Craziest thing you've seen on a subway train?

Just seen some chick going to sit down, the train moved and she slipped and stepped all over some dudes og nmds. Them ***** were cooked!!!
homeless guy got on the either Fort Totten or Petworth, started pissing in the corner...smelled so bad, had to move to the next car...
Just the usual performers who are actually pretty good, doing all types of singing, playing instruments, and the occasional fights.
Wasn't on the actual train but I was recently @ some subway station checking out graffiti and this homeless dude pulled his pants down and pooped in a Subway cup.

Dude just pulled his pants up and walked off w/ the cup still in his hand, :lol:
glad i didn't encounter any of these kind of crazy stories when i went to NY.

bout year and half ago this **** had me dying laughing

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