Dog Breeders, Pet Lovers, Pug Owners...School me on Pugs!

thanks guys! this has been more help for me than looking elsewhere on the internet.

btw, all of your Pugs/Puggles are so freakin' cute! and from all of your responses, a Pug seems right for me.

please, if anyone else wants to share, please do so. d=]
My cousin has a pug which I helped raise and he is an awsome dog. Great temperment, great with kids, not an aggressive bone in his body. Very lazy, and not a dog that you should run with. You are gonna have to clean his nose wrinke at least every couple of days, and keep his ears clean as well. Also, it's best to keep him out of extreme heat cause they have a difficult time regulating hot temperatures becasue of they're flat face. They also snore a lot. I suggest you do more research before buying one.

QFT. This is all spot on.
They shed a TON, are psycho for the first few years and are prone to many many health problems, including breathing problems, allergies and skin conditions. They're great dogs though, so many people have them in my neighborhood. Get a black one and name it Nibbler

This right here.
I have two fawn colored pugs, 13 and 11 now. The male hasn't had any of the typical pug issues other than breathing issues from time to time. The female(11) on the other hand has serious breathing issues, hip dysplasia, luxating patella, and arthritis. Just be prepared for the vet costs. We have the 11 year old on pain meds, but they aren't as effective as they had been, so pretty soon we will need to make the decision to put her down.

Editing since I just saw the post about snoring, also spot on, both of them sound like chainsaws when the sleep.
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I have a black pug who is 3.5 years old, Barkley. Very good companion dogs who will always want to have your company, follow you around, and be your best buddy. Very comical dogs and they have a great personality because they're so curious. He had skin problems when he was a baby, but out grew them. The vet bill was expensive for that early on, but now he just gets regular vet visits. Unusually my pug is not lazy. He loves to go on walks/runs, which is good because it keeps him from being fat. I've been doing that since he was a puppy, so I guess it trained him not to be the typical lazy pug. Don't get me wrong, he loves to eat, but you just have to watch his diet. Pugs are easy to train, so you won't have any problems there. They get along with humans and other dogs, so that's a big plus. I am totally happy with my pug, and I would highly recommend it!

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