Crazy stories from your job.

Big difference between Guyanese Indians and actual Indians from India though bro.
Guyanese families are waayyyyy more laid back when it comes to their daughters dating
Indian families definitely not. They super strict.

cant speak on box since I haven’t had either though lmao
True but in terms of the box it's still attached to an east indian (racially)...

At least that's what I was trying to say lol. But yeah it was cool. She was cool so I'm not gonna put it all out there like that.
I've beaten all 5 sexual harassment charges against me at work this year but unfortunately the 6th case allegedly has video evidence. =( I definitely have to retrain the staff this year.
I've beaten all 5 sexual harassment charges against me at work this year but unfortunately the 6th case allegedly has video evidence. =( I definitely have to retrain the staff this year.

***** retrain YOUR staff. :lol: ***** a 5x champion like booker T.

I've beaten all 5 sexual harassment charges against me at work this year but unfortunately the 6th case allegedly has video evidence. =( I definitely have to retrain the staff this year.



-This dude was in love with a co-worker. She only wanted to be friends. Cool, so they would hang out and chill. Still, he was persistent and still she would turn him down. So one day he goes to her house and they're chilling and playing video games. He ask her out again, she says no. He pulls out a gun shots her dead and kills himself.

-There was a corporate visit and one of the execs left his credit card on the counter after paying something. The cashier took the card and charged up a bunch of activities. I'm taking clothes, limo trips (this was when limos still had clout) etc. When they found out it was her and arrested her, as she was being cuffed, she pretended to faint.

-There was a store manager that would shame employees who stole. There was this one dude who wore BAGGY sweats all the time and what he would do is he would go to the clothing stockroom, take off his pants and put on the shorts or pants he wanted and then cover them up with his baggy sweats. He didn't realize that they were building a case against him. Niketown has hidden cameras. There are hidden cameras that Loss Prevention doesn't even know about because that feed goes straight to corporate. One night he gets caught. The store manager calls a closing meeting. During the meeting, dude that got caught is marched out the store in handcuffs in front of everyone.

-Another girl got caught stealing. After they interrogated her (on the fifth floor, next to the emergency exit was an interrogation/holding room), they cuffed and left her in front of the store. It was during closing and my friend came out and saw her and went in for a goodbye hug, she back up and slightly turned to show the cuffs. He bounced quick like "not gonna get caught up in that."

-When the CB 94 Barkley's were retro'd, we only got a handful in stock. Apparently this guy called in and ask for one to be put on hold. Dude comes in and goes to customer service on 3 (third floor) to get his shoes. They didn't have them. It was raining that day, dude turned his umbrella into a javelin and launched it at one of the managers. It left a huge hole in the wall. Dude got arrested and the manager took an impromptu vacation.

-One of the managers got put on an indefinite final because she got caught performing oral sex on a higher up in a different Niketown. They moved her to NYC. Someone on the cleaning staff walked in on her and another manager in the NYC store. There were offices above the store. She didn't see them in the act, but she said that they were very tense and short of breath looking suspicious.

Apple Store:

-So the rule with any establishment that deals with photos is if you see photos containing violence, pedophilia or cruelty to animals, you have to report it. So this dude brought in his laptop for repair. After we repaired it, we ran a scan to make sure his data was intact. I forgot how, but his iPhoto library opened up and he had child pornography. Local enforcement was informed and it was escalated to the FBI. They had us have him schedule a pick up for his computer. On the day of, there were undercover FBI agents at the Genius Bar. Once he signed off that it was his computer, they snatched him up.

-There was a genius where whenever he repaired the computer or iPod of a woman who he found attractive, he would enter in his phone number in her contacts. Fired.

-Whether your computer was repaired or not, you have 30 days to pick it up or it was considered abandoned. A lead genius would sell the abandon computers on Craigslist. He would set it up the procedure as a repair pick up for his customer. One dude who he sold it to, got hip to it and extorted him. Dude got scared and confessed to management. Fired.

-One dude had a genius (no pun) plan, but got greedy. Some of you who are familiar with the Apple Store POS (point of sale), they now use iPod touches to complete the sales. This dude would pretend to scan your computer, pretend to swipe your card and have you pretend to sign and give you the computer. I forgot how he got caught, but... fired.

-One dude was a Concierge at the Genius Bar. Those are the people who approach you with iPad and check you in for your appointment. So one day this woman came in that he was feeling. At 2am he friends her on Facebook and messages her confessing how he felt and how he felt there was a connection. She had a Facebook profile setup where you could only find her via email, which is what she use to set up her appointment. She email the message to Steve Jobs. He reached out to the VP of retail and the email (I saw the chain) simply said "This is creepy, fire him!"

-When the West 14th street store first opened up, there was no public restroom. So on the third floor there was a door that led to the corporate side, which is where a customer would use the bathroom. There was a guard on duty at that door all day. Apparently the mens room became a Craigslist hook up spot. Two guys go in, the guard was like, they've been in there for a minute. He goes in and hear's them moaning and was like "GET OUT." One of them left and with so much shade said "You just mad because you wasn't gettin any!"

