Giving money to the homeless..Yes or No?

Aug 9, 2004
Do you pick and choose who you give money to? I'll almost always give spare change if I have to give especially if they are older and look like they can't work...but then there are ones like this guy that asked me for $20 tonight cause he just got out of Rikers after being in there for 10 years and wanted to buy some clothes 
. I told him no so he asked for $10, then $5 and I just gave him a dollar, and he said thats all you got 
I know its hard being homeless but beggars can't be choosers...
Do you pick and choose who you give money to? I'll almost always give spare change if I have to give especially if they are older and look like they can't work...but then there are ones like this guy that asked me for $20 tonight cause he just got out of Rikers after being in there for 10 years and wanted to buy some clothes 
. I told him no so he asked for $10, then $5 and I just gave him a dollar, and he said thats all you got 
I know its hard being homeless but beggars can't be choosers...
If I see someone who Ive never seen before and I have cash on me, I usually try to.

I remember one time I came across a group of people - 2 guys and a girl all like 20 something, who were on the sidewalk with a dog asking for money/food. They were really nice so I helped em out a bit. Im convinced they werent actually homeless though. Wanted to sit and talk with em but I was busy.
If I see someone who Ive never seen before and I have cash on me, I usually try to.

I remember one time I came across a group of people - 2 guys and a girl all like 20 something, who were on the sidewalk with a dog asking for money/food. They were really nice so I helped em out a bit. Im convinced they werent actually homeless though. Wanted to sit and talk with em but I was busy.
No, never. Its giving them even further disincentive to work. 90% of them are just lazy dudes that need to get their shti together. I work like 3 jobs, 60+hours a week and these dudes just sit around begging people for change.

the worst is when i see a guy like my age. some dude thats like 21-23 asking me for money.

also, i understand that a lot of them are mentally unstable, but that doesnt mean i should give them money. that means they should be institutionalized if they dont have anybody to care for them and stop bothering hardworking people. mad.

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by damnitzvin

so they can go buy themselves a bottle of 40oz? no thanks

Yep. That's why if they ask ill buy a burger or two for em if i got some extra cash. Makes me feel better than thinking the money went toward cigs or booze
oh yeah? wanna know one of the reasons why im so hostile towards them? I live in downtown Toronto and theres this massive McDonalds that open 24/7. Its basically hobo headquarters. Anyways, one nite at like 3am me and a few friends were hittin it up on our way home and we see this bum. One of my friends goes to give him a few bucks in change when another stops and tells him to buy two double cheeseburgers off the dollar menu. So the first friend takes his advice, buys two burgers and gives it to the bum. His response? Bum: What is this? Friend: A cheeseburger. Bum: No thanks man, can I have the cash instead. Friend: Excuse me..? Bum: Yeah man, its cool. Next time just give me the cash (*HANDS HIM BACK THE CHEESEBURGERS). We were all in shock jsut like w t f
No, never. Its giving them even further disincentive to work. 90% of them are just lazy dudes that need to get their shti together. I work like 3 jobs, 60+hours a week and these dudes just sit around begging people for change.

the worst is when i see a guy like my age. some dude thats like 21-23 asking me for money.

also, i understand that a lot of them are mentally unstable, but that doesnt mean i should give them money. that means they should be institutionalized if they dont have anybody to care for them and stop bothering hardworking people. mad.

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by damnitzvin

so they can go buy themselves a bottle of 40oz? no thanks

Yep. That's why if they ask ill buy a burger or two for em if i got some extra cash. Makes me feel better than thinking the money went toward cigs or booze
oh yeah? wanna know one of the reasons why im so hostile towards them? I live in downtown Toronto and theres this massive McDonalds that open 24/7. Its basically hobo headquarters. Anyways, one nite at like 3am me and a few friends were hittin it up on our way home and we see this bum. One of my friends goes to give him a few bucks in change when another stops and tells him to buy two double cheeseburgers off the dollar menu. So the first friend takes his advice, buys two burgers and gives it to the bum. His response? Bum: What is this? Friend: A cheeseburger. Bum: No thanks man, can I have the cash instead. Friend: Excuse me..? Bum: Yeah man, its cool. Next time just give me the cash (*HANDS HIM BACK THE CHEESEBURGERS). We were all in shock jsut like w t f
Originally Posted by damnitzvin

so they can go buy themselves a bottle of 40oz? no thanks

Yep. That's why if they ask ill buy a burger or two for em if i got some extra cash. Makes me feel better than thinking the money went toward cigs or booze
Originally Posted by damnitzvin

so they can go buy themselves a bottle of 40oz? no thanks

Yep. That's why if they ask ill buy a burger or two for em if i got some extra cash. Makes me feel better than thinking the money went toward cigs or booze
I do whenever I have change or few dollar bills which is pretty rare since I always use my debit. When I get off the highway though, I usually see a different homeless person with a cardboard sign asking for money for food so I usually just turn into the Taco Bell and order a couple 89 cent burritos for him/her. I don't like giving cash because of the chance that its gonna go to beer or whatever else but I always feel hella guilty if I don't do something
I do whenever I have change or few dollar bills which is pretty rare since I always use my debit. When I get off the highway though, I usually see a different homeless person with a cardboard sign asking for money for food so I usually just turn into the Taco Bell and order a couple 89 cent burritos for him/her. I don't like giving cash because of the chance that its gonna go to beer or whatever else but I always feel hella guilty if I don't do something
no never have never will i tell the bums that stand by stores when i go in dont ask me for a dime when i come out
no never have never will i tell the bums that stand by stores when i go in dont ask me for a dime when i come out
nope.... my family came from cambodia/laos/thailand (camps) didnt speak english, had no money, nothing but a dream.... they busted their @#$ to get where they are at now with a nice house and cars... it took them hard work and dedication, while some people that have the privilege of being born in the us, just decide to be lazy...
nope.... my family came from cambodia/laos/thailand (camps) didnt speak english, had no money, nothing but a dream.... they busted their @#$ to get where they are at now with a nice house and cars... it took them hard work and dedication, while some people that have the privilege of being born in the us, just decide to be lazy...
When I see they're missing a body part or in a wheelchair or something then yes.
If I see then bum-ed out then NO cause 80% chance they use it on drugs 
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