impossibe to lose feelings for an ex?

July 1st will be one year since I met her
Originally Posted by jomitm

Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by KRS87

guess if i don't achieve a higher high/euphoria with another woman then it would be impossible to lose feelings

That's where you're wrong my man.

Your first mistake is even comparing it.

Find another woman, and if you give it a shot, you will appreciate her for completely different reasons and have new experiences that will make you realize it's pointless to look back at how it was or how it could've been with someone else because you have RIGHT NOW.

Even if those feelings re-surface, you think you're still madly in love with your ex, but the truth is you are more in love with the memories, how she made you feel and what you had, and it gets you to thinking about alternate realities and you wish you were still in the past. 

But at some point you gotta man up, and say it won't help you just depressing over things you have no control of anymore. 

You have to let go for your own sake. She's not the one for you. Because if she was...well, you guys would still be together.

Now wake the %+%# up.

You deserve so much more and you know it.

my God.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by jomitm

Originally Posted by seniosoul

guess if i don't achieve a higher high/euphoria with another woman then it would be impossible to lose feelings

That's where you're wrong my man.

Your first mistake is even comparing it.

Find another woman, and if you give it a shot, you will appreciate her for completely different reasons and have new experiences that will make you realize it's pointless to look back at how it was or how it could've been with someone else because you have RIGHT NOW.

Even if those feelings re-surface, you think you're still madly in love with your ex, but the truth is you are more in love with the memories, how she made you feel and what you had, and it gets you to thinking about alternate realities and you wish you were still in the past. 

But at some point you gotta man up, and say it won't help you just depressing over things you have no control of anymore. 

You have to let go for your own sake. She's not the one for you. Because if she was...well, you guys would still be together.

Now wake the %+%# up.

You deserve so much more and you know it.

my God.
I'm saying

Going on Vacation in 3 weeks. Can't wait, Should help me rebuild myself
clear my mind and come back fresh
yea it is hard. i try to break up with my girl but then i just end up going back.

Simple . smhh

i dont kno what to do
Originally Posted by jomitm

You know what the truth is?

You broke up for a reason. And because of that reason, you are not currently with her.

Why you feel all these emotions due to her absence and how you aren't in a relationship anymore is because you continue to re-live the memories you've had with her and what it felt like when you guys were together, because well, regardless of the present and whatever point you guys are at your lives, you've had some amazing times with her, and you think to yourself, you would never feel that same way again with any other woman. You try dating again, you try going out and seeing other options, but it's just not the same. And you say it's unfair that it's not the same. And that's why you think of all those moments you've had with her. You want to go back to those emotions and the euphoria you felt being with her. 

Well guess what.

You won't feel those same feelings again for anyone.

Because any other woman isn't her. And they will never be. Much like how she will not be like any other woman. 

What you have to do is MAKE new moments. MAKE new opportunities with other women. Maybe you'll find another one and you'll MAKE new different emotions evoked by your new moments with that new girl.

Stop re-living the past.  It won't do you any good because you can't do anything about it. Appreciate it for what it is because you are here now because of what happened then. The fact of the matter is YOU are still here. And you have another opportunity.

Make the most of it.

Your life is ticking one second at a time. 

God. Honest. Truth. I even told my current "My goal with you is to create a memorable experince whenever I'm with you." Let's focus on creating that, and when the time comes for something else, I would have to eventually focus on making a new experience. At the age of 26, I can look back on th women I've dated, and think to some really good times....but what really inspires me is what lies ahead.
Originally Posted by Sweettooth 17

10508 Cardo Jr Ln wrote:

I dont miss her...I miss what I knew we were gonna have 
So true...

So true. It took me a long time to get over my ex. A LONG time. Thought I never would. I admit I still miss her at times but I think its more the thought of having someone there who I was that close with.

I look back and think we did not belong together at all, I just miss the times we had together and being that close to someone. I don't miss her anymore though.
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