I can't stand KG now..

Mar 29, 2005
I really didn't mind him talking to himself, the basket support, etc..But after watching tonight's game where he just started staring down and cursingat the Bulls after Ray made that bucket, I really can't stand him. Didn't pay to much attention to him, but he has become more and more a punk. KG =Overrated.
yep.. whats new. straight punk who won't mess with people his own size or ability. weak minded at heart that needs to bully the weak. sad to see a personlike that get a nba ring.
I missed it... any vids

KG irritated me off when he was in the Timberwolves because the whole world could read his dirty lips whenever he made a basket or got fouled or didn't geta call
Just as bad as Kobe a year+ back when he argued every single call
. Not as much now, but at least it's a lot of players try to argue for obvious calls every once and a while
. Like CP3 last night for a flagrant.
Originally Posted by SINcereOne03

I really didn't mind him talking to himself, the basket support, etc..But after watching tonight's game where he just started staring down and cursing at the Bulls after Ray made that bucket, I really can't stand him. Didn't pay to much attention to him, but he has become more and more a punk. KG = Overrated.
I was going to make this post earlier, I can't stand him.
i saw that too. i was wondering if he was barking at the bulls or yelling at ray cuz he was hyped.
forever I can't stand kg, been saying it for years. I hate that man, and it's for the exact reasons brought up in this thread
Dude seemed to be talking garbage when his team has a hard time putting away an eight seed...i hope bulls wins it between them. Cmon drose.
I can't really complain because KG has been like this for his entire career. He's one of my favorite players along with Tim Duncan but I always likedthis quote from Artest.
"I remember one time Kevin Garnett was mushing him, and shoving him in the face; and Tim Duncan didn't do anything, he didn't react. He just kicked Kevin Garnett's !$$, and won the damn championship. You know what I'm sayin'? That's gangsta. Everybody can show emotion, dunk on somebody, scream and be real cocky; but Tim Duncan is a ... he's a pimp."
i still dont get it why players argue with the ref. it's not like he's gonna change his mind.. if he does he loses credibility.. so why even try?you'll only run the risk of getting T'd up
TD is way better then that punk +@+ KG, i used to like him when he was a Wolves but not any more. Dude acted like he the toughest guy in the league.
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

i still dont get it why players argue with the ref. it's not like he's gonna change his mind.. if he does he loses credibility.. so why even try? you'll only run the risk of getting T'd up

talking to the ref is good...because if you get something across to the ref rationally and maybe suggest why you're right and the ref is wrong...the nexttime you are in that situation the ref will see the foul...or won't call it on you...
Originally Posted by Fearless

TD is way better then that punk +@+ KG, i used to like him when he was a Wolves but not any more. Dude acted like he the toughest guy in the league.

KG has acted like that his whole career. It is more noticable now cuz he plays in a bigger market and has more t.v time.
Originally Posted by WILLINC

His act is getting old. How many times can 1 person say MF'er ?


we shall see

i never got a chance to watch him in 'sota.

he aiight with me tho. the thing i never understood was why players complain to the refs. i dont see the point. stop whining. i know damn well they werentwhining when they were growin up playin streetball. it aint like the 30 secs after the whistle the ref is gonna be like

"oh well since u put it like that, then you were right, and take back the call"

whatever happened to the refs not toleratin that?
You just start watching KG or something? Dude literally says MF'er about every 3 words. It means everything to him. He says it when he's happy, whenhe's sad, when he's upset, when he scores, when he misses, when he fouls, when he dunks, when he makes a jumpshot, it's all he ever says out there.

But I hate how people talk about his passion so much. Like we have all stated, all he is doing is cursing, but apparently it inspires some of his teammates soI cant fault him for that, but I imagine in person the act would grow tired quick,
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