Eddie Murphy greatest comic ever.

Toss up between Pryor and Eddie imo. Eddie as his best tho is tough to beat. He created that rockstar comedian label. His downfall was being busted with that ******. His jokes weren't and couldn't be the same after that :smh:

Lenny Bruce doe

I know his story, I was referencing commercial appeal. People know of Lenny Bruce, but Murphy is a more known name in comedy.

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Eddie's peak was right before I was born so I'm partial towards Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle.

I urge you to look up his stuff. Then come back and tell us what you think

Oh I've seen most of his work don't get me wrong :lol: It's all great, I just think the people that got to experience Eddie during his peak in real time got a different experience than I did watching his standup/movies 10 years later. I got a little bias towards my generational comedians but I know for damn sure without Eddie they wouldn't even be here.
Eddie's peak was right before I was born so I'm partial towards Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle.

I urge you to look up his stuff. Then come back and tell us what you think

Oh I've seen most of his work don't get me wrong :lol: It's all great, I just think the people that got to experience Eddie during his peak in real time got a different experience than I did watching his standup/movies 10 years later. I got a little bias towards my generational comedians but I know for damn sure without Eddie they wouldn't even be here.

THIS x a million. I'm so glad you understand that perspective. It's not the same looking at it as it happens vs. looking at clips. I just wish people would understand this principle and apply it to other areas as well *cough* sneakers*cough*
Seinfield doesn't appeal to me peersonally, ive seen like 4 eps of his show, watched like 2 comedy specials, and i had the
the whole time.
Tracy Morgan's old stuff is like that, but i hate all of his tv and movie roles, because he plays the stereotypical I'm a black guy role, which I hate when he does that.
Although Cop Out was a great movie.
Lol and the Kings of Comedy thing.. DL had his moments, he's more of a spur of the moment quick witted comedian, the rest of them had stories to tell
Yea Steve is Simpin' now but he's still right up there with the best not top 10 but def top 20.
His morning show on the radio is hillarious
DL in his comicview days... was peak as far as his standup is concerned. He has kinda stepped away from comedy and is more of a social commentator that uses his natural ability to be funny to make light of or give a different real time perspective on current events etc... ala like rock is doing now and like bill maher does. I mean i try to watch steve harvey but to me he is just a natural funny guy, like his everyday is funny, like on family feud, his radio show etc... but as far as a hot set and a str8 up joke, standup to be honest he kinda borderline sucks. He is reminds me kinda like will smith, will is actally a pretty naturally funny dude, and as far as a everyday setting, a movie tv show etc... he brings the lol, but if he did a standup...um nah im good. And thats how i kinda always saw steve. On a radioshow, as a host, etc.. in a movie, hes good, if he doing a 45-1hr or so set of str8 up jokes, ill pass.

As far as seinfield goes i do find him funny, but the reason i dont place him as a goat is because while he has a large following, he for the most part never had a diverse following. He not to sound racist pretty much is beloved and is large because of the white audience. And when i look at all time greats of anything esp... something like this i look at could you entertain a diverse audience, and have fans from various sources of life. And he and alot of the mentioned white comedians never accomplished this. Its like comparing michael jackson and lets say a group like u2 or something... Micheal could pretty much cater, please and rock any audience, young/old difference in race doesnt matter. whereas u2 would pretty much have a majority of one demographic age/and race.

