
Im not a nutritionist, but i say try getting in plenty of dairy (milk, yogurt etc) glass of milk in the morning and in the night. I pefer choclate milk. some meat like steak fish chicken eat reguarly. Again im now a nutritionist, im sure if you google your problem you will get some better results for what you need to do.
I'm generally under the influence of marijuana for most of the day.  The only time I'm not is when I'm at work.

I've smashed a few girls off of OKC and POF that I'm not particularly proud of.  Alcohol+boner=bad decisions.

I've sold myself short in life, but I don't regret it at all.

I get diarrhea/IBS when I'm nervous.  It causes my butthole to leak throughout the day and I can never get it fully clean, no matter how often I wipe.  If I see that my underwear is soiled, I'll take it off, use it to wipe myself, and throw it in the hamper with no dambs given. 

I'm becoming more and more reclusive the older I get.  I still love my friends and love spending time with them, but I'm at the point where I can go without seeing them for a few months and I'll be okay with it.  I'd feel worse if I wasn't so busy between work and school.

Given the choice between urinating in a toilet and urinating outside, I'll choose outside 9 times out of 10.
I'm generally under the influence of marijuana for most of the day.  The only time I'm not is when I'm at work.

I see nothing wrong with this. :pimp: ...

I get diarrhea/IBS when I'm nervous.  It causes my butthole to leak throughout the day and I can never get it fully clean, no matter how often I wipe.  If I see that my underwear is soiled, I'll take it off, use it to wipe myself, and throw it in the hamper with no dambs given. 

...But this? You should get that checked out, man. Or at least cop some of these:

I'm generally under the influence of marijuana for most of the day.  The only time I'm not is when I'm at work.

Same here.. Im high at work most days doe..
Nobody seems to notice. I know I need to chill on it but it makes work go by faster.. 8hr shifts be feeling like 2 hrs..
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^^ I feel you Im about to go to school for Radiation Therapy in the spring so I probably need to get my smoking in check now.. I can't be high helping patients..
Today was one of the better birthdays in recent memory.

I didn't get laid today, but I'm okay with that. :lol:

Turning 25 makes me feel scared, excited, and a whole bunch of other feels I can't describe.

Most of all I feel motivated. Really want to make this year count.

I need to be more honest with females. Like I'm already upfront with them and I let them know I don't want relationships. But somehow the relationship vibe still finds its way into play and I feel it's my fault because I allow it instead of nipping it in the bud early.

Usually on my birthday, the day itself seems to fly by, but today has been pretty slow. I enjoyed it. :nthat:
That's just it. I didn't really do much.

My job gave me the day off (paid).

I woke up around 10.

Got bombarded with birthday wishes.

Saw I had a thread on NT :nthat:

Gave my puppy a shower.

Took a ride on my motorcycle to go get myself some ice cream (I'd been craving it for days).

Ended up taking the long way home to enjoy the sun shine and nice weather before winter hits and I have to put my bike in storage.

Relaxed and watched a couple episodes of modern family :lol:

At dinner with my family right now.

Heading down town to hit a hookah joint after this.

Life is good. :pimp:
once or twice a week i go to the strip club for happy hour instead of a regular bar. $4 drinks, free buffet, and naked women.

i dated this one girl only because she was my sugar mama. all my friends hated her but i didnt care because at the time i was unemployed and she was taking me on trips and gave me a credit card.
-I am also almost always under the influence of marijauna. I haven't smoked yet today and I just feel :x

-I've told myself so many times I'm going to quit. I was at about a week, and had so much trouble sleeping I just went back to smoking. I should only smoke before bed, but I smoke whenever I can :smh:

-I secretly feel like everyone is out to get me, it's a feeling I can't shake.

-The girl I'm with right now is by far the most attractive girl I've been in a relationship with, she models too, and at times it makes me uncomfortable, and I secretly hate it. But for the moment I'm just going along with it, everything else is good, but yeah, it really bothers me. My past relationships gave me ridiculous trust issues... SUCKS.

-Sometimes I feel like music is the only thing in this world that really truly makes me happy.

-Speaking of which, people with bad music taste annoy me. I got in an argument with the girl last night in the car because I didn't want to listen to the "horrible trash" they play on the radio :rofl:

-I hate almost everyone who goes to my gym.
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Man quitting smoking is so hard. Longest I quit for since 2007 was almost a month smh. I usually smoke a couple a day. I been cutting that down to a couple blunts a week. Very expensive habit.
Man quitting smoking is so hard. Longest I quit for since 2007 was almost a month smh. I usually smoke a couple a day. I been cutting that down to a couple blunts a week. Very expensive habit.

I don't even want to think about how much money I've spent on :smokin

I've told myself I'm going to quit just for the money aspect. But I always have a friend who will text me the day I run out and ask if I want anything... and I always cave.

I just need to make myself quit. I'm telling myself when what I have right now is gone, I'm done....we will see how that goes :lol:
Same her crag. Ain't smoke today tho lol. I want too but too lazy to drive and go get it smh.
^^ Damn fam.. The majority of the people I kno thatz married are either miserable or they're cheating..
My hope is dwindling with every story lol
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It ain't easy man. One girl for the rest of your life. Got damn. When its good its great. When its bad.......fml
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