Gilbert Arenas' ex wants 109k monthly/1.3 MIL annually...pic of him getting served pg. 9 SMH

Mar 13, 2004
Orlando Magic shooting guard Gilbert Arenas has had a few rough years..Besides landing in jail for gun charges, he’s been involved in a tumultuous relationship with girlfriend Laura Govan. Gilbert recently got traded to Orlando, and decided to cut off all communication with Laura and his kids..Now comes word from a source very close to Lauren, that she’s gone and done the unthinkable…She’s robbed his Great Falls, Virginia home, taking clothes, shoes, furniture, and even Gilbert’s fish tank and sharks. Laura has repeatedly asked Gilbert for money several times over the last month unsuccessfully. Laura has also been threatening to go to press over drug allegations involving Arenas dealing marijuana…Gilbert has yet to press charges and is trying to keep a lid on it..I doubt this will end amicably for either party. -TO


Here's some background on their rocky relationship....

The 9-year relationship of Gilbert Arenas and Laura Govan has been a famously stormy one - breakups interspersed with reunions, babies and one elaborate marriage proposal.

But this time, with the former Washington Wizards star's recent departure for Orlando, the drama appears to have gone nuclear. A representative for Govan - yes, there are reps involved this time - told The Washington Post that Arenas has cut off communication and funds from her and their three children.

Govan, who is four months pregnant with their fourth child, "has not heard from Arenas the whole month of December," said publicist Laura Wright in an e-mailed statement. "Govan and the children feel like they have been abandoned."

Wright - who has worked for Govan's sister Gloria and her fiance, Los Angeles Lakers forward Matt Barnes - said that Govan was left at their Great Falls home "with no money to purchase food or Christmas gifts."


*Gil is probably no saint, but this girl is all kinds of crazy....

They dated for about two years, but slowly grew apart after Arenas signed a six-year, $65 million contract with the Wizards in the summer of 2003 and moved to Washington. She was working in the public relations department of the Sacramento Kings at the time after having worked briefly for Los Angeles Lakers star Shaquille O'Neal.

Such was the on-and-off nature of their relationship that Arenas was surprised last year when he learned Govan was carrying his child. But Arenas, having secured permission to quietly leave the Wizards during a Western Conference road swing, was on hand in the birthing room in Oakland last Christmas Eve when Govan gave birth to their daughter.

Within weeks, though, Arenas and Govan were arguing over issues of custody, paternity and the fragile state of their relationship. Govan hired an aggressive Bay Area law firm, which threatened to embarrass Arenas by serving him with a paternity suit on national television during a game in Sacramento on March 28.

Arenas was advised by his attorney to avoid being served a subpoena in the state at all costs, noting that he could suffer a severe personal loss of wealth because of California laws governing paternity and child support.



He's stupid for having more than one kid with this unstable bird....%%@*, he's stupid for having any sort of relationship w. this unstable bird....

This %%@* is the tip of the iceberg....joint gonna get all kinds of UGLY.  Stay tuned....
Originally Posted by bijald0331

She took his fish tank???
Spoiler [+]

I was really hoping the spoiler would be something like this, good work.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

She took his fish tank???
Spoiler [+]
There was only one option for that spoiler, well done.
Govan hired an aggressive Bay Area law firm, which threatened to embarrass Arenas by serving him with a paternity suit on national television during a game in Sacramento on March 28.

 That would be epic.
Originally Posted by GeraldPoseyIII

Originally Posted by mr2cool80

chick is Matt Barnes fiance's sister ....
Didn't Matt Barnes get into some domestic violence with his fiance?  I guess those two sisters are crazy.
I believe so. Your guess is as good as mine fam lol
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Hold up...isn't this the same broad that was letting Shaq smash?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Gil actually stayed with her? Irrespective of the fact there the whole internet was clued in on him being suckered by this bird when those exchanges between her and Shaq were leaked?[/color]


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Idiot deserves everything that's coming to him.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]#Simp.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]...[/color]
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