Not to knock seinfield, or shows like friends etc... but in comparison, a movie like coming to america etc... was loved/enjoyed and was deemed a comic classic by many diverse demographics regardless of age/sex/race.. whereas seinfield, shows like friends, etc... have a huge following is most deemed entertaining funny to mostly a certain demographic age/race. Its why i say in terms of overall i give it to comics like eddie, richard etc... they could literally and have literally rocked all types of settings crowds, venues, settings. while a comedian like seinfield pretty much is limited to a certain setting, a certain target race (for the most part) and a certain age group (for the most part)
I see that some of you are comparing comics who have different styles and approach comedy differently to each other.In my opinion thats the wrong way to look at whose the best because as I've learned over time is that the comedian who gets the big movie roles,the comedy specials and all of the accolades just happen to be the lucky one out of thousands that made it beyond,the clubs,the small gigs and all the other things comedians have to endured to be seen as successful.
Nowadays people toss around the term 'comedic genius' even comedians do it,too much ,when in reality the most funniest,brilliant thinkers ever to grasp a mic and tell a joke,sadly never was never nominated for an oscar award,or had an HBO special but to that young comedian just starting out,that person is royality and why they never made it beyond that,no one knows,it's the business of hollywood.
I'll give you an example;When you mention the late great Richard Pryor,some where in the back of your mind Paul Mooney should pop-up.Another example
Dave chappelle,funny guy,he thinks funny,his show pushed the bar and Im sure we wont see anything that will top it for years to come but again when I think of Dave the way he sets scenes and scenario in his routine,I think of the late Charlie Barnette who schooled a young Dave Chappelle.
So when they ask whose the best?theres to many comedians out there,past and present to just say one or few.But I do beleive that there are good comedians that get the fame that they deserve but more importantly they push that bar even further,In the 1980's Eddie ruled and respectfully thats what it is.
I see that some of you are comparing comics who have different styles and approach comedy differently to each other.In my opinion thats the wrong way to look at whose the best because as I've learned over time is that the comedian who gets the big movie roles,the comedy specials and all of the accolades just happen to be the lucky one out of thousands that made it beyond,the clubs,the small gigs and all the other things comedians have to endured to be seen as successful.
Nowadays people toss around the term 'comedic genius' even comedians do it,too much ,when in reality the most funniest,brilliant thinkers ever to grasp a mic and tell a joke,sadly never was never nominated for an oscar award,or had an HBO special but to that young comedian just starting out,that person is royality and why they never made it beyond that,no one knows,it's the business of hollywood.
I'll give you an example;When you mention the late great Richard Pryor,some where in the back of your mind Paul Mooney should pop-up.Another example
Dave chappelle,funny guy,he thinks funny,his show pushed the bar and Im sure we wont see anything that will top it for years to come but again when I think of Dave the way he sets scenes and scenario in his routine,I think of the late Charlie Barnette who schooled a young Dave Chappelle.
So when they ask whose the best?theres to many comedians out there,past and present to just say one or few.But I do beleive that there are good comedians that get the fame that they deserve but more importantly they push that bar even further,In the 1980's Eddie ruled and respectfully thats what it is.
paul resume speaks for itself. and as far as chappelle show while i did love it, his show was to be honest kinda like the chris rock show 2.0, and got more exposure being that it was on basic cable and not on a premium channel, and got far more promotion. and to be honest was this generation version of the flip wilson show. But to a new generation which probably a majority never saw/heard of the show it is a new experience to them. Also john witherspoon and reynaldo ray.... **** gregory, etc.... they lowkey wrote jokes and came up with the materials for alot of comics ppl hail as all time greats.
paul resume speaks for itself. and as far as chappelle show while i did love it, his show was to be honest kinda like the chris rock show 2.0, and got more exposure being that it was on basic cable and not on a premium channel, and got far more promotion. and to be honest was this generation version of the flip wilson show. But to a new generation which probably a majority never saw/heard of the show it is a new experience to them. Also john witherspoon and reynaldo ray.... **** gregory, etc.... they lowkey wrote jokes and came up with the materials for alot of comics ppl hail as all time greats.
Respect,I agree with everything you said and I was going to mention Flip Wilson and how The Show Martin(martin lawrence) took alot of things from the Flip Wilson show but I know only a few would know or even go that far to find out(fly over).
Lets not getting into how younger comics borrowed from older ones.  Everybody has influences.  Eddie sounded alot like Richard in his standup. Jamie Foxx borrowed alot from Martin on his show.  Its an evolution of the genre and it doesn't take anything away from the person borrowing.  You wouldn't have LeBron without MJ and no MJ without Dr.J.  

Look at Key and Peele....you could say they are similar to Chappelle but actually they do alot different and its them.  I just dont like hearing you guys say "such and such did it first" because its impossible to be first if you weren't born first.  
IMO Eddie can't be the GOAT based off of two specials only. I always thought of him as an actor that was pretending to be a stand-up.

Also his material just doesn't hold up as well as Richard Pryor's or George Carlins.

I'd put these guys above Eddie on my list because they're still road warriors. The money means nothing, Seinfeld is richer than all of them and that dude still goes on tour.

Chris Rock
Dave Attell
Louis CK

Eddie might have one of the best specials of all time (Delerious) but he's just not the best to me.
IMO Eddie can't be the GOAT based off of two specials only. I always thought of him as an actor that was pretending to be a stand-up.

Also his material just doesn't hold up as well as Richard Pryor's or George Carlins.

I'd put these guys above Eddie on my list because they're still road warriors. The money means nothing, Seinfeld is richer than all of them and that dude still goes on tour.

Chris Rock
Dave Attell
Louis CK

Eddie might have one of the best specials of all time (Delerious) but he's just not the best to me.
That's because they were 'two' specials! You cat's act like he only did two stand up gigs???? He was touring and he happened to shoot two specials. On when he was just blowing up (Delirious) and one after he blew up (RAW). The fact that he filmed a special after he blew up, and the special was good as hell, earns him props in my book. Plus he has countless stand up moments recorded on other specials, and talk shows. Every comic, even today, says that Eddie was 'that dude'.

He revitalized SNL in the early 80's and he wrote some of those hit movies himself. F out of here with Dave Attel. Maybe Louis CK, and Chris. Just because you are a road warrior does not mean that you are great...Juwan Howard has more years in the league than Larry Bird, does that mean that he's better than him
Chris Rock also can't carry a movie like Eddie did in his prime. 

Eddie was a superstar. He was a great stand-up, he did sketch comedy, he did films, he even sung (poorly).. it's rare enough to be successful at any one of those things, he did it all.

