Going out with a woman 4 years older. Yes or No ?

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Older women with little baggage and mint condition vagoo > ____

QFT. You need an older chick that's been through some things. Like a divorced chick whose ex was an #*+%%%$. A broad that said "+%+$ men" and learned to live on her own, but she still looks good. Those will be the freakiest, down @*# +**!#+ you'll ever come across.

You don't want an older broad that's ready to settle down and have kids unless you are, because you gonna speed up your development, and before you know it, you got two kids, wifey runs the household, and you gotta lie to kick it with ya boys
i want a girl at 30 years old so bad just for one night...i dated a girl two years older than me. i was 19, she was 21...it was for 3 months, i took her virginity though...ur girl been around for a while... 26 and 30/31 isnt bad at all...do ur thang
Yeah what about 23 and 27?

Chic would be expecting to settle in a few years, but yourself, being the young stud you are - may not want to settle down
30 year old woman...


I cuffs that.

Career (not a job,) her own crib, car, etc? Unless she's crazy you should have already cuffed that, b.
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