Dragonball Z Appreciation Thread

For Yuyu Hakusho I liked the story line, character development, and fight scenes. The first fifteen or so episodes moved kind of slow, but the Dark Tournament episodes were dope. The Three Kings saga had potential to be goat status, but the directors/producers rushed it. Overall, I still loved the show.

Back on track...you were a real DBZ geek if you googled for power levels. :lol:

Most accurate one right here...
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god damn people are legit writing essay's on if vegeta is that dude or not :rofl:
don't blame them. DBZ is a experience you will never forget
To me DBZ was Gohans show. Somehow it always came back to being about Gohan somehow. Gokus constant presence was just setting it up for Gohan to take over at a point which eventually ends up happening if only for brief moments. If you go back and watch it all again a lot of stuff jumps out at you but mostly the fact that everyone felt the need to take a 6 year old around with them all the time and train him to fight aliens that were out to kill them all? Who would do that? Why was Gohan even involved at all if they were gearing him to take over at a point. I felt this was their original idea but the fans were just so mad at the fact that Goku died and by that point he was such a fan favorite that they had to bring him back to life and remove the spotlight from Gohan.

Vietstar you are repped for the clips that I was just too lazy to post.

Slifer the Sky Dragon:pimp: , after that Arc with Marik Yu-Gi-Oh died for me though.

WHAT????? After I got done with DBZ I watched every episode of YuYu Hakusho that show was amazing I honestly liked it more that I watched it now than I did back then. The 3 Kings saga had some meh writing at times but other than that it was all top notch. How could you not love this show Yusuke Yurameshi was and forever will be that dude. He stepped to Tugoro with the Spirit Cuffs on just to mess with him Yusukes swagger was always over 9000. My one gripe with that show was that it was too short. They could have and should have done more.

I loved it when i was a kid, but it didnt hold up over time and to my adult self. A show like gundam wing is classic to me, but shows like dbz and yuyu while I loved them years ago, when I watch now I see the flaws in the story telling. After reading berserk and watching animes like code geass or Naruto part 1, Dbz and yuyu just arent as well done to me

thats why when I look at my favorite animes, i break it up into toonami days( when I was a kid) and now
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obelisk the tormentor tho
Winged Dragon of Ra was trash though. Too many abilities. It just made it cheap and unfun to watch. Yugi made Dark Magician look like the greatest card to ever grace the game though.
For Yuyu Hakusho I liked the story line, character development, and fight scenes. The first fifteen or so episodes moved kind of slow, but the Dark Tournament episodes were dope. The Three Kings saga had potential to be goat status, but the directors/producers rushed it. Overall, I still loved the show.

Back on track...you were a real DBZ geek if you googled for power levels.

Most accurate one right here...
Scrolled all the way down to the bottom to see if they had Super Buu Gohan absorbed over Kid Buu, left satisfied. I'm a believer of the theory that Super Buu with Gohan Absorbed was stronger than Kid Buu. Goku and Vegeta even said themselves that he got weaker, but people out there still like to argue about it. Kid Buu was kinda wack to me though, he had no motivation, no plan, no nothing. Just doing stuff to do it. I had a lot of issues with the Majin Buu saga after I finished watching it in July that I posted in the Anime and Manga thread that I'm just going to copy and paste here.

The entire Majin Buu saga left a lot of stuff unanswered and quite frankly was upsetting. I just watched it again this month and stuff that didnt register with me back then just came back now and lets me know that they should have definitely kept it going. Off the top of my head I can think of these

-Super Saiyan 3 wasnt mastered by either Goku or Gotenks. Goku said himself that he couldnt handle it as well being alive while being dead, and the key to mastering a Super Saiyan form is control over your emotions and all he did was panic while against kid buu in it and couldnt get his power back when Vegeta gave him that minute. Gotenks seemed like he had it but being in SSJ3 just cut back on his time fused. They could have done more with it.

-Mystic Gohan? Really? The absolute worst direction they could have went... Hes so strong that he doesnt need to turn into a Super Saiyan, but when he started losing the fight to Super Buu why didnt he? No one ever said that he couldnt, just that he didnt need too. 

-Why was Super Buu more powerful than Kid Buu? Going back and catching on to this fact just made it 
. I get the whole he has no regard for human life thing, but it just wasnt enough to sell me on it being that way, they should have made Kid Buu the strongest.

-They could have easily kept DBZ going and built on some more things (more fusions, Vegeta going SSJ3, better utilizations of bad guys. If janemba was in a saga as opposed to the movie it would have been

Seems like I was a bit angry at the time
. It wasnt upsetting, but this stuff should have happend. They needed to close out on a lot of stuff hopefully they do it in this movie or the new series that theyre planning.
I loved it when i was a kid, but it didnt hold up over time and to my adult self. A show like gundam wing is classic to me, but shows like dbz and yuyu while I loved them years ago, when I watch now I see the flaws in the story telling. After reading berserk and watching animes like code geass or Naruto part 1, Dbz and yuyu just arent as well done to me
I try not to do that, cause I know theyre older and are going to have some things that the newer shows knew didnt go over well and would fix but I do see where youre coming from.
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and Repped :pimp: needed this site in my life.

