Is it just me.... or is "Over" one of the worst songs you've ever heard?

Feb 19, 2008
It's really been on my mind for quite a while. And I know the track's been out for a while but I just don't understand. He talks about how great he is.... and that's it. I know it's like 50% of all rap records but still. And the fact that it's his first single.....I mean Jesus.

I think what might do it for me is the chorus. It is a sight to behold I tell you. "What am I doing?....That's right I'm doing me." I mean honestly, and that's just one line.

It blows my mind the fact that....

1.) This song receives so much airplay
2.) Some record producer didn't stop this monstrosity from being released in the first place.

I know half this board would sleep with Drake if they got the chance, but is there any reasonable voice on here that can tell me I'm wrong in my thinking? Because I would love to know.

Good Day.
i also think this song is wack. used the illest part of the beat for the hook, and used garbage for the verses.

idkwtf they were thinking.

yeah song is gabage though......
You are not the only one.  there are plenty of people who don't like rap, and/or drake.
It took me a couple listens to start feelin' it, and though it's not an AMAZING is still a SOLID song.

Don't knock drizzy man.  
I like it, a lot.

It's going to be hard to top 'Best I Ever Had' as a single though. Sucks they keep pushing the damn album back.
I can understand if you don't like it but "one of the worst songs" though?

Spend 15 minutes on Music MySpace and type in your zipcode and skim through other "artists". DEFINITELY not one of the worst. It's not a GOAT song, but I like it.
Song knocks
Its one of those songs if you sit back and think about it the hook is dumb as #*#* but if u just accept it as music it is
Why does every cornball who uses this beat copy Drake's rhyme scheme on the hook AND verse? That ++%+ is type lame and shows no sort of artistic creativity.
yeah, i dont like it either. i feel like Drake was just LAZY with the hook and the lyrics of the song in general.. i know he could have made a much better song
The only thing that irks me about Drake is one minute he rhymes about how much better his life is than mine, and the next minute it's all about how stardom isn't all it's cracked up to be and feels alone...

...make up ya mind N'.

Other than that ''Over'' is decent - not bad, but nuthin' special...

...I wanna hear the album though.
There are much worse songs, but I don't see the big #%++ about it.

Either way, Drake is now in Weezy and Kanye's ranks; from here on out, he will get slurped on for whatever he does.
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