Is Molly METH ?

like ppl mentioned a lot of that stuff on the streets is cut with something else

knew one kid from hs that would go to raves every weekend. dude was so "spaced out" over the yrs. brain definitely took a beating from heavy usage
also, know ppl that do it and are perfectly fine

but yeah, i'd just stick to the herbs and cooochie
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I've had clean stuff that's great. The stuff is cut to hell usually and leaves you grinding your jaw that's the meth in it. Haven't done "Molly" in a long time because it's real wack now.

I'd just rather pop a pressy and know it's cut with meth. They used to cut them with heroin but those are long gone.
I've had clean stuff that's great. The stuff is cut to hell usually and leaves you grinding your jaw that's the meth in it. Haven't done "Molly" in a long time because it's real wack now.

I'd just rather pop a pressy and know it's cut with meth. They used to cut them with heroin but those are long gone.

I've had clean MDMA & MDA that had me jaw clenching. Happen when I took acid aswell. Most drugs that are stimulants will produce this effect. And people puttin h in ecstasy pills sounds like a myth, its just not cost effective.
They were like 10 years ago or more. They were cut for the effects I think not cost. They were rare too. Bust one open and it's all brown specks.

I don't get down like this anymore. Back in my club working days...
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