This show sucks. One fight drawn out into four episodes... no actual drama besides assorted villains attempting to take over/destroy the planet. Nothing we haven't seen 1000 times. No character development, jokes that were lost in translation. And of course the last ten minutes of Namek that were stretched into ten episodes. Wow. You could skip three eps and not miss a beat.

C- show at best.


YUGIOH >>>>>>
nah, but
The pokemon experience ( pokemon blue, trading cards, 1st season of show) >> the DBZ experience( action figures, tv show) I loved both tho

anyway,back on topic. Anybody remember the toys. I remember kmart, toys r us, KB, and for some reason CVS used to sell them. Gold hair and yellow hair. and Im talking about the ones whos arms could only move, not the newer ones
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Man, i loved when goku was battling buu i would wait evey week for the new episode. . . it would take like 10 episodes to finish a battle LOL
shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii............ since went talking about yu-gi-oh...

I love that show, but it got lame when they changed up..

Oh, and I was heavy with the trading cards. I even had an Exodious piece, until my homey stole it

Yu-Gi-Oh >>>>>>>> Pokemon
Im rewatching DBZ from the first ep, and Gohan always been a ***** from the jump... crying for his daddy and ****.
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I dont know why but I find this Dragonball Z Kai stuff a cop out to get the younger kids to watch
shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii............ since went talking about yu-gi-oh...

I love that show, but it got lame when they changed up..

Oh, and I was heavy with the trading cards. I even had an Exodious piece, until my homey stole it:smh:

Yu-Gi-Oh >>>>>>>> Pokemon

Im rewatching DBZ from the first ep, and Gohan always been a ***** from the jump... crying for his daddy and ****.:smh:

he was 5. I mean, Goku didnt really start training ( he did with his grandpa but it wasnt roshi level training) and fighting till he was 13
^ technically vegeta did beat goku the first time on earth. It was pretty much the combo of gohan going ape and krillin throwing the spirit bomb that defeated him

Also I just always wonder how DBZ wouldve turned out if Goku wouldve stayed dead after the cell games

edit: when you think abotu it, even though Goku was the main character, he kinda wasnt.

- He was training with King kai, meanwhile on earth picolo and gohan got screen time, then come the saiyans, fight etc then goku comes.
- Gohan and krillin go to namek, tons of screentime for those 2 and vegeta.
-Goku gets to namek, has a few fights, then is incapacitated. This gives vegeta, gohan, krillin, piccolo, and frieza screen time
- After namek we get fillers with no goku. Then goku goes down in the firs fight vs the androids.
- He comes back, and cant beat cell, then its the gohan show

so where as DB was all about goku, DBZ is heavily about gohan aswell as goku
This is true but in the original run it's just DB, the Z was added on for us Americans.

I'm pretty sure somewhere Toriyama said the 1st part was about Goku's journey and the 2nd part was suppose to be about his son succeeding him (but due to his editors it didn't work out that way and that's why the show kept extending, his editors are the reasons for a lot of things that changed as well as fan pressure).
I love this anime to this day I even have the official whole series they released throughout the years, yeah it was drawn out and had its plotholes BUT it is the greatest anime ever and is unmatched

oh and future Trunks and Gotenks were my favorite
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I wish I could lock threads.........

so I could say........


ONEPIECE accounts for 30% of total manga sales in 2011.

The American version is the second most censored anime ever, that's why people think it's wack, half the stuff is cut out.

I love this to this day I even have the official whole series they released throughout the years, yeah it was drawn out and had its plotholes BUT it is the greatest anime ever and is unmatched
oh and future Trunks and Gotenks were my favorite

all I can say to that is broaden the type of anime that you watch and watch alot more. Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood > DBZ

also to the other guy, OP isnt touching Berserk anytime soon. In the story or art department
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@ ROBPZEE612^ No argument there BUT, I do not follow the belief that because something influenced many others or was the first it is the best.
All it had was the benefit of time(in terms of being the first).

Even HunterXHunter is better than DBZ.

Edit: blakep267, One Piece fans cast you out, change you avy within 24 hours.
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@ ROBPZEE612^ No argument there BUT, I do not follow the belief that because something influenced many others or was the first it is the best.
All it had was the benefit of time(in terms of being the first).
Even HunterXHunter is better than DBZ.
Edit: blakep267, One Piece fans cast you out, change you avy within 24 hours.

yea, I def think DBZ is one of he most influential anime/manga to mangaka and to US audiences. But best, nah.

and yea, Im not the biggest OP fan, I just thought the gif was hilarious
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Who rocks with Golgo 13 though?

Think anti-007, without the gadgets but way sicker gun skills.
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