Buying or passing?

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Given the current state of "the game" (smh @ myself for using that term) practically no JB retro news surprises me anymore. We'll see every single release pimped to death until the camp-outs stop and resellers completely fade away, which isn't any time soon

I'm not surprised by releases anymore either, but i don't agree with you when you say the campouts and reselling is no where near over... I actually think we'll see it slow down quite a bit. The average camper and reseller can't keep up with the routine drops. I've watched this wave go up and down for years. It'll go down again soon. It's already starting, in some places. Plus with Nike/JB producing more, and the "game" on its way down, we will be back where we used to be in no time --- going to outlets and buying Retro 6 lows for $59.95
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I remeber i had a chance to pick up the OG pair but never did 
 glad to see a retro
These were originally planned for this year, I thought they would wait for 2014. OOOHHH white Jesus I want these!
:lol: i didn't think about that. Karen Civil posted this on the gram a few months ago, and she gets kicks mad early, i thought they had sent her a sample or something. I know that bag she got comes in that color tho. who knows.
Ha, they used an OG pic for the tease, and not the actual 2013 product, they might as well just post the whole damn shoe :lol: :lol:
Anyway, can't wait....
Not the same famb, the teaser has em laced all the way and the liner is whiter. But these probably won't make waves for the new cat's too far down the line and too many releases that will flop between now and then. The 12's were the start and the 4's are case proven
Ha, they used an OG pic for the tease, and not the actual 2013 product, they might as well just post the whole damn shoe :lol: :lol:
Anyway, can't wait....

Yep, feakin MN hyping things up before anything is confirmed.
I'm going to start Instagramming pics of OGs to watch the beasts hype it up! :D
I'm not surprised by releases anymore either, but i don't agree with you when you say the campouts and reselling is no where near over... I actually think we'll see it slow down quite a bit. The average camper and reseller can't keep up with the routine drops. I've watched this wave go up and down for years. It'll go down again soon. It's already starting, in some places. Plus with Nike/JB producing more, and the "game" on its way down, we will be back where we used to be in no time --- going to outlets and buying Retro 6 lows for $59.95

You'll never see retros in the outlet at those prices again b/c the company squeezing every penny they can out of kicks. We use to get retros months down the line and they'd come in at like $89 and get marked down from there. Now we have Nomos that are like 8 or 9 months old still sitting at $119. AM 24/7s a shoe like two years old FSR $89 like c'mon lol
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