How do you approach a girl you dont know?

I wonder if the world is in reverse . Imagine what corny pick up line women would say to pick up men
"excuse me, I usually don't do this but you're a beautiful girl whats your name?"

she smiles and tells you

initiate small talk...its that easy get them digits, email, twitter facebook whatever your choice of networking is
"excuse me, I usually don't do this but you're a beautiful girl whats your name?"

she smiles and tells you

initiate small talk...its that easy get them digits, email, twitter facebook whatever your choice of networking is
"hey girl I've seen you around before on campus. So when you gon let me clap them cheeks?"

Spoiler [+]
Just kidding

but on the real, just say hey and make small talk especially if there in your class or in the same major. Then you have something to talk about and that could grow into like study buddies or something.
"hey girl I've seen you around before on campus. So when you gon let me clap them cheeks?"

Spoiler [+]
Just kidding

but on the real, just say hey and make small talk especially if there in your class or in the same major. Then you have something to talk about and that could grow into like study buddies or something.
i usually just go up to them... and be like... "SUP B-]". works 0% of the time if you actually want to start a conversation though
i usually just go up to them... and be like... "SUP B-]". works 0% of the time if you actually want to start a conversation though
Originally Posted by Mo Greene

"hey, do you know how much a polar bear weighs?"

"i dont know how much?"

"enough to break the ice. hi, my name's mo greene"

ive wanted to try this ever since i saw the commercial.
Originally Posted by Mo Greene

"hey, do you know how much a polar bear weighs?"

"i dont know how much?"

"enough to break the ice. hi, my name's mo greene"

ive wanted to try this ever since i saw the commercial.
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

I gotta tell you like my dog told me
When you meet a chick, you gotsta straight slap her

Atleast that way, if things progress, she can never say you don't treat her like you used too.
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

I gotta tell you like my dog told me
When you meet a chick, you gotsta straight slap her

Atleast that way, if things progress, she can never say you don't treat her like you used too.
Originally Posted by BC2310

say 'Hey'

I'm Dude.  What's your name?

nice to meet you (name)
sometimes follow up w/a question and proceed to ask for digits
partys, campus, works all the time for me
Originally Posted by BC2310

say 'Hey'

I'm Dude.  What's your name?

nice to meet you (name)
sometimes follow up w/a question and proceed to ask for digits
partys, campus, works all the time for me
There is 1 prob w/ meeting girls in college, and that is that, in order to win a girl, you must 1st win over the stagnant and almost impermeable social hierarchy that she is part of.
There is 1 prob w/ meeting girls in college, and that is that, in order to win a girl, you must 1st win over the stagnant and almost impermeable social hierarchy that she is part of.
Good question, I have no yourslef, but honestly when I'm myself I don't really walk up to onknown girls...
Good question, I have no yourslef, but honestly when I'm myself I don't really walk up to onknown girls...
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

wanted to use the "do I know you?...oh you look familiar, hi i'm ___" opener, but scared it will cause awkwardness

If you really tight then you gotta get vans
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

wanted to use the "do I know you?...oh you look familiar, hi i'm ___" opener, but scared it will cause awkwardness

If you really tight then you gotta get vans
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