alright I didn't get to much info but chick has natural hair, high maintenance(drops 6k in the store high maintenance) she doesn't believe in Facebook says ppl should live their lives (so no pic)
I'll post where we going to meet up at later....
Alright I didn't get to much info but chick has natural hair, high maintenance(drops 6k in the store high maintenance) she doesn't believe in Facebook says ppl should live their lives (so no pic)
I'll post where we going to meet up at later....

I like this chick already.

10 to 1 she's a biggin doe.
high maintenance? ehhh, those yambs are still perishable.

i just hope she doesnt try to peel your face off and wear it. had that happen before...not cool.
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