Dealing with depression

Just found out my ex who broke up with me a few months ago has a new boyfriend. Feels bad man
Every 6 minutes a child in Africa starves to death and y'all complaining about girls. Smh
Knowing people who have been depressed... I'd say the best way is to get out and just do stuff.... play a sport... exercise.... go relax at a park
The only person who can really help you is YOU! Friends are cool to have around but lets be honest how many of us can really talk about our problems to them and have them really understand????
My last depression saved my life. I found Islam and Allah has brought me to happiness.

So I say this to say that you should pray and keep your mind on finding why you're in that state of mind. Then ask and seek for a resolution.
Do something that will help take your mind off it; read, workout, cook, etc.
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