I Know I'm NOT the Only One Who Has Seen This...This is Pathetic.

lucky to have not experienced that
I've seen black and hispanic kids on these and it shocks me. I refuse to put my kids on that, I'll just beat them.
Seen those and it's sad treating your kid like a dog but that %@% wouldn't happen
if you whooped ur kids. That's what's wrong these days kids go wild because the
parents aren't really allowed to discipline their kids when I was a kid and I f'd up
I would catch a whooping from either mom or pop...These days parents gotta
worry about child services coming to the home cuz someone out there saw u
disciplining ur kid and didn't like it
chrisasu28 wrote:
For those who are criticizing, wait until you actually have kids, and if they're wild enough in public, you'll give it a second thought.
thank you.

you guys dont understand how toddlers can be such a handful

my sister has my 1 yr old nephew on this...cause he is everywhere...at this age he wants to explore and hes understand the concept when not to run around inpublic and such
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

chrisasu28 wrote:
For those who are criticizing, wait until you actually have kids, and if they're wild enough in public, you'll give it a second thought.
thank you.

you guys dont understand how toddlers can be such a handful

my sister has my 1 yr old nephew on this...cause he is everywhere...at this age he wants to explore and hes understand the concept when not to run around in public and such

or you could discipline ya kids. i work pt at foot locker and i get sick of people bringing their kids out and they have NO control. plus beforework i
so i'm trying to keep cool i just make kids sit the helldown. parents get
but whatever make ya kids sit down and behave or i will
Me and my lil bro used to has one of the double leashes...

Not around moms waist though.... she used to snap that thing back so fast me and my bro were knocking heads
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

Originally Posted by chrisasu28

For those who are criticizing, wait until you actually have kids, and if they're wild enough in public, you'll give it a second thought.
I have a kid who is 2 and I don't have a backpack leash for him never will. I either carry him or hold his hand and let him walk around in public

Smoke - not every kid is the same. My son is 2 and there are days he behaves and there are days he doesn't.

Cedric - parenting skills have very little to do with this

For anyone commenting that doesn't have a child, keep it to yourself. Until you're the parent you will never understand. I don't have one these,but there sure have been times when I wish i did. My son can be a handful and a half.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

chrisasu28 wrote:
For those who are criticizing, wait until you actually have kids, and if they're wild enough in public, you'll give it a second thought.
thank you.

you guys dont understand how toddlers can be such a handful

my sister has my 1 yr old nephew on this...cause he is everywhere...at this age he wants to explore and hes understand the concept when not to run around in public and such

No offense but using a leash on your kid is pathetic. Either teach them to hold your hand or put them in a stroller.

I have a 19 month old and she always wants to walk. My wife and I taught her that in order to walk, she has to hold at least one of our hands. Now, when weare in a mall or something and put her down to walk, she goes "Mommy...hand!" or "Daddy...hand!" She learned and she is barely evenstarting to talk.

Leash on a kid......what a joke.
never needed a leash my mom just used profanity laced tirades and mild physical violence(ie a smack upside the head)
I can't even front, I bought that same little dog backpack thing for my daughter when she was younger,
cus she thought it was cool when she saw it (she had a fascination with backpacks due to Dora).

Only difference is, I used to tuck in the leash and just let her rock the little dog on her back.

She thought she was doing it.
Originally Posted by kyrac2

mom didn't need one she had a mean backhand that kept us in check
word. My parents put the fear of god in me. I mean i still acted up, but not as much. I wish I could say my son would respond to a whooping. maybeI don't hit him hard enough when he acts up at home. I really just flick him in the shoulder. oh well
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

chrisasu28 wrote:
For those who are criticizing, wait until you actually have kids, and if they're wild enough in public, you'll give it a second thought.
thank you.

you guys dont understand how toddlers can be such a handful

my sister has my 1 yr old nephew on this...cause he is everywhere...at this age he wants to explore and hes understand the concept when not to run around in public and such

I have a 2 year old and would never do this...smack ur kids if they get outta line and they will learn
Whenever I'm out and I see this me and my friends just can't stop laughing. Even right in front of the people..I mean seriously learn how to be aparent and watch over your children.
It just depends on the amount of freedom you give your kids.

I let my dogs off the leash all the time, and my wife always freaks out, thinking that they will run into the street and get hit by a car. They have run intothe middle of the street before but I always make sure they don't get hit.

You just have to remember that times are crazier now than when we were kids. Today's technology offers a lot more distractions than our parents had to dealwith when we were kids.
I just had to up this thread.

I was at the mall earlier today and saw a mother with this on her child... I was just watching her at the food court, and she noticed everyone was looking ather and

... she ended up taking off her kid and putting it in her bag
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