Those guys have made being a comic their career. Rock has done movies he was never a movie star. Louis found a perfect vehicle for him with his own TV show, Dave Attell has done his TV shows but he's not on Eddie's level of being a star.
Chris Rock also can't carry a movie like Eddie did in his prime. 

Eddie was a superstar. He was a great stand-up, he did sketch comedy, he did films, he even sung (poorly).. it's rare enough to be successful at any one of those things, he did it all.

Those guys have made being a comic their career. Rock has done movies he was never a movie star. Louis found a perfect vehicle for him with his own TV show, Dave Attell has done his TV shows but he's not on Eddie's level of being a star.
My man killed this joint though?:

 today i watched regular show and they played party all the time.

key and peele is one of the worst shows i've ever seen, the jokes are soooo forced.
That's because they were 'two' specials! You cat's act like he only did two stand up gigs???? He was touring and he happened to shoot two specials. On when he was just blowing up (Delirious) and one after he blew up (RAW). The fact that he filmed a special after he blew up, and the special was good as hell, earns him props in my book. Plus he has countless stand up moments recorded on other specials, and talk shows. Every comic, even today, says that Eddie was 'that dude'.

He revitalized SNL in the early 80's and he wrote some of those hit movies himself. F out of here with Dave Attel. Maybe Louis CK, and Chris. Just because you are a road warrior does not mean that you are great...Juwan Howard has more years in the league than Larry Bird, does that mean that he's better than him
Not to mention that was a different time and era... it was a big deal, in terms of budget camera crew etc... as well as many other factors when it comes to doing and filming a show... hell you got cats who do 10 15 or so if not more shows a year easily and they get filmed. while the louis cks bill burrs etc... have tons of material like the old adage says quantity doesnt equate quality. the fact that a dude has a damn near 30 year old stand up that still is being viewed and sold and held in high regards says something. Half hell a good majority of todays comics stand ups dont even have the longevity to last to the next time they do a set, let alone a span that surpasses decades. for all the rave reviews etc kevin harts stand up got and i did enjoy it is slowly if not already becoming forgotten. we not even addressing the fact that exposure,accessibility,,promotion, the internet roles and how they play in todays society. hell even technology. despite having none of these advantafes a good portion of eddies body of work still is relevant, and has trascended and found its way to present day.
Gonna watch this since I forgot when it was coming on Spike and look up some of these people you guys says mentored some of these other comedians.
That's because they were 'two' specials! You cat's act like he only did two stand up gigs???? He was touring and he happened to shoot two specials. On when he was just blowing up (Delirious) and one after he blew up (RAW). The fact that he filmed a special after he blew up, and the special was good as hell, earns him props in my book. Plus he has countless stand up moments recorded on other specials, and talk shows. Every comic, even today, says that Eddie was 'that dude'.

He revitalized SNL in the early 80's and he wrote some of those hit movies himself. F out of here with Dave Attel. Maybe Louis CK, and Chris. Just because you are a road warrior does not mean that you are great...Juwan Howard has more years in the league than Larry Bird, does that mean that he's better than him
Sure he gets props for his specials and his career, but lets face it - he's a massive hack now. He's simply unfunny now. He writes awful movies. You don't lose funny. The man simply was killing it because he was the 80's personified for comedy, not because his material was light years ahead of everyone like Pryor, Carlin or even Rock. Smh @ baseless assumptions like every comic says Eddie was "that dude". Only the dudes he put on say that.

Attell has been putting out HILARIOUS specials for the last 15-20 years. The dude's whole persona has been stolen 100 times by other comedians. He's a comic's comic. There's a reason why he'd go to the comedy cellar and dudes like Louis, Rock and Patrice would come in on their off nights just to see him perform.

Hell, I'd listen to Doug Stanhope's catologue over Eddy's in a heart beat. Eddy wasn't really saying much on stage. He's a poor man's Richard Pryor.

Who gives a damn if he was on SNL. Attell wrote for SNL. Jay Mohr wrote for SNL. Most notable NYC comics have written for the show. Its just a line on a resume.

I have more respect for a guy who's been on the road for 20 years with 15+ hours of funny material vs a dude with two specials who became a hack.
So you are mad Eddie rather do blockbuster movies and get stupid paid than hang out with drunk comics comics?  Louis CK had to brainstorm a genius idea to get paid while Eddie spends that  same amount of money on one of his baby mommas for child support. 

Eddie wants that dough.  Don't knock him for leaving that traditional comedian stuff alone.  Jay-Z don't hangout in Marcy no more. He don't even do BET awards no more. 

Eddie is a star.  NOT a comic.  Some of the guys you named are great amazingly talented comics but they aren't stars.  They do some of that stuff because they have to.
Greatest comic, I believe he is. Pryor was a far better stand-up comedian but Eddies overall greatness craps all over Pryor.

Coming to America
Beverly Hills Cop
48 hours
Trading Places

It's like comparing Kobe Bryant (Murphy) to Tracy Mcgrady (Pryor), 1 dude constantly got it done and the other had brilliant flashes and a ton of what-ifs.

sorry for taking it there, I'm tired as hell :rofl:
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