Dumb things you thought as a kid?

On new years 2000 I thought once midnight hits a flash of white light would change everything and we would have floating cars and giant highways like in batman beyond :lol:
When I was real young I remember my dad having t-shirt lint in his belly button. I thought his belly button made cotton.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

the only thing i can really think of for myself is that i used to think there were sharks and other sea life in deep swimming pools. made me want to get to the shallow end so quick.

also my neighbor's mom convinced my older brother that putting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich under my parents' pillows would attract salamanders.
-didn't think women pooped
-thought damn was spelled damn
-you could get flushed down the toilet
- Santa, Jesus, Satan, Kris Kringle, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny
- Thought I was an Elf one season. Mom bought me one of those personalized books where it's the same story but they put your name in it and your head on the character and I guess power of suggestion, I read it so much I actually remembered that **** happening
- Thought if you flipped your eyelids inside out and wind blew on them, they would get stuck like that. Teachers used to always tell us that
- That girls pee out of their butt
- Fachina=vagina
- That European women didn't shave or shower as often as Americans (was definitely true at the time)
I thought people didn't work during summer and the holidays. 
my father told me he taught Michael jackson how to moonwalk, I believed that until I was like 12.
I thought all those internet pop-ups for free cruises and vacations were legit and would click on ALL of them. So I wasn't allowed to use the computer for a while.
i used to think when hitting it doggy style that ur d*ck was in the girl's butt
Not exactly the same as yours but I used to think that f'ing meant anal...
And that anything else like "humping" or just having sex was vaginal sex...
I didn't think bad people existed.

So when there would be a bad guy on TV or something I would ask my mom if people actually stole and killed people.

She shattered my dreams.
Reptar bars.

Also, when there would be news of potential wars, I thought it would be like us fighting the enemy on our streets. 
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I thought the older you get the taller you'd grow. So I thought people that were 100 would be like 10 ft.

I thougt sex was a man and a women rubbing up and down agaisnt eachother. :lol:

Since the world was rounded I thought if you drove to the side you could fall into space.
When I was like 3, I thought anything yellow was made of cheese. So anything yellow would end up in my mouth 
love this thread :smile:

products bought online would come out of a printer.
the end of the world was near. i remember always getting candy at the grocery store checkout and right next to them were those magazine
i really wanted hogwarts to exist
if a volcano erupted it would literally split the world in half
planting skittles in the ground would grow rainbows

i miss being a kid...(hate to humble brag) but i was actually really bright so i really didnt believe in anything utterly ridiculous......IDK what the hell happened :smh:
Used to think that babies were made from a mother eating too much food and getting fat.
I always wanted these shoes with wheels on them (on the side part of the design) because I thought I'd be able to ride around on them.
I thought that people who died in movies actually died in real life :smh:  :lol:

I thought this too. In movies and TV. What's crazy is that I remeber thinking they would cast people who were suicidal
and the suicidal people would just will the money to thier families. So I thought of something as abstact as suicide and doing
one last good deed but didn't realize TV and movies weren't real?

Also, here in MD there is a Mormon church that you pass if you're headed towards Norther Va. Anyway it has
gold spires and its all white and when you pass it it looks all majestic. For the longest time like from age
5-9 I thought it was the Disneyland that no one ever talked about (I never mentioned
it because I knew there had to be a reason no one talked about it). Finally I just asked my dad what that place was.
Blew my mind
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