Do you ever feel Nothing goes right?

Originally Posted by Be Easy

Yeah it sucks when you know you do the right things and you can't catch a break. Got you feeling like what else do you want from me? What else could I have done? What could I have done differently? I just try and always stay prepared and be ready for anything because you never really know what will happen. Things constantly change, for better or worse. Keep it moving and don't look behind too much. 

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

I know this cool story isn't an example of what you meant, but one time I was being extra clumsy all day (dropping/spilling stuff, etc), so, I was already in a bad mood, and I was hungry as, to the point where you're shaking. Cooked a dat dere chicken breast and was ready to devour it after waiting 40 minutes for it to cook. Took it out of the oven, put it on my plate, and as I was cutting it, I somehow moved the plate too close to the edge of the counter and as I got close to finishing cutting, the %%+++!$ plate flipped over and all the pieces of chicken went flying. Words can't even describe how I felt. Chicken isn't the type of food I'll eat off the floor fresh out of the oven, since it's then considered a semi-wet food from all the, I couldn't believe had just happened. I had to actually walk out the kitchen, leaving the chicken on the floor, to get myself together. I seriously almost cried (srs). Then, out of anger, I picked the pieces of chicken up one by one and beamed them in the trash can as hard as I could (lololol). I don't even remember what I ended up eating, but I'm not even gonna try to think about it, as it's a day I'd like to leave in the past.

If you actual read all this, then thank you...seriously.

happened last night when I came from the gym

So i slamed the damn door to the conventional oven and the glass broke

just went to sleep with the food on the floor and the broken oven
I used to think that nothing ever goes right, then i realized that I got it way better than a lot of people. You gotta think about what you have rather than what u dont have. In life, things are gonna go wrong sometimes and there isnt anything you can do about it. You just gotta move forward. I know it sounds easier than it is, but it helped me.
I hit rock bottom on Friday night. My life seems completely different now...I had a good thing going and now I feel like I have nothing. 
This weekend was so bad it's not even funny. Wasted a damn year of my life for nothing... whatever. This week is going to be more fun though.
know that feel man

what i do is jog at night, and just reflect on what im doing and how i can improve. After im done, i just feel like a weight is lifted, its like therapy. Been doing it for months, im in shape, but you dont have to be to jog.
Originally Posted by NjCollector

what i do is jog at night, and just reflect on what im doing and how i can improve. After im done, i just feel like a weight is lifted, its like therapy. Been doing it for months, im in shape, but you dont have to be to jog.

Yeah that's a good way to take your mind off things.

I also like to shoot around, late at night in an empty gym... I haven't done that for a long time though, I need to get back to it
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Yea it feels like I take one step forward two steps back, I work hard and try to do the right thing but I just cant seem to get ahead
Man I feel the same. 
  Feel like I am stuck in a rut right now and can't get out of it.  Hopefully things turn around soon, should be getting into nursing school this year so that will be a huge step towards righting this ship
  I can't even complain about to much, I think living in the town I do is really getting to me though.  Most of my friends are spread out and I hardly ever see most of them now days, and I haven't really made much of an effort to make many friends where I live now or keep in touch with people.  Starting to run again lately has been pretty therapeutic, plus I need to get back in shape.
Man I feel y'all. It's hard to get ahead and stay positive when you've been positive for so long and nothing happens. It's like what I hate 2011.
I feel that way at times too i hate it i wish i just knew how to shake it all and just get through that goal line i dunno man i dont wanna say some people just have it much easier because my life is great but in some categories people dont even gotta do anything but somehow it works out for them. What do yall be gettin down on in particular?
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Yes..but I know that my mind is playing tricks on me..
Sometimes I think this way as well. 

Just got done reading a book entilted Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. Mind=Blown. Would recommend it to anyone.

One of those books that makes you think about your life. A few quotes that stood out with me was ...

"Seeking means: having a goal. But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal. One may truly be a seeker, for, in striving toward your goal, you fail to see certain things that are right under your nose."   

"In deep meditation it is possible to eliminate time, to see all past, all developing life coexisitng, and everything is good, everything is perfect."

"In my body and in my soul I realized that I gently needed sin, I needed lust, vanity, the striving for goods, and I needed the most shameful despair to learn how to give up resistance, to learn how to love the world, to stop comparing the world with any world that I wish for, that I imagine, with any perfection that I think up; I learned how to let the world be as it is, and to love it and belong to it gladly."
Deep and therapeutic. Thank you.
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