Found an iPhone today... (pics)

cant believe no one said it.. but ill say it.

post pics of your girl to for us to make comparison.. lets see this chick was worth passing up.







^ co-sign

man what are the chances of this chick being hot
you sir are kinda lucky.

nah just playin, you are a good person, you definately did the right thing. I just wanted to use that gif
@ dudes saying he lost cause he didn't smash...maybe they skipped over the part of the story where he said he had a GF...

Good work, Tebow.
yeah I returned a phone one time to this HOT ++% girl that was at my school after I found it outside the bus loop. She was such an ungrateful bishhhhh. I meandam if I found your phone and gave it back instead of pawning the joint, the least you could do is say thank you.

spoiled brats need to learn to be thankful for the things they have. Her parents would prob just have bought her a newer phone if I hadnt returned that joint
Originally Posted by dlsilva21

Well, today I was coming out of visiting a professor (I had a break between classes) and I saw a phone sitting in the atrium/common area of the business school...

Everyone went into their classes so me and my girlfriend were the only ones around... I sat by the phone and wondered what I should do... I turned it on to see if there was a name or something in case I knew the person. It had a password lock. I saw that you could make emergency phone calls so I called myself to get the phone number. I asked my girlfriend to save the number and then I got the idea to call AT&T. I called them and explained to them my situation and they were very very happy to help. I gave them the phone number and they did a 3-way-call with me, the AT&T representative and this girl's father. He was very appreciative, I told him that I was going to turn the phone into the an associate at the business school upstairs that I was close to named Lisa.

Later, I was sitting in the middle on the common area and a girl comes up to me and hugs me and says she's so thankful. I explain to her that I had my tilt stolen/lost so I know the feeling and I lead her upstairs where she could get the phone. She's a sweet girl. I'm not a "bible thumper" but I do feel that our values are portrayed through what we do as individuals when we were tempted with certain things. Moral of the story, the whole world isn't bad, next time you come across something, do the right thing that you'd want done for you.


Picture of the girl.

God Bless.

Cliff's Notes:
- Found an iPhone
- Called AT&T
- Talked to the father of the girl.
- Phone got returned to nice girl.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Point of the Story:[/color]
- Always TRY to be the change that you want to see in the world, even if others don't do the same to you.

what school you attend?
Originally Posted by dlsilva21

Originally Posted by kidUFC

let me jus add that you took an L.. no phone and didnt get to smash or get some knowledge. a measly hug? you could of atleast put gotten/gave a her/your numbers away.







Haha. I wasn't even in the game and I got an L! Seriously though, she's pretty, no doubt. But I'd argue that I've been blessed with a girlfriend who's down to earth and sweet. She just got willed a business from her father's business partner and is set to lead the expansion of another one... plus, she's smart enough to watch her expensive items.

It's not like I just let this girl go... I think people are overestimating the size of my university. It's private so there aren't more than 30 kids in each upper level class. I'll see this girl a lot now that I know who she is. I have her name and everything. If I had the desire to pursue her in the future then I could... and eventually deserve my L for my non-existent "game".

Maybe not everyone in the world think like you do bub. Im suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure that you would of tried something. Talk a lot of game behind your screen huhslick? So many of you Nters try so hard to seem all tough n "cool" online.

Anyways, you did a good thing by giving the phone back. People should be more like you good sir.
Originally Posted by i love nikes

Story sucks, too sappy.

Word. I was preparing myself for the typical NT twist...some gloating bout how he's wit her now and his gf don't know about it...Or something involvingSmush Parker or somethin.
The thing I dont understand is that with most companies, if a customer loses their phone, all they have to do is call and report it so no one else can use it.Unless you get a person who doesnt really care chances are you arent gonna be able to do @%%! with the phone anyways. Someone stole my phone last week and Icalled Verizon and had a block put on it. Now whoever did it cant use that phone until I call back saying that I found the phone. But anyways you did the rightthing. If you believe in karma you got some good coming your way.
texas boys stay holdin it down!
yea i found a wallet at my school last week with $128 in it. i knew the kid soo i returned.
regardless i would have returned it though
You failed.

What your supposed to do is tell her to meet you up if she wants it back under certain conditions.

You could capitalized, yet you failed. People like you wind up never moving up in corporate America and their careers remain stagnant at 40k/year with annual5% raises and no yearly/quarterly bonuses or stock options.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

You failed.

What your supposed to do is tell her to meet you up if she wants it back under certain conditions.

You could capitalized, yet you failed. People like you wind up never moving up in corporate America and their careers remain stagnant at 40k/year with annual 5% raises and no yearly/quarterly bonuses or stock options.
Beyond ignorant.

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

You failed.

What your supposed to do is tell her to meet you up if she wants it back under certain conditions.

You could capitalized, yet you failed. People like you wind up never moving up in corporate America and their careers remain stagnant at 40k/year with annual 5% raises and no yearly/quarterly bonuses or stock options.
Yep, because people are here to be taken advantage of
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