Kids from Cali react to gay marriage(15min)

Lol back tracking? For fears of other humans not agreeing with my opinion?

You guys gotta grow up. Being open minded =/= taking everything the way the media puts it out for you.

I could be for gay right but not agree with this video for a lot of reasons.
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I don't have much to say on this topic that hasn't already been said but Id appreciate it if people stopped trying to equate being gay with being black. Two completely different struggles that have little if any cross-section. And yet these days people always try to make them seem equal somehow.
Id appreciate it if people stopped trying to equate being gay with being black. Two completely different struggles that have little if any cross-section. And yet these days people always try to make them seem equal somehow.

PLEASE can we get a .gif of 1:37 
Can we not go into this black vs gays debate? Very few people say that gay people face the same level of oppression that black people did/do, they're just trying to say that discriminating against any group is a bad thing. They're equal in the sense that they're both being discriminated against regardless of the level of discrimination. Is it really that hard to understand?
Why do people get so mad about gays and same sex marriage?

At this point, the only logical conclusion I can come to is that it gives them a convenient excuse to not have to think about things that actually matter.
Lol back tracking? For fears of other humans not agreeing with my opinion?

You guys gotta grow up. Being open minded =/= taking everything the way the media puts it out for you.

I could be for gay right but not agree with this video for a lot of reasons.
Yeah...something like that
12/2/11 at 11:35am


  • 611 Posts. Joined 5/2004
  • Reputation: 133

I never understood why I have to accept it, or act like it doesn't bother me, or grasp the concept that if we don't give gays rights, we are a backwards society. This is not a hate thread, I appreciate every human being's life and their values. However at the same time, why are my values not being taken into account? Why do they need to teach my kids in Kindergarten about homosexuality? 
When the population of gays is so small compared to heterosexuals, yet the media, news, and governments are trying to push it so hard and legitimize the rights its weird. 

There is still rampant racism and yet we are holding a microscope on homosexual rights? 

See, I don't mind an open society but when the media attention and channels like MTV purposefully shove images of homosexuality and acceptance into my mind, its bothersome. 

If the people in charge of these giant media corporations are homosexual thats cool, but don't try to justify your actions by influencing the rest of the people, with the power that you have, that it is ok. 

Even if homosexuality is not a choice, it is a sexual act. Therefore it does not need to be blatantly in society. Its like the furries, people who enjoy having sex dressed as teddy bears and what not, why do they not teach kids about that? or any other sort of sexual interaction that deviates from heterosexual acts? 

Im sorry if this thread offends any people on NT, its just I feel society has taken a path so quickly that it makes the civil rights movement look like kids stuff. Its easier to make people trust your beliefs when you have the power and tools to enforce your ideas.

Is it really that humans have advanced so much in thought in the past 10-15 years? or that we are told its ok.
You called it poison.  You obviously feel some type of way but you're too much of a coward to stand behind what you said in your post in this thread.  I gave you the benefit of the doubt but you made it easy to find out how you really feel.  Even if it's about keeping it away from young kids or whatever, don't act like that doesn't stem from your prejudices.  Homosexuality bothers you and that's truly why you've taken this position, stop lying.
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At this point, the only logical conclusion I can come to is that it gives them a convenient excuse to not have to think about things that actually matter.

Real answer = to draw attention away from serious economic hardship

This is exactly what I was thinking... It's so many more important issues going on around us that who somebody wants to spend their time with shouldn't emm be a issue..
This is exactly what I was thinking... It's so many more important issues going on around us that who somebody wants to spend their time with shouldn't emm be a issue..

Mayweather logic: PICK A FIGHT YOU CAN WIN
Guys, we're not trying to compare who had it worse. We're saying the same type of tactics and methods were used during the Civil Rights era compared to today's oppression against gays. Maybe not to the same extent (i.e. segregation), but it's there - if not here, look at places like Nigeria where they actually ban homosexuality. And we find it hypocritical a group that was historically oppressed against would be so vehemently for the oppression of another minority group. That's all. Discrimination is destructive and unnecessary, no matter what form it takes.
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people don't give a damb about two women being gay...

What rustles jimmies is the thought of two jimmies rustling.

Oh I know, but people care way too much about this.... Itz like Gossip, everybody putting their two cents in about who's sleeping with who and why they shouldn't be... At the end of the day two gay people getting married doesn't effect you physically or mentally unless u let it.. Dudes should chill with this and let them people cook, no one should have the right to tell two adults they can't be with one another...
Just curious for everyone who has an opinion on homosexuality(both ways), how much research have you guys done to defend your opinion?

At a physiological level homosexuality is an antagonist to the natural order of things. If so, why is it pushed so heavily?

With all the back door homosexuality happening in Hollywood it's not a surprise that it's making headway for acceptance in the mainstream.

I couldn't really think of a way to say this in a neutral tone, so I'll just put it out there for what it is. I think the people who promote homosexuality at the mass levels are pedophiles looking to take advantage of a population who accepts everything and anything told to them by the box.

I think the majority of the people who think they're gay are just a product of a system. Same as anyone who thinks they're democrat/republican.

With that said they're gonna be anomalies with in the population such as being albino.

I have pathologies of my own so this is on the lower side of the totem pole for my priorities. Just wanted to caveat that for people who say if you're straight why do care about two other people and what they're doing. At times people act like this isn't a message board where people discuss opinions for the sake of passing time.
My dude say, the golden gay bridge hahahaha

true story though, if everybody was game, the word would end. not because of some rules or whatever, or god's wrath, but because there'd be no babies and reproduction. So its like homosexuals want to be what their same sex, but they want to play in our same heterosexual game and have kids too. you can't have it both ways b
"All men seek happiness. This is without exception. Whatever different means they employ, they all tend to this end. The cause of some going to war, and of others avoiding it, is the same desire in both, attended with different views. The will never takes the least step but to this object. This is motive of every action of every man, even of those who hang themselves"

Blaise pascal.

Sigmund Freud

"The question of purpose of human life has been raised countless times; it has never yet recieved a satisfactory answer and perhaps does not admit of one. We will therefore turn to the less ambitious question of what man show by their behaviour to be the purpose and intention of their lives. What do they demand of life and wish to achieve in it? The answer to this can hardly be in doubt. They strive after happiness; they want to become happy and to remain so. This endeavour has two sides, a positive and a negative aim. It aims, on the one hand, at an absence of pain and displeasure, and, on the other, at the experiencing of strong feelings of pleasure"

Stumbling upon happiness, Daniel Gilbert.
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My dude say, the golden gay bridge hahahaha

true story though, if everybody was game, the word would end. not because of some rules or whatever, or god's wrath, but because there'd be no babies and reproduction. So its like homosexuals want to be what their same sex, but they want to play in our same heterosexual game and have kids too. you can't have it both ways b

Jesus Christ people. Gays are not trying to convert you. They're trying to gain civil rights.

And if you bothered to read any earlier posts in the thread, the world's population is growing at an exponential rate. Barring some sort of cosmic catastrophe, we are in no danger of being in extinct.

How are people just suddenly going to change their sexuality? If I have no attraction to males, what makes you think I ever would?
Jesus Christ people. Gays are not trying to convert you. They're trying to gain civil rights.

And if you bothered to read any earlier posts in the thread, the world's population is growing at an exponential rate. Barring some sort of cosmic catastrophe, we are in no danger of being in extinct.

How are people just suddenly going to change their sexuality? If I have no attraction to males, what makes you think I ever would?
idk you tell me 

Just Kidding lol
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