MAKING A MURDERER | Season 2 on October 19th!

Was Steven Avery set up to take the fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
Those interviews brought up almost all of the evidence that mac2008 brought up as points that were omitted from the doc. I think people in this thread, maybe even myself at times, were a little rough on mac just because he held different views of the case. However, none of the evidence he brought up would prove SA guilty beyond reasonable doubt .

@mac2008 got the heat because he said SA was guilty and he did it (coming off as he knew 100% SA did it). He then backed his claim with that evidence from those reddit links and what was mentioned in that interview.

Like you said despite all of that , NONE of that proves that he did it. Yeah sure it was sketchy to use *67 but it proves nothing. Answering the door in a towel proves nothing, he could have tried to shower quick before she arrived. Requesting her meant nothing, sure he could have been a perv n just liked to look at an attractive woman he'd never be able to pull ... like most of the dudes on IG do following these ****. DNA under the hood, who knows he could have checked somwthing out for her or even if he didnt touching her hood meant what. Its not like they said he had DNA there and damage the car so she couldnt leave. Oh he purhased ropes n sex stuff, well his lady was getting out pretty soon and yeah we know what that could mean.

Watching these interviews doesn't change my mind at all about the case and you would think that if crucial evidence was left out of the doc (like Kratz claims), then it would be a big "ah-hah" moment and change peoples minds about SA being guilty very quickly.

The DNA under the hood could've been planted - how long did it take them to gather that DNA evidence after the murder date?

The *67 calls prove absolutely nothing. On the surface yea it seems sketchy but how does it prove SA had it out for TH? The people at AutoTrader knew she was going there so it's not like he was trying to go incognito. I mean, he even did a TV interview the day after the murder saying he saw her at his property.

Like most people in this thread agree on, it's super hard to believe that SA and Brendan are these crime scene geniuses that cleaned up every spec of DNA from the trailer (where she was raped/stabbed) and also the garage (where she was shot several times). But yet, they leave DNA all over the car which they never crushed even though they own an auto salvage yard. The car was sitting there for days supposedly....they had more than enough time to clean it up. Also they conveniently left the car key (without TH's DNA) and one bullet (with TH's DNA) around after wiping the place cleaner than Dexter could have.

This new stuff about the jury being tainted and coerced is not surprising at all, but I'll withhold judgement until more info comes out.

I still think the doc was slanted (obviously), but if this is all the old prosecution team can come up with after all this time, it seems like the doc did a decent job of including a more balanced view of the case than you would think.

I think it's entirely possible that Avery did kill her, but it's also extremely obvious that evidence was planted and tampered with to get him arrested and locked up. I feel terrible for Brendan more than anything.

I dont know for sure whether he did or not either. Would i like a new trial yes of course but that would set him free in which we still dont know if he did or not. And a new trial would likely favor his side now that America has seen the doc in which is the opposite of his 1st trial because everyone labeled him as guilty before thetrial basically. I dont expect anything to come of this doc or his case.

I feel bad for Brendan in the sense that i wish he had a better lawyer from the jump who couldve possibly got a clear 1 way statement from him and we'd maybe know what happened and both couldbe free or locked up
These 3 things from "official sherrifs dept video footage" did not sit well with me :smh:

When they went in on 1 of the days to search and a female office was reading the Innocence Project Luncheon letter on his desk

View media item 1858361

The 2 officers then open his closet, the female officer says this ...

View media item 1858362View media item 1858363
Really!!! So its not possible the police planted evidence? But its possible he SA did it because "he told an inmate the oerfect way to dispose a body is to burn it"

I wonder what Brendan really saw that day

At this point you can't really believe him because he flip flopped so much

I want to believe he saw nothing

But is he that stupid to admit to a murder and rape if he did nothing?
He was 16 and didn't know the difference between feet and yards bruh.

His entire demeanor is clearly indicative of a mentally handicapped kid.

He admitted to murder and rape and then asked if he could go home in time to watch Wrestlemania 
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They claim he slit her throat and shot her a few times, her blood would be somewhere in the house if all that happened. Unless he's the smartest person in the world at cleaning a scene and if he is that smart why would he create that big of a mess in the first place?

There's no doubt in my mind the evidence was planted. The same biased cops were the same ones that were on the scene when the evidence was found.
Speaking of biased cops what was with Colburn transporting SA from court to the back of the squad car.
Speaking of biased cops what was with Colburn transporting SA from court to the back of the squad car.

yeah i was like damn.. not only that but he was right behind him on camera when the judge read the ruling of him being guilty, thats ish was a powerful moment :smh:
MY question is why was everyone so out to get him in the 85' case?

I see why they would be on the 2nd alleged murder since they were in way too deep at that point, but what kind of people want to frame a man and put him away for life for rape?? like I can't even comprehend the kind of hatred it would take MULTIPLE people to do that and be ok/live with it
MY question is why was everyone so out to get him in the 85' case?

