Kids from Cali react to gay marriage(15min)

I wonder if the hundreds of other species that practice homosexuality are also just "a product of the system" :lol:
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Just curious for everyone who has an opinion on homosexuality(both ways), how much research have you guys done to defend your opinion?

At a physiological level homosexuality is an antagonist to the natural order of things. If so, why is it pushed so heavily?

With all the back door homosexuality happening in Hollywood it's not a surprise that it's making headway for acceptance in the mainstream.

I couldn't really think of a way to say this in a neutral tone, so I'll just put it out there for what it is. I think the people who promote homosexuality at the mass levels are pedophiles looking to take advantage of a population who accepts everything and anything told to them by the box.

I think the majority of the people who think they're gay are just a product of a system. Same as anyone who thinks they're democrat/republican.

With that said they're gonna be anomalies with in the population such as being albino.

I have pathologies of my own so this is on the lower side of the totem pole for my priorities. Just wanted to caveat that for people who say if you're straight why do care about two other people and what they're doing. At times people act like this isn't a message board where people discuss opinions for the sake of passing time.

This nonsense was quite fun to read.
But I think should take your on advice, and do so more research, champ.
Oh. And you used the word "caveat" incorrectly.
4/10 at best.

Please leave, and never come back.
This nonsense was quite fun to read.
But I think should take your on advice, and do so more research, champ.
Oh. And you used the word "caveat" incorrectly.
4/10 at best.

Please leave, and never come back.

Always gotta be that tough guy who makes a vague statement followed up with the tough guy insult he'd never make in life to someone else's face.

So if you believe my opinion to be nonsense, go ahead and say so with the logic to back it up.

If not, don't derail the thread with baseless comments and juvenile insults for a chance at e-fame.
Just curious for everyone who has an opinion on homosexuality(both ways), how much research have you guys done to defend your opinion?

At a physiological level homosexuality is an antagonist to the natural order of things. If so, why is it pushed so heavily?

With all the back door homosexuality happening in Hollywood it's not a surprise that it's making headway for acceptance in the mainstream.

I couldn't really think of a way to say this in a neutral tone, so I'll just put it out there for what it is. I think the people who promote homosexuality at the mass levels are pedophiles looking to take advantage of a population who accepts everything and anything told to them by the box.

I think the majority of the people who think they're gay are just a product of a system. Same as anyone who thinks they're democrat/republican.

With that said they're gonna be anomalies with in the population such as being albino.

I have pathologies of my own so this is on the lower side of the totem pole for my priorities. Just wanted to caveat that for people who say if you're straight why do care about two other people and what they're doing. At times people act like this isn't a message board where people discuss opinions for the sake of passing time.
What is all this based on?
Always gotta be that tough guy who makes a vague statement followed up with the tough guy insult he'd never make in life to someone else's face.

So if you believe my opinion to be nonsense, go ahead and say so with the logic to back it up.

If not, don't derail the thread with baseless comments and juvenile insults for a chance at e-fame.

When you said "natural order of things" you meant the idea that intercourse is solely intended as a means to procreate, right?

Condoms, along with other forms of birth control, could also be described as things that are widely promoted and used to subvert "natural order". Do you have an issue with birth control?

I'd also like to see the logic and research that brought you to the conclusion that prevalent gay rights advocates are closeted pedophiles that intend to use the media as a form of mind control. You didn't provide your own logical basis for this opinion in the first place, so how is it fair for you to demand a logical basis to any objections?
This man talking about logic when his whole argument is based on drawing false comparisons. Logical fallacies are abundant.
Why do people get so mad about gays and same sex marriage?
Real answer = to draw attention away from serious economic hardship
I often wondered why this topic is so prevalent in the media, and it seems like this is the reason.
It's still scary to see individuals/groups/communities who hold onto their convictions against homosexuality and same-sex marriage though
No doubt, and as a Muslim I see the convictions in full flight every single day among my religious peers and friends. My thing has always been, why is gay marriage/rights such a polarizing issue among religious folks? Why does the media take any stretch or reach necessary to ensure anything that has "gay" in the story goes straight into front page news and stays there for several days? Why is it that other sensitive topics like abortion, assisted suicide, drug legalization, welfare, and others get shoved to the side when the topic of homosexuality gets brought up? 

