Going out with a woman 4 years older. Yes or No ?

Only warning, she's thirty, and like you mentioned, their clock is ticking. Pressure from her mom to settle down. Jealousy toward her friends/co-workers for having tied the knot.
Whatever you do, keep it strapped. For the love of your youth and all things good in this world, keep it strapped.
Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

Originally Posted by scshift

Hell yes. Older women around 30 are my favorite. And if she looks a lot younger then you know she's got the youthful looks combined with the older intelligence.

And she's independent and has her own place and car? If you aren't feeling it, put me on to that.

P.S. I'm 17 so my take my opinion with a grain of salt.
How the hell would you know that 30 year olds are favorite if you're 17
you've been watching too much porn brah 
the funny thing hes not the only 1 im a 19 yr old that loves 30 year old women to
and yes i watch porn
This is the case of me and my (ex) girlfriend. I'm 26 and she's 31. Like dude above me mentioned, it's all good until her biological clock starts ticking and she's seeing all her peers getting married or having kids. She most likely will reach the point where she's ready to settle down before you are, and with that will come pressure, etc. That's what ultimately caused my and my girl to part ways.
Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

How the hell would you know that 30 year olds are favorite if you're 17
you've been watching too much porn brah 

I don't watch it though

The 30 year olds I've met (not in a relationship sense, in a meet someone randomly sense) through school and other people were very cool people. Nice and smart too.

It also helps that they look great
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

I met this girl. Very pretty. Have her own career. House, car, etc. However she's already 30 and pushing 31(although she look a lot younger) and im only 26. We've been going out for the last two weeks. I have a feeling she want to find that "guy" to settle down with

This is my first time dating a woman older than me. To be honest i feel weird at first but now i feel very comfortable with her.

Half of my mind is telling me I should go ahead and start a relationship. The other half is telling me i should keep her as friend only and find someone more appropriate for my age.

For the Nters who have dated women older than them. Did it work ? Is age really just a number ?

Sorry no pic.

Dating a chick that was 12 years older than me for years. Best moments of my life 

Ya'll don't know about ya boy 
If you genuinely like her, go for it.
If you got commitment issues and you still wanna smang out some females, then don't even bother pursuing. It would definitely be a waste for the next man who would hold it down (as the majority of NT'ers who also agree)
4 years is nothin, people out there with almost 10 years difference.
imo older women know what they want so less of that bull*
had a chick 20 year difference

that was epic!
(she worship the kid)

4 years aint nada brah
Dated a chick for almost 8 years. I'm 27. She is 3 years older but that was never an issue. I saw it as a plus the whole time.

Like said previously age (for the most part) is a state of mind. If the plumbing works and you two vibe then be Nike.

But dood..two weeks in? You haven't even found out anything to make the long john pause.
I'm thinking O.P was very young like 18 but then I read 26

lol smh....its not that big of deal when you compare 26 to 30/31
I was 21 n dated a girl.who was 27 but it didn't work because she wanted to settle and I didn't. but you're older so it might work out differently
Looking to settle?
The question is, are YOU ready to settle?
Lots of fish in the market man, but since you're 26, I guess you should start thinking about it.
this is a really stupid question. you must be real insecure that a couple years has you questioning a relationship with someone that has all the qualities you should be looking for.

i feel dumber for responding.
ACBboyz84 wrote:
I met this girl. Very pretty. Have her own career. House, car, etc. However she's already 30 and pushing 31(although she look a lot younger) and im only 26. We've been going out for the last two weeks. I have a feeling she want to find that "guy" to settle down with

This is my first time dating a woman older than me. To be honest i feel weird at first but now i feel very comfortable with her.

Half of my mind is telling me I should go ahead and start a relationship. The other half is telling me i should keep her as friend only and find someone more appropriate for my age.

For the Nters who have dated women older than them. Did it work ? Is age really just a number ?

Sorry no pic.

I met this girl
when i was twelve years old
and what i love most she had so much soul
she was old school and i was just a shorty
never known trough-out my life she would be there for me

on the regular not a church girl she was secular...

OP just got finished listening to some Common. I see you!
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