I see why they would be on the 2nd alleged murder since they were in way too deep at that point, but what kind of people want to frame a man and put him away for life for rape?? like I can't even comprehend the kind of hatred it would take MULTIPLE people to do that and be ok/live with it

I think its long standing hate for the Averys. "Poor White Trash" with 40 acres and a business, they might as well be black.

Avery running the lawmans wife off the road didnt help.
Yea the doc painted the picture that the whole family were really town outcasts. Which is believable being from a small town myself. There's one part where someone is testifying can't remember who but homie says the entire family is pure evil & that basically they shouldn't be able to breed & getting Steven was a step towards that :x
I think its long standing hate for the Averys. "Poor White Trash" with 40 acres and a business, they might as well be black.

Avery running the lawmans wife off the road didnt help.

40 acres of junk cars at that. If it were farmland it would have been a little different. But still not enough to matter
Steven's cousin that he ran off the road in '85 was married to a higher up in the police department. Also, her best friend was the woman in the deposition that said "that sounds like Steven Avery" when she heard the description of the guy that assaulted the lady in 85.

She was also in the department.
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i think this dude ran his mouth about the millions he was going to get to his family that he didnt like. 2 brothers and brother in law. Very likely he told them screw you guys you never helped me or my family when i was in jail you won't see a dime. then one or more of them did this to get back to him. I really don't know what the story is with the brothers and brother in law but its a fact that the brother in law hated him.

No matter how dumb this guy is i find it hard to believe the following:

He kills a girl who is scheduled to be at his property(most rapist and killers, kill on chance not something that can be tied to them)
has her car and instead of driving it off his property and burning it he kept it on his property(i think the car was found by police clean far from his house and they drove it to his property)
leaves her car keys in his bedroom? and its found like 5 days after they begin searching his land? LOL
dude decides ok i killed her i'll burn her body 20 feet from my house? the defense said he raped her in the bedroom, took her to the garage shot her took her body to the car and then took her body out the car? alrighty than....
This is the biggest one for me, magic bullet with her DNA in his garage 4 months after he is arrested......but wait the day before the bullet is found the officer that put him away for rape is in his garage and he had no reason to be there. As his dept was not allowed to investigate.

I agree they all seem to be off but think about it this dude did 18 years for rape. He WOULD have done less years if he lied and said i did rape her please forgive me it wont happen again. But he never went that route always said he was not guilty.

Another thing I suspect it was not clearly explained to the jury that you're to find him guilty or not guilty. The job of the jury is not to decide that he is innocent. 7 members of the jury at first thought he was not guilty. Someone was a strong figure in the room and changed minds, and i think he used the tact that how can we find this guy innocent, a girl is dead, the scene is on his property yea evidence was planted but we can't say he is innocent. Which is true, no one can say for sure the guy is 100% innocent.

What I would like netflix to pay Avery, his 2 brothers and brother in law to do a lie detector test live on netflix. Pay each 250k
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This dude getting so frustrated with Brendan on the stand :lol:

"How did you tell them so much detail?"

"I don't know"

"You don't know??"

"I got it out of books"

"Out of books!!"

Man :rofl:
It would have been impossible for them to clean all that blood up. Especially with all those items there. There would have been splatter on something but no signs of blood. They even broke through concrete and analyzed the debris and still nothing.
I can legit feel myself hating the Averys for no logical reason. It's like I'm admitting to being racist or something, but I just cant stand their whole piece of crap family. They're uneducated, and have this huge eyesore junkyard in the middle of town. Everytime I listen to one of them speak I want to punch them in the their stupid faces. I'm admitting all this to say, I can see how police in the town could have a bias towards dude. They just want him and his family out of there. Imagine all the other stories that people have about the family.

I'm not saying AT ALL that I support framing an innocent man for rape or murder. I'm just saying, I can see how the cops could have a huge bias toward dude because honestly I have those same feelings and they don't live in my town
I can legit feel myself hating the Averys for no logical reason. It's like I'm admitting to being racist or something, but I just cant stand their whole piece of crap family. They're uneducated, and have this huge eyesore junkyard in the middle of town. Everytime I listen to one of them speak I want to punch them in the their stupid faces. I'm admitting all this to say, I can see how police in the town could have a bias towards dude. They just want him and his family out of there. Imagine all the other stories that people have about the family.

I'm not saying AT ALL that I support framing an innocent man for rape or murder. I'm just saying, I can see how the cops could have a huge bias toward dude because honestly I have those same feelings and they don't live in my town

You sound like scum. Aren't you biracial? The irony.
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I see Mac2008 is using his main account now. Or he forgot to switch :nerd:
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