How many are praying not to have a little girl? vol. imma kill one of you lil fools.

Like Al Bundy once said "If you have a boy, you have to worry about 1 penis in the neighborhood. If you have a girl, you have to worry about all the penis in the neighborhood."
Originally Posted by AEA18

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Like it has been said by TOAST1985 and OHDANNYBOY it's all about being an active father, not one who passes the responsibility of raising your girl(s) onto your wife.

I have two beautiful girls from a wife who didn't have her first boyfriend until she went off to college. I asked her what kept her disinterested in boys for all those years and she gave me the keys, so pay attention fellas. First off she played sports since she was a little girl. T-ball, softball, volleyball, etc. My girls are two and four and they are already in gymnastics. I also take them to the park and let them compete against each other in races and at home I have a bat and a ball for them. They are already making contact with underhand pitches and they love that I get so excited every time they rock one past me. I don't force the game on them, I just make it fun for them and as soon as they are over it, I let them move on to whatever else they want to do. But the key here is in all these games, besides giving them a healthy distraction from boys, is setting up a dynamic where they take pride in me being proud of them.

The other thing my wife told me is she didn't get her license until her senior year and wasn't allowed to do sleep overs or ride with any random people. Her mom had her bring her friend to their house instead of her hanging out at other people's houses all the time. So my next step, for when my daughter starts wanting to hang out with friends outside of school, is to keep a good environment at my house for that. I don't trust other people with my kids anyway outside of a select few family members.

Good luck to all of NTs fathers of girls.
If I do have girls this is what I would do. 


i got a son

once he gets old enough, as long as he's using condoms and isn't smashing ugly chicks im going to encourage him to get all the {(')} he wants. it's not a big age difference between me and him so i'll still remember how it felt in high school trying to bang as many %+*@%+* as possible. i might as well encourage him to have the same fun.

however if i ever have daughters im a firm believer in double standards. there going to be part of team yns until they get married.
If I had/got to choose, I'd rather have a daughter than a son. I feel like I missed out on something by only having a brother and male cousins.
I want a girl too. I prefer a boy first but if it's a girl i won't be worrying at all. Reason is because I can't wait to raise my daughter to be different than all the typical girls we all knew in high school. I plan to play a major role in her life. Can't wait to see what the future has in store for me. 
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