Dumb things you thought as a kid?

I thought dum dums could grow out of the ground. It was really just my dad trolling me.
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use to think u could put two engines in a car.

use to think that monsters were real
I thought potato bugs really came from potatos.
I thought it really was the shoes that made you jump high.
For awhile (age 3-6) I guess I thought ALL meat was chicken.
i thought that if i made enough money i could become batman. like i would build my own stuff. i liked batman because he wasnt a mutant, he was just an angry dude with hella gadgets.

i also thought that zebras/cows/horses etc gave birth thru their anuses. i didnt know zebras had vaginas and when i would see national geographic shows i thought it would come out of their ***.

i thought certain shoes could make you run fast. and i would get into arguments with my friends like "yo get these shoes they gona make u run faster. i got them last week and that kid couldnt catch me during freeze tag"

i used to think Karen Villalobos from my 2nd grade class didnt poo or pee or sleep. i thought she was like a robot. 
I used to be paranoid about drinking a lot of water at once because I thought it would all go to my balls.
Haha funny thread, i remember as a kid i was scared ******** of Chucky. We had a little chucky doll that my older brother would put next to me while i slept as a joke. I used to think if i peed in my sleep he would wake up and stab me lmao :lol:
Haha funny thread, i remember as a kid i was scared ******** of Chucky. We had a little chucky doll that my older brother would put next to me while i slept as a joke. I used to think if i peed in my sleep he would wake up and stab me lmao :lol:

That damn good guy doll made me lose countless hours of sleep SMh :smh:
Haha funny thread, i remember as a kid i was scared ******** of Chucky. We had a little chucky doll that my older brother would put next to me while i slept as a joke. I used to think if i peed in my sleep he would wake up and stab me lmao :lol:

That damn good guy doll made me lose countless hours of sleep SMh :smh:
Used to think God, Heaven and Hell were real.

That the idea of the American Dream was real.

That Arnold actually died in Terminator 2.
I thought that people who died in movies actually died in real life 
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