How healthy are you?...VOL....HEALTH

Apr 15, 2004
Do u eat healthy?
Excercise regularly?

In/out of shape?

I try to eat healthy 5 days a week.
Drink only water.
I've always been naturally healthy, in pretty good shape, but now that I'm a little older, I need to be more aware of what I'm eating. I'll go on healthy spurts where I'm in the gym/eating right, but it lasts a few weeks and I'm right back to burger/wings/no gym.

I just started drinking lots of water and cutting back on sweets. I gotta get better with my fruits and veggies because I rarely eat any.
I'm usually in pretty good shape. Definitely need to shed about 10-15 lbs though. I love to run and hit the gym. I do so about 4-5x a week.
I ball and do yoga everyday, lift 5 times a week. Physically if you see me you'd think I'm in really healthy, but my diet sucks so I usually feel like ****.
I'm of ok health.
I weigh 170 lbs and 5'10, so I guess I'm at average.
I work out 3-5 times a week.
Prob the best shape I'll ever be in my life. But my eating habits aren't that great
I need to improve my diet for sure and run/ball more to help keep the fat off.

I work out 4 days a week but need to feed my body better and drink more water.

So I'm average with some strength.
I want to wake up early and work out but I'm so not a morning person. That may have something to do with being dehydrated. If I could only get back to basic training mode, up at 4:45 working out daily.
I want to wake up early and work out but I'm so not a morning person. That may have something to do with being dehydrated. If I could only get back to basic training mode, up at 4:45 working out daily.

Its more so because you dont have to. I wasnt in basic training but for baseball in college we were up consistently at the latest 6am doing conditioning.

In juco friday morning we had a workout at 5am

It was no thing to get up early. But now, i just wake up close that alarm go back to sleep knowing i have nothing to be in trouble for ya know
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