I can't stand KG now..

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by jmause3

Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

Another gem from Artest on Garnett

"Where's the fire when K.G. is down 20?" Artest declared in the first half of Game 4. "Watch how he goes back to huddle like a puppy. You're either a soldier all the time or you're not. You can't be a part-time soldier."
Ron is that dude
How many titles he got? We seriously quoting an insane man? What's next? Mike Tyson's views on the climate change issue?

What do titles have to do with anything? I didn't know winning an NBA championship automatically wiped little girl tendencies away. Holding up a trophy orputting on a ring doesn't give you a clean slate. Once a **%*$, always a **%*$.
Dude has come through in big series. Look up the stats. They're out there. He also backs up any talk with HOF play. Seriously, you guys look pretty idioticin your arguments. I could see if you got mad at Perkins for doing this, but KG? We're talking a first ballot HOFer.

You didn't see me whining on a message board about Kobe Bryant when he copied everyone else's "big nuts" dance after a 3 even though itlooked pretty ******ed. He has earned the right to do stuff like that with his play , just as KG has.
This is my take. I appreciate good players. KG can ball. He's been relevant ever since he stepped into the league and made a mostly garbage Timberwolvesteam relevant as well. Yes...he ODs on his jumpers at times. Yes...he ODs on the cursing. Yes...he does dirty plays also. However, he clearly cares about thegame. When this dude was signing unreal and unheard of 100 million dollar contracts, he could've ate that money and said $*$# it...I'm getting mine. Hehas done the complete opposite and did whatever he could to get better.

People on this board and wherever get so caught into personality flaws instead of respecting their game. Sound like a bunch of women...
I'll forgive Kobe's "big nuts" dance before KG getting down all fours while playing "defense"

KG is a great basketball player, but he extra curriculars are just embarrassing.
He's over the top, but so what nba needs these types of personality as much as the low-key demeanors of Tim Duncan.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

This is my take. I appreciate good players. KG can ball. He's been relevant ever since he stepped into the league and made a mostly garbage Timberwolves team relevant as well. Yes...he ODs on his jumpers at times. Yes...he ODs on the cursing. Yes...he does dirty plays also. However, he clearly cares about the game. When this dude was signing unreal and unheard of 100 million dollar contracts, he could've ate that money and said $*$# it...I'm getting mine. He has done the complete opposite and did whatever he could to get better.

People on this board and wherever get so caught into personality flaws instead of respecting their game. Sound like a bunch of women %**%*## and *$#+...
Stop disrespecting real women P. My lady loves KG
In a way, I would even say Kobe's Big Nuts dance is even worse because he is doing a "full of himself" routine and Garnett is trying to gain apsychological advantage over his opponents.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

Originally Posted by travman24

Haven't liked him since he put on green.
i had respect for him when he was on the wolves, dude was a warrior and a beast. I just hate him now.

LOL. He's the same guy. Ask T Wolves fans.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

In a way, I would even say Kobe's Big Nuts dance is even worse because he is doing a "full of himself" routine and Garnett is trying to gain a psychological advantage over his opponents.
Kobe recognizes the spirit of competitiveness in his "routines", whereas KG is just an !@+*$@* of a human being to other people.

If you can't see the difference, you're just seeing whatever you want to see.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

In a way, I would even say Kobe's Big Nuts dance is even worse because he is doing a "full of himself" routine and Garnett is trying to gain a psychological advantage over his opponents.
Who the hell cares?

Bibby did the dance before and nobody outside of Phil Jackson cared. They all clearly got it from the movie. Who hasn't done some kind of celebratorygesture? People want personalities unlike Tim Duncan's usual mug...and then pout about some dances and ++%#.
Would you all prefer the NFL approach?

LeBron stays flexing and snarling like some untamed beast. Okay? So?
Wade is jumping on top of scores tables? Okay? And?
Jordan jumped up and down and fist pumped. Super.
Kemp used to do little jigs all the time following wide open dunks. .................?