BRB with more stories. Pardon any grammatical errors.
When I was the pizza man I got robbed, and another time I got sucked off plus like a $12 tip. I felt like a prostitute, and honestly I don’t care for either situations.
I had something similar happen to me.

Went to do a couple deliveries, got to the first one and I’m calling/ringing the bell but she’s not answering so I leave a voicemail saying that I have other orders to do but just call me and I’ll come back to her house. A few min later she calls me like “omg I was in the backyard I’m so sorry, come back I’ll have a nice tip for you.” at that point all I think is I’m about to get a few bucks $$. I go back and she answers the door wearing an unzipped hoodie with her ******* hanging out. I was looking straight ahead trying not to stare but she’s like come inside for your tip. She wasnt the best looking so I was like thanks but I’m alright. I got back to my car and instantly I’m like wtf am I doing, this doesn’t happen in real life, and if it does, it definitely doesn’t happen to me!! So I called her back and she’s like just let me finish eating and then come back. So I go and we get right to it but I only ended up sucking on some ******* and fingering her. I was kinda shook too tbh, I was waiting for someone to hop out the closet, or see myself on xvideos or something :lol:

I was supposed to go back that first night after work but she cancelled so I thought I missed my chance. But the next day at work she texted me like “hey are you available to **** me” .. had to go on break :lol:.

Met up with her a few times but then she stopped answering. She was like 51 I think and had a pretty much a buzz cut, and kept mentioning in a few weeks she was having surgery so I always thought she had cancer or some **** and was just wilding out for her last few weeks but who knows

I drive by that house frequently and I’ll never forget :pimp: :pimp:
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Jesus christ at them Niketown stories. I'm impressed they're was only one instance of crazy **** involving sneaker a release
apple was crazy but dope.
that's all i'll say about that.

i'd work for them again...I don't think I've had a more fun time working but I couldn't do retail because of the pay. but anybody considering retail (or apple in general); go for it.
I have to be vague but...
I had a customer come up to me to make a purchase and she ended up hitting on me and all that then looked me up on facebook.
she said she was gfe…………………...
I got this bad *** Indian girl been with her for years and this is so true I have almost no relation with her parents because they are traditional af. The p is alright they don’t be doing much in bed but the head is a1.

What are you famb if you don't mind sharing

Pics of said chick?

Apple (con't)

-The Genius Bar had some interesting people. You had men who were deep in the closet. My favorite was the guy who would have a DVD stuck in the Optical Drive. Throughout the interaction he has to remind over 40 times "It's my roommate's disc." LOL. It's such a show, and when you remove the disc, it's male on male porn.

-A woman dropped off her iMac for repair. Her password was (short for Richard)lips. She had sooooooo many home movies. I didn't get to see because the Genius Room snitch was on the clock.

-There's a team nicknamed "Installs." If you buy a new computer and you want to transfer data or install RAM (older times) Installs would handle that for you. Whenever you would transfer photos from the old computer's iPhoto, to the new computer's iPhoto, it would act like a slideshow during verification. I remember this one computer it must've belong to either an adult film producer or a person living their BEST life. The pictures all took place on some paradise looking beach, it was two dudes running a train on a woman. OH MAN. It was graphic as hell. I'm talking about clear close up shots of the male receipts and that woman was BAD! Another time one of our co-worker's had data transfer done on her computer. Homemade pictures. Her with different dudes. A train being ran on her. WOW!

-Genii's tend to spend their free time getting wasted and high. Many days my co-workers would come into work the next day: lost iPhone, lost glasses, bruises from fights etc. So at a Genius after work outing, this dude got so drunk and started texting another Genius professing his love for her. Mind you, dude has a wife and baby at home. The wife sees it and kicks him out. He's crashing a co-worker's couch for a while during his wife's cool down. She takes him back. He get's a tattoo of the date on his hand "To remember that day and to look at it to avoid making that mistake again." YO....... remember that co-worker who's couch he crashed? Well while crashing her couch he slept with her and knocked her up. Once she let him know she was preggers, homeboy took his wife and kids and skipped town. Killed his Facebook account, didn't give a two week notice. He was literally ghost. GONE.

If I can remember some more Apple stories, I'll post them.

Back to Niketown:

-A Loss Prevention employee got fired for theft. He would close the store, wait a bit, come back, re-open the store and go on a free shopping spree.

-A Loss Prevention employee got killed for fooling around with some dude's girlfriend. Not another employee's girlfriend, someone outside of work. It was like you saw him on Friday, then on Monday, gone.

Tomorrow I'll tell you my IT corporate stories.
apple was crazy but dope.
that's all i'll say about that.

i'd work for them again...I don't think I've had a more fun time working but I couldn't do retail because of the pay. but anybody considering retail (or apple in general); go for it.

If you're a glutton for White privilege, like seriously, if you enjoy dealing with self entitled White customers who get what they want because manager's cave to them, work at an Apple Store. If you reallllllllllly love it, work at the Genius Bar.
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Yo apple sounds like a got damn **** show

:lol: stories are appreciated though
I’ve seen some wild **** working the emergency room, enough to disensitize myself, often times I look at people dying and don’t feel **** inside.
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