Hoodrats talking manners VOL: Really? (I'm new at this)

I don't see the issue with saying watch out instead of excuse me. We're not at the office or a Gala.
Its an informal setting, slang should always be acceptable.
If you say Watch Out with an attitude n +!*+ then its not the same thing as excuse me.

People defending hoodrats, funny stuff.
i'll never understand why NTers talk about hoodrats and birds like they're another species. it's not that serious, son.. for every "!@#+$@%" bashing thread, a thread could be made of equal turnout about suburban white chicks also. but what's the point? all of these "!@#+$@%" threads just turn into black girl bashing parties where half of you say what you're really afraid to say in reality to these people.
Originally Posted by Slim

i'll never understand why NTers talk about hoodrats and birds like they're another species. it's not that serious, son.. for every "!@#+$@%" bashing thread, a thread could be made of equal turnout about [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]suburban white chicks[/color] also. but what's the point? all of these "!@#+$@%" threads just turn into black girl bashing parties where half of you say what you're really afraid to say in reality to these people.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Hm, I find it funny how you interpret the terms "hoodrats and birds" to be synonymous with all Black people. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]  And you're right, for every thread about "hoodrats", a thread COULD be made made for "suburban white chicks".. but um, what's your point? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]

Originally Posted by bud dink
Why is everyone so offended by "watch out". Unless someone says it aggressively or in a bad tone i dont understand what the issue with saying that is. Do you guys just walk around with a chip on your shoulder?
To me a #!*#*%! would be a lower class female, both social and economically.
People do tend use it more for people of color, but then again we have names for their white counterparts like trailer park trash.

White people know they have lower class people in their race and they forget about them on purpose.

The main charteritc a hood has that all females are able to have is rebelliousness.
They go against social norms. Society does not expect high-class females to speak loud,
have tattoos let alone multiple tattoos, multiple kids, dye their hair with color sugar (Kool-Aid)
and have a bunch of kids from at least three different men.
Originally Posted by BlackedOutNights

I don't see the issue with saying watch out instead of excuse me. We're not at the office or a Gala.
Its an informal setting, slang should always be acceptable.
Exactly my point - this is basically what my rant was about. Besides, we were in a crappy neighborhood in NY. The sensitivity of such a term should be completely neutral.
Hankzilla wrote:
DCAllAmerican wrote:
What do you mean they practically invent the term? And who is they?

  You already know the answer.

He should. I used "they" in my OP to reference to HR I had mentioned. I didn't want to use the same word too much so I used something else. About the former part of the question - take my previous answer and now place it back in the original sentence, and you will have your answer.

I deemed them "HR" because this was at a deli near my school, and I had seen them around. People aren't hard to figure out, you know...you're either something or you're not.

Oh, and one thing - the term "HR", to me, is not a race-exclusive thing. Not at all. So, if you even begin to think, for one moment, this is against a specific ethnic group, you might choose to leave this thread and start to reprogram your brain - parts of it are clearly awry.

In the end I guess I was shocked at the irony of the situation and the obvious double standards. However, it IS New York and I should be used to seeing situations like this. (For you sensitive folk, I mean "weird" situations, i.e. different, something you don't see everyday, off the beaten path, etc, etc.) 
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