If God doesn't Exist Explain To Me How This Happened By Chance

Ok, I get it. Sure, the page settings can make it show 8 pages or 13. But how did the page settings get there? How come we have it and other sites don't have it? Hmm? How'd it get there? How'd this post get there? You can't explain that.


My page settings did change from 30 to 50 mysteriously. Is it a sign? :nerd:
It's hilarious to me that so many people think they can KNOW something that really can't be known. You might believe something, but to say you know where people came from is absurd.

That's why science is so great. It welcomes wrong answers.
Science and religion is a false dichotomy. I mean, lets not act like religion conflicts with science. I mean, you can believe in evolution and god (gasp).
How do baseless claims have the power to rustle so many jimmies, aside from straight obvious trolling. How does one have the ability to make a claim or say something with complete lack of knowledge on whatever it is their saying and have it get so many people going with no intent of doing so.
Non believers deserve to rot in hell! Out of the trillion planets God sends his son here to Earth for our salvation and you dare deny him? Get a brain morans!
I'd rather not have a brain than be brainwashed by false "truth."

Damn I guess all that science that goes into studying, understanding and implementing biomechanics and physics is false truth. Gives self lobotomy to be more Christian.
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I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
I stand on the rain drop, sand grain theory... We all know how small and minuscule earth is to the cosmos, we're pretty much equal to cells, atoms, molecules under our microscope or even smaller. I know that we are significant because we live on this plain, but IMO we are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Not important enough to have a God.
Are you trying to dwell onto nihilism? I'm not even saying nihilism is 2DEE4U, but I don't think a lot of NT'ers dwell into such thoughts that at the end of the day you're life is insignificant once you place it in the big picture. I'm still in awe at just how immense our universe is. It's hard to describe just how insignificant we are when we look at at pictures of the universe. The amount of galaxies, stars, star dust, dark matter, empty spaces in space, white dwarfs, and everything combined is just so immense. We as humans forget/don't know just how immense the universe is. It's ridiculous to think we are somehow chosen in the universe by this empty deity. I guess that's what we use to cope with just how insignificant we truly are. If we blow this planet up it won't make a difference in the universe. You think 'god' is gonna cry? God doesn't exist and never existed in our reality and in this universe. Its hard for me to accept a god when our planet is going in the ****ter and so many people are dying of hunger, it's hard for me to take god seriously when he punishes you for being human. It's hard for me to accept the existence of a fairy when we have no concrete proof that such thing even exists.

tl;dr: we are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. We just like to feel important and praise invisible deities made up in a book to help us cope with the fact that our existence is meaningless in the bigger picture.
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4 billion years of trial and error. Long story short, When things started getting real back in the day, mitochondrion turned into mitochondria.

The real question is, how does space/universe exist if matter can not be created? How does something just exist without ever being created?
Another funny thing about the watchmaker analogy is the selectiveness with which common sense is used to defend god's existence.

Most times the logic of defending him aligns with, "It's amazing, and I don't know how _____ works / got here, so it must be god's work." You most likely don't believe other grandiose claims throughout your life without questioning the legitimacy of them, why make an exception with god? You know, since we're using common sense to talk about god.
4 billion years of trial and error. Long story short, When things started getting real back in the day, mitochondrion turned into mitochondria.

The real question is, how does space/universe exist if matter can not be created? How does something just exist without ever being created?
thats the big question. great thing about science is that it is okay with admitting that we dont know how everything was created, but still works to find out. while religion takes the first thing that comes to mind and credits it with everything
Has any of the Jesus freaks in this thread explained evolution yet? And how old is the Earth according to you?
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