Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

Yah but what does that mean? How can they not use em with partial movie rights?

I think the skrulls have been replaced by the Chitauri tbt since they are shipshifters.

I also think the Chitauri was the best choice for the Avengers but if they did secret invasion they would need the skrulls. Which imo phase 4 should be secret invasion. A story arc so bomb even EMH did it justice.
I assume partial rights means FOX would have to agree to them using it and get paid or it'd have to be a joint venture in making the movie if the Skrulls were in it prominently.
You would think that having the highest domestic estimate would give you the highest worldwide estimate too but that 600-700 estimate seems par for the course for how comic book movies have been faring this yr.
A lot of movies do great over her and poorly overseas. The opposite is true for a lot of other movies. Peoples tastechange per country. no suprise the white everyman with the mech suit is doing best ww.
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On the topic of the movies box office performance,here's a neat little chart about the last few comic book movies. All of the sequels have made way more money than the previous ones aside from ASM

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GotG >>>>> Star Wars
Of course it will make money if asm2 did.

Anti stan is strong with you on this one. Like the clowns that deny how flawless BB and TDK are.
GotG >>>>> Star Wars
Why would you even compare the two? :lol:
Of course it will make money if asm2 did.

Anti stan is strong with you on this one. Like the clowns that deny how flawless BB and TDK are.
:lol: You think Batman Begins was flawless?

I guess Captain America The First Avenger was flawless too. Hell that'd make Iron Man a masterpiece.

Dudes out here set the bar real low for "flawless".
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Why is guardians predecessor listed as iron man?

:smh: at ASM2 making less than ASM. The critics killed it's money making potential from the jump. And praise guardians :rolleyes if only these critics actually knew what they were talking about.
Everyone is dumb but you, right?

Guardians is a better written and well structured movie, top to bottom. I liked ASM 2, but it was flawed... that's all there is to it. It wasn't as cohesive, didn't flow as well, it was all over the place at times. Doesn't mean it wasn't enjoyable or had it's moments. The action and effects were great and the chemistry between Peter and Gwen was done very well, but other than that it wasn't as impressive.
So I went to disneyland yesterday with my family. Noticed they took out the michael jackson captain EO movie and replaced it with a guardians of the galaxy sneak preview. It's pretty much the opening scene when star lord goes to that planet to get that orb. If you haven't been it's pretty cool it was 3d and when the movie would show water splashing or wind blowing the theatre was interactive and would blow air/water on the audience. Made me want to watch the movie in 3D
Everyone is dumb but you, right?

Guardians is a better written and well structured movie, top to bottom. I liked ASM 2, but it was flawed... that's all there is to it. It wasn't as cohesive, didn't flow as well, it was all over the place at times. Doesn't mean it wasn't enjoyable or had it's moments. The action and effects were great and the chemistry between Peter and Gwen was done very well, but other than that it wasn't as impressive.

Guardians is flawed as well but the critics will only tell you how great a soundtrack it has. Peter Quill's mom dies in the beginning, it's touching. Peter Parker's mom gets shot in the beginning, it's pointless :rolleyes but I digress I won't get into the ASM2 defending thing again. I'll just ask you this. How does IM3 have a better rating on Rotten Tomatoes then ASM2? Honestly?
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Because a larger percentage of critics liked IM3 compared to ASM 2... that's it. That's all RT is... a score that tells you how many reviewers liked the movie. It's not gospel, it's just an interesting gauge of how well-reviewed a movie is. Honestly? How would I know... there's not an answer to why a few hundred critics feel a certain way.

I don't know what ASM 2 has to do with Guardians other than they're both comic book movies and you're a huge fan of ASM 2. Let it go, critics didn't like it... but I bet if they did like it, you'd be using them as backup and "proof" so just relax over it :lol:
Everyone is dumb but you, right?

Guardians is a better written and well structured movie, top to bottom. I liked ASM 2, but it was flawed... that's all there is to it. It wasn't as cohesive, didn't flow as well, it was all over the place at times. Doesn't mean it wasn't enjoyable or had it's moments. The action and effects were great and the chemistry between Peter and Gwen was done very well, but other than that it wasn't as impressive.

Guardians is flawed as well but the critics will only tell you how great a soundtrack it has. Peter Quill's mom dies in the beginning, it's touching. Peter Parker's mom gets shot in the beginning, it's pointless :rolleyes but I digress I won't get into the ASM2 defending thing again. I'll just ask you this. How does IM3 have a better rating on Rotten Tomatoes then ASM2? Honestly?
Damn that happened too? :lol:

Whole bunch of ASM2 I done erased from my mind.
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Because a larger percentage of critics liked IM3 compared to ASM 2... that's it. That's all RT is... a score that tells you how many reviewers liked the movie. It's not gospel, it's just an interesting gauge of how well-reviewed a movie is. Honestly? How would I know... there's not an answer to why a few hundred critics feel a certain way.

I don't know what ASM 2 has to do with Guardians other than they're both comic book movies and you're a huge fan of ASM 2. Let it go, critics didn't like it... but I bet if they did like it, you'd be using them as backup and "proof" so just relax over it :lol:

You see that's my point, these critics don't know what the **** they're talking about. I'll let it go if they aren't comic book fans because I've had to slowly but surely grasp the concept that people are watching these movies and give no damns about source material as shocking as that is to me but these critics are blinded off hype. As a huge marvel fan and NT's resident "marvel homer" you gotta know that I have no bias if I'm telling you that a marvel film was not good. Guardians isn't good IMO. I'm not trying to force feed people my ideas on the movie but I've noticed that people will slander one film for the same things they'll praise another movie for. Ask @RFX45 I went to bat for guardians this time last year when everyone was saying that the film looked cheesy and it was gonna be marvels first fail. I claimed the movie would be a classic just off of comic con footage and the idea that I had of the film looking behind a great budget. The movie comes out and I do a body switch with all the doubters. People can't get enough of that film and I heavily disliked it sans visuals (visually the movie was great). I won't talk about what made ASM2 so great IMO because it's getting old. Really old. But.... **** guardians. :lol:
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people didnt like GOTG?

wow learn something new everyday

Guardians was CORNY "You said it yourself *****, we're the guardians of the galaxy" :x

Did Ronan do anything that posed a real threat to Xander? No, he's the main villain of the film supposedly menacing...he gets stopped from his goal of destroying Xander through very cringe worthy dance moves. Oh.

Rocket Raccon fired a gun twice. Three times if you count the ship he was in toward the end. And cried about three times. :stoneface:

I could go on forever :lol: but the soundtrack was so groundbreaking :rofl: Foh
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