Allow me to give an example. In a typical group conversation with my Muslim friends, the topic of discussion generally decides how long and intense the conversation is. I've noticed this pattern,

Economy : 20-30 min, moderate intensity

Welfare : 45min , moderate intensity

Sports: 2 hr, can get pretty intense

Politics : same as sports

Anything related to homosexuality: all damn night, pretty much yelling at each other 

I've noticed the media takes this pattern as well. Donald Sterling got some pretty heavy news coverage on ESPN. Michael Sam/Jason least to me seemed to get much more intense coverage. I'm pretty much convinced the media uses gay marriage as a way to distract Americans from the economic issues, or the international affairs issues. 
  • Always makes me laugh when black people don't understand the term civil rights
  • Gay people can procreate
  • A real threesome with two women :smokin
I'd much rather have honest, kind, educated, financially stable gay parents who will adopt a child treat him right and raise him as a valuable member of society. As opposed to some heterosexual person who isn't responsible and who has no business bringing life into this world. It's hilarious that people believe kids raised by same sex couples automatically turn gay.
When you said "natural order of things" you meant the idea that intercourse is solely intended as a means to procreate, right?

Condoms, along with other forms of birth control, could also be described as things that are widely promoted and used to subvert "natural order". Do you have an issue with birth control?

I'd also like to see the logic and research that brought you to the conclusion that prevalent gay rights advocates are closeted pedophiles that intend to use the media as a form of mind control. You didn't provide your own logical basis for this opinion in the first place, so how is it fair for you to demand a logical basis to any objections?
I asked if anyone had done research research simply because I was curious to see how others think. It wasn't a demand, it was me trying to understand another person's perspective. 

You bring up birth control and the fact that me possibly having an issue with it would nullify my argument that homosexuality goes against the natural order of things at a physiological level. They are plenty of things that I am sure both you and I participate in that goes against maintaining the body's survival. Do you have an issue with those?

I also never said gay rights advocates were closeted pedophiles. I said " I think the people who promote homosexuality at the mass levels are pedophiles looking to take advantage of a population who accepts everything and anything told to them by the box." 

To clear that up so there is no confusion, i think the people who decide what goes on TV have a vested interest into manipulating the population into accepting homosexuality.

I never said I was for or against homosexuality. Personally I don't care. I've got things I'm trying to figure out myself and the decisions one makes in their pursuit of happiness is something that I must respect cause I am on the same journey myself. If that leads them to another person of the same sex good for them. 

My interests on this subject is because the same people who decide wars are the same people who decide what goes on TV. Much like you would see propaganda to gain public support of a war, the push for homosexuality is no different. It's already been stated that gays are a small portion of the population, so why is their acceptance pushed so hard. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of other injustices that affect more people that probably deserve more coverage and a bigger public push. With that said, I'm not downplaying homosexual rights or any human who faces injustices vying for acceptance.Merely pointing out the fact that from a proportionate point of view they are bigger issues then homosexuality and one has to question why is this constantly being pushed. 

For the people asking why i believe this, this pedophilia agenda goes back to Disney's inception. In addition to the numerous reports on his behavior, take a look at some of the biggest Disney movies. I'm not gonna the dots in this thread because it's unneccesary, but I will say this: He was powerful man who mingled with other powerful men who often made sure their agendas received cross promotion in the appropriate avenues. For a culture whose been manipulated into thinking our survival is to be at odds with nature, you guys don't think this hasn't happened at a psychological level as well?

The article is a small example of what I'm getting at. 

"Hollywood is filled with pedophiles and occultists. The same group of corporations that own Hollywood, also own major oil, energy, pharmaceutical companies and more. This group controls the entire military industrial complex, including Hollywood."
For those who haven’t already heard, Corey Feldman (arguably the biggest child actor of the 80′s) went public about being sexually abused by Hollywood moguls, multiple times. He describes how he and fellow former child star Corey Haim were constantly fed drugs and taken advantage of.  Feldman started speaking out after the death of his friend. He says that the trauma Haim experienced as a child played a large role in his death.

This isn’t the first time an actor or actress has come out, Allison Arngrim, the former “Little House on the Prairie” star also wrote about her own experiences in the book “Confessions of a Prairie *****,” where she also expresses how she was abused multiple times.

