Carmine 6s Scam Or Not????

Apr 23, 2012
So Im on Craigslist right now and this guy posted a pair of DS Carmine 6s in my size for $150................ Says they just dont fit him! Ok wait a minute.........Carmine 6s......$150???????????? Im dying over here right now, there is just no way this is true. Nobody is that dumb or clueless. So he has some pics up and they look authentic but 1. Doesnt have original box (always a big RED flag with me) but not always a deal breaker 2. Cant send more pics because says his phone cant send at the moment (RED FLAG) 3. Asked him to meet me at my work to check out the authenticity of the shoes and of course he cant meet me but asked me to come meet somewhere close to his house....... So Im thinking there is just no way these are real.....BUT IF THEY ARE....Wow, by far would be the BIGGEST COME UP in sneakerhead history lol! Sounds like a setup to me let me know what yall think?
welcome to NT.

wrong forum.

next time post in the legit check.

where are the pictures? you expect us to be able to visualize the shoe??

i bought them for $150 month or so after release date. its possible. check them first.
Originally Posted by imthagentleman

So Im on Craigslist right now and this guy posted a pair of DS Carmine 6s in my size for $150................ Says they just dont fit him! Ok wait a minute.........Carmine 6s......$150???????????? Im dying over here right now, there is just no way this is true. Nobody is that dumb or clueless. So he has some pics up and they look authentic but 1. Doesnt have original box (always a big RED flag with me) but not always a deal breaker 2. Cant send more pics because says his phone cant send at the moment (RED FLAG) 3. Asked him to meet me at my work to check out the authenticity of the shoes and of course he cant meet me but asked me to come meet somewhere close to his house....... So Im thinking there is just no way these are real.....BUT IF THEY ARE....Wow, by far would be the BIGGEST COME UP in sneakerhead history lol! Sounds like a setup to me let me know what yall think?

All of these point to a scam bro.
Just stay away from this clown. Usually not having the OG box is not a red flag..just means the guy doesn't have the box (obviously). What is a red flag, is the fact that the guy has a cell phone and "claims" he cannot send additional pics...

Also the guy does not want to meet you on your apparently this guy doesn't need your business all that bad. Dude's either a stick up kid or just a lousy businessman altogether. Either way, avoid at all costs.
sound fishy. i would stay away. price is too good and it dont feel right. better to be safe and not give this a go.
Like you said "Some people are dumb and clueless"

A clown on here wanted me to sell him a DS for 175 and got into a tiff with me

If there real take it
Sometimes people need cashIf you meet up do it in a open area
Sounds like a scam. If i had those sneakers in my possession i would sell it for more than 150. Or use it as trade bait, 150.00 is a steal. Just use you're best judgement. Keep us posted
Sounds fake. He doesn't want to come to your area because he knows once you notice they're fake, you won't buy.
UPDATE!!! So of course now he has taken the listing down from CL. I texted him and asked if he could meet me at my store to check out today and he said "mabye" and yes thats how he texted it. Plus another thing that I think is funny about this situation and alot of other people that sell fakes, this guy says the Carmine 6s are DEADSTOCK but he threw away the you took the shoes out the box, threw the box away and never wore the Most people that sell shoes without the box is because they are worn and Im cool with that. What yall think?
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Is that you in your avy OP? You sure are posting like a wildman (FutureD status), you must be new because I would remember somebody posting like this


Its funny, because its true!

Sorry though.

Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Is that you in your avy OP? You sure are posting like a wildman (FutureD status), you must be new because I would remember somebody posting like this

what is OP? And posting like what?
You could've just met him in like a McDonalds or something close to him. Any crowded public place would do. All signs point towards a scam though.
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