Fox cancels American Idol

Get rid of all these music/singing shows
Nobody really becomes stars on these talent shows, but they still draw in the 18-49 viewing demo. 
Get rid of all these music/singing shows

Nobody really becomes stars on these talent shows, but they still draw in the 18-49 viewing demo. >D

Basically just people being great at karaoke. I don't think the voice produced any winners people remember the name of.

ABC just closed a deal to reboot it for their network and is eyeing Seacrest to host again.

:lol: :smh:

Man, I thought we got rid of this crap!

For me the crap being seacrest. I was disappointed when he was announced as Kelly's Ripa's new co-host. Hate seeing that guy on tv.
I'm glad it's gone. All of the other shows similar to American Idol can roll too.
ABC just closed a deal to reboot it for their network and is eyeing Seacrest to host again.

:lol: :smh:

I don't see the benefit of The Voice either. Sure, you have current artists judging contestants to win, but who has successfully gone to have a music career after winning The Voice?

The only ones who benefit are the voice coaches who become bigger stars. Should just make it a karaoke show for a cash prize instead.
Didn't even know it was still on. Are they even creating any idols? I don't see why anyone would go on that show today when they have so many other platforms on social media to promote themselves.
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