Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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An interesting story about John T. Williams, a 50-year-old seventh generation Nitinaht wood carver of the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations. He was murdered by a cop for crossing the street with a folding knife he used to carve & a piece of cedar. The cop murdered him in 4.7 seconds... Keep in mind Williams was deaf in the ear facing the cop... If you get a chance, listen to the audio feature on the NPR link. It was on this morning's broadcast.

Look how these thug animals descend on this poor man & murder him. We've let white supremacists infiltrate our government & police... Enough is enough....

Look at the gov of Maine... :smh:
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This guy is a real piece of work. Spewing straight up racist bs, enormous amounts of ignorance and somehow got elected twice.
White folks need to be made uncomfortable by these protests. How else are they gonna learn something?

And if a white person gets offended by this protest, those are the kind of white people that are part of the problem the protest is all about.

Protest doesn't exist to make everyone comfortable. The "you should protest differently, make people less uncomfortable"rhetoric for a peaceful protest is no more than coded language for "I don't want to hear your protest, **** off."

Coincidentally those people seem to never be able to come up with a better alternative, or any alternative at all.
It blows my mind that people really think that it makes sense to tell someone to PROTEST in a LESS DISRUPTIVE fashion. That ******* sentence doesn't even make sense.

The only conclusion I can come to when someone has the audacity to say that to me is either they don't fully understand protest and how it works, or they just flat out think I'm an idiot who would accept that without pointing out all the holes there are in that argument. It's like, some of the things some people say we both know is ridiculous. Why not just deal with the situation honestly, instead of reaching for something that anyone with a halfway competent brain would instantly see through as a last ditch effort to shoo away other people's problems.

It really is just "I don't want to hear your protest, **** off."

I just wish people were honest about it. Those people who try to package their ignorance and biases as something else are real pieces of **** if they're doing it consciously.
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"Protest in a way that doesn't offend anyone, it's more acceptable."

Rather than, "I don't want to see it at all."

I could see this being the initial thought, but I figured one would then ponder what a protest that offends NO ONE even means.

You're just standing around holding a picket sign with one of those generic positive social messages you could grab off of Twitter at that point.

If you want change, then you're disrupting the current norm, and SOMEONE is bound to be offended by you trying to shake their world up.
Shouldn't come as a surprise. White supremacy is illogical itself. All this patriotism bs is just white racism cloaked for the day & age that we're in. The mere thought of any person of color pledging allegiance to the same country that values the lives of animals more than us is laughable in itself. Whites especially the American kind are the most deluded people on the planet.
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White racists have problems with athletes protesting peacefully by kneeling for the anthem, calling it disrespect towards the country and freedom, when this damn country's freedom was sparked by white people burning British ships, murdering British officers, and generally acting like terrorists :lol: :smh:
Here's the way I see it. Police are very different from civilians. They took an oath to protect & serve. The serve part is paramount. A lot of people are saying not all cops are bad but if you're not rooting out this problem, then you're part of the problem. Po po is duty bound by their oath & if your not putting these white supremacists on blast, you're condoning their activity because it's clear as day these are modern day lynchings of not just men but woman & children to.
White racists have problems with athletes protesting peacefully by kneeling for the anthem, calling it disrespect towards the country and freedom, when this damn country's freedom was sparked by white people burning British ships, murdering British officers, and generally acting like terrorists :lol: :smh:
They really think we're idiots when they try to pass that off as a valid argument.
why do ppl (like stephen a) always bring up "black on black violence" but never point out the socioeconomic factors?

ti pointed it out too
why do ppl (like stephen a) always bring up "black on black violence" but never point out the socioeconomic factors?

ti pointed it out too
What do you mean? What socioeconomic factors lead to black on black violence? Genuine question here and trying to hear this point
They really think we're idiots when they try to pass that off as a valid argument.
What about when white people went to war with each other in this country to end slavery??? Was that racist too???
Not sure what that has to do with my statement.

There are racist white people, and there are good white people.

What exactly are you getting at by asking that question facetiously?
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they didnt go to war specifically to end slavery

they went to war because the south didnt want to give up slavery

the north didnt care about slavery either only keeping the nation united

if slaves werent revolting and making all white people scared we might still be in chains
Not sure what that has to do with my statement.

There are racist white people, and there are good white people.

What exactly are you getting at by asking that question facetiously?
The both of you were generalizing an entire race. Just because someone disagrees with the way he protested does not make them racist.

And lets take a look at the context here...America is the greatest country on earth and maybe ever. I think we are all very fortunate to be living here and we are afforded all the freedoms which many of us take for granted and millions of people desire and risk their lives for.
Lincoln replied in an open letter to Greeley. In the letter, Lincoln emphasized his primary goal: “I would save the Union. … If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it. … What I do about Slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save this Union.” In this masterful message, Lincoln reaffirmed his support for abolition without apologizing for the pace of change, while also subtly preparing pro-slavery Union loyalists for the announcement to come.
So yeah, even when they try to tell you Lincoln did something out of the kindness of his heart for black people they're lying.
Not sure what that has to do with my statement.

There are racist white people, and there are good white people.

What exactly are you getting at by asking that question facetiously?
The both of you were generalizing an entire race. Just because someone disagrees with the way he protested does not make them racist.

And lets take a look at the context here...America is the greatest country on earth and maybe ever. I think we are all very fortunate to be living here and we are afforded all the freedoms which many of us take for granted and millions of people desire and risk their lives for.
Show me where all whites were generalized.
And lets take a look at the context here...America is the greatest country on earth and maybe ever. I think we are all very fortunate to be living here and we are afforded all the freedoms which many of us take for granted and millions of people desire and risk their lives for.
Oh, you're one of those. Thank you for making sure no one on this site (other than Ricoxhood and Ninjahood) will ever take you seriously :lol:
they didnt go to war specifically to end slavery

they went to war because the south didnt want to give up slavery

the north didnt care about slavery either only keeping the nation united

if slaves werent revolting and making all white people scared we might still be in chains
Yes they did....the war was to emancipate slavery 
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