Sex abuse charges have been laid multiple times against Hollywood employees. Martin Weiss is one of them, a 47-year-old Hollywood manager who represented multiple child actors. Another one is Jason James Murphy, 35, a casting agent who frequently worked with young clients.

On a personal note, based on everything I have looked at over the years I have no doubt in my mind that Hollywood is filled with pedophiles and occultists. The same group of corporations that own Hollywood, also own major oil, energy, pharmaceutical companies and more. This group controls the entire military industrial complex, including Hollywood. You can read more about that here, an article that outlines one major shareholder of the few corporations that control the entertainment industry, among others as mentioned above.

I’d also like to mention that Randy Quaid  went on the record saying that there are a group of “star whacker’s”  in Hollywood. He said that actors are killed, and many others are being tampered with. He expressed how he believes Hollywood is controlled by the big bankers. This isn’t a conspiracy, I provide some links to that information in an article I wrote last year ( again,the link is in the paragraph above.)

I echo Roseanne Barr’s words that MK Ultra  rules in Hollywood, that children within the entertainment industry are constantly subjected to trauma based mind control on multiple levels, controlled, abused and used their entire life.

For anybody who has researched ancient philosophy, occultism and history, you will be aware of rituals that these secret societies perform. Sexual rituals described by Corey are one of many ritualistic tendencies of secret societies that still exist today.

“I can tell you that the number one problem in Hollywood was and still is and always will be pedophilia. That’s the biggest problem, for children in this industry. It’s all done under the radar, pedophilia is the big secret. I was surrounded by them when I was 14 years old, surrounded, they were everywhere like vultures.” – Corey Feldman

“There was a circle of older men that surrounded themselves around this group of kids. They all had their own power or connections to great power in the entertainment industry.” – Corey Feldman
 there'd be no babies and reproduction. 
species go extinct all the time, b 

but humans got science, and they making babies in test tubes and stuff now...nobody with that kind of abilities is going extinct for a long time unless an extinction level event occurs
I'd much rather have honest, kind, educated, financially stable gay parents who will adopt a child treat him right and raise him as a valuable member of society. As opposed to some heterosexual person who isn't responsible and who has no business bringing life into this world. It's hilarious that people believe kids raised by same sex couples automatically turn gay.

Never understood why people thought gay couples can turn their child gay when all gay people come from straight parents :lol:
That statement is worded poorly, but my interpretation of it is "people equate civil rights with black rights" and that civil rights doesn't apply to gays. Which is true.
I agree with you, and it's annoying when gay people equate their hardships with the civil rights movement. That's that bull.

But sounded like dude had another interpretation of "civil rights", so I'd like to hear it, since a Black man like me has obviously been led astray. 
That statement is worded poorly, but my interpretation of it is "people equate civil rights with black rights" and that civil rights doesn't apply to gays. Which is true.
I agree with you, and it's annoying when gay people equate their hardships with the civil rights movement. That's that bull.

But sounded like dude had another interpretation of "civil rights", so I'd like to hear it, since a Black man like me has obviously been led astray. 
By all means, break it down for us?

civ·il rights
the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.

That statement is worded poorly, but my interpretation of it is "people equate civil rights with black rights" and that civil rights doesn't apply to gays. Which is true.
Exactly, a gay person says their civil rights are being taken away and all of a sudden you get a whole bunch of "you didn't go through what my ancestors went through!" :lol:

I agree with you, and it's annoying when gay people equate their hardships with the civil rights movement. That's that bull.

But sounded like dude had another interpretation of "civil rights", so I'd like to hear it, since a Black man like me has obviously been led astray. 

Equate or compare? If you don't believe the gay rights movement and the civil rights movement are both "civil rights" issues then yes a black man like you has obviously been led astray.
civ·il rights
the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.
Exactly, a gay person says their civil rights are being taken away and all of a sudden you get a whole bunch of "you didn't go through what my ancestors went through!"

Equate or compare? If you don't believe the gay rights movement and the civil rights movement are both "civil rights" issues then yes a black man like you has obviously been led astray.
What correlation does gay rights have to the civil rights movement, and how are they the same?

And I've never heard a gay person say "My civil rights are taken away" in those words exactly and Black people bringing up our movement. What are you talking about?
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