
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

People in here acting like Drake stayed the same and now that he's blown up ppl hate him.


Drakes style changed COMPLETELY though. All people are saying is that his old style was better.

Depends on the people you talk to. NT or his entire listening fanbase? I don't mind dude at all, and he can spit - plus he has the flow nailed down pat. My issue is that he'll oversaturate the airwaves with a billion features a la Wayne that make people go *yawn*.
He's still a talented artist but he's straying away from rapping

and when he does rap, it's that half rap, half sing style where it's the same flow every time and the only thing that changes is the words

it almost makes you not wanna admit you're a fan of drake's music (for a male) because he tailors so much of his music for his female audience

i can only think of 2 instances where he actually rapped recently and neither were on the album...

that dallas joint and that astin martin music verse
He's still a talented artist but he's straying away from rapping

and when he does rap, it's that half rap, half sing style where it's the same flow every time and the only thing that changes is the words

it almost makes you not wanna admit you're a fan of drake's music (for a male) because he tailors so much of his music for his female audience

i can only think of 2 instances where he actually rapped recently and neither were on the album...

that dallas joint and that astin martin music verse
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