What is the big +*!#%+% deal? Ya'll really sitting around analyzing celebrations and intensity.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

In a way, I would even say Kobe's Big Nuts dance is even worse because he is doing a "full of himself" routine and Garnett is trying to gain a psychological advantage over his opponents.
I think you're confusing "gaining a psychological advantage" with being a prick and bully who only picks on little guards. I have noproblem with KG's game, he's one of the best to ever play, but his childish antics are just stupid. Setting those dirty picks and pointing in 6'0guards faces really makes him a tough guy
. Anthony Peeler and McDyessshowed KG's true colors, he talks that crap to people who will retaliate, and they respond, KG is running back with his tail between his legs or goes tobeing a mute. That's why KG has started to irk me more and more.
Originally Posted by WILLINC

His act is getting old. How many times can 1 person say MF'er ?

Seriously. Does dude have Tourette's or something? He can hardly say two words without saying MF - at least on the court anyway.
geez people are taking this so personally..... if KG's antics against the jose-calderon-type guards gets into the head of the guard and gives his own teaman edge, then so be it....whatever....
KG is the reason why I can`t stand the Celtics. It`s hard not to appreciate Ray Allen, I think that Paul Pierce is a GREAT player and Doc Rivers is a likeableguy. However, KG just ruins it for me, this dude is one of the softest punks in the NBA. He`s afraid to take meaningful shots with the game on the line and heloves to pick on guys that are smaller than him. You`ll never see him step to any PF or C the same size or bigger than him.
How in the hell do you figure it gets into the heads of the guards, I don't know what happened on that particular play afterwards, but I doubt it doesanything at all. It just make KG look like an $##. That's all, ain't nobody intimidated by that dude cause he's talking ALL the damn time. Take theCeltic green glasses off and just look at the situation objectively. His antics make him look childish, nothing more.
I haven't read through all 9 pages but from what I have read most of you cats hate KG because he curses so much? So to you cats that are saying this youdon't talk smack and curse when you hoop at all? If not then I guess i'm just a foul mouth MFer.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

How in the hell do you figure it gets into the heads of the guards, I don't know what happened on that particular play afterwards, but I doubt it does anything at all. It just make KG look like an $##. That's all, ain't nobody intimidated by that dude cause he's talking ALL the damn time. Take the Celtic green glasses off and just look at the situation objectively. His antics make him look childish, nothing more.
nobody wearing green classes. i never had a prob with him before he came here. he does what he does. kobe has the constant pout. lebronexaggerates his wide-open dunks when the defender is over in the next time zone. i don;t complain cuz maybe that's what drives them and what they thinkintimidates their opponents. i think you guys are just complaining cuz you're annoyed easily....
Originally Posted by Seven30

I haven't read through all 9 pages but from what I have read most of you cats hate KG because he curses so much? So to you cats that are saying this you don't talk smack and curse when you hoop at all? If not then I guess i'm just a foul mouth MFer.

Wrong - if KG was just a baaaaaaad dude overall, it'd be one thing.. But he's a fraud. He's ALL talk in terms of toughness, physically andmentally. He picks on little dudes. Never saw him getting all tough with anybody his own size, and you probably never will.
Originally Posted by Seven30

I haven't read through all 9 pages but from what I have read most of you cats hate KG because he curses so much? So to you cats that are saying this you don't talk smack and curse when you hoop at all? If not then I guess i'm just a foul mouth MFer.
I don't think anyone was trying to say there's no place at all for cursing on the basketball court, its just that KG takes it to another,ridiculous level. Plus, there's a difference between me dropping a couple F-bombs in a pick up game and KG screaming MFer throughout an entire NBA game. When I play ball, there's not hundreds of kids in the audience who can hear me curse like there is in an NBA arena. If there were (as a parent), I'dat least try to watch my language.
Hold up were people really comparing Duncan and Garnett ?

Garnett is/has been a good player, but he is not seeing Duncan. PERIOD.
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