***MLB Feet and Equipment 2014***NEW THREAD

Thanks for the insight WTD.

How long have we had this thread now? I remember finding it through the Griffey cleats thread way back in what seems like 08 or 09 at least.

Hopefully it continues to grow with different people from various companies and jobs within the game.

I recently got my little Stim machine for recovery. Popped in my 9 volt battery and set it to 9 and 30 mins later good as new.

But like you were saying that if Nike doesn't pick up their game and actually dedicated more technology to Baseball, they will lose out to someone else. No one really realizes the grind you just mentioned about playing all those games in so many days. Not only that but players have to work out when they can and hit the gym and tell me that will not leave you sore. So if Nike is listening and reading which I know they are, please get into Q&A and dedicate new apparel to Baseball that will quickly recover us when we play or work out. If it costs a little bit more I am all for it as long as the end result is your body being back to normal as quickly as possible.
What kind of Stim machine did you get/where did you get it from? Looking for one to keep in my dorm room.
Thanks for the insight WTD.

How long have we had this thread now? I remember finding it through the Griffey cleats thread way back in what seems like 08 or 09 at least.

Hopefully it continues to grow with different people from various companies and jobs within the game.

We have had this thread at least since 2006. Its awesome and easily the least hyped within NT, with just a lot of great info and guys looking out for others.
duh.. of course when i searched for it through google it wasnt right at the top.  thanks and look forward to checking out some outfield gloves.  didnt see any h-web on the site in a 12.75.  any new models coming out for 2014?
 The H-Web is only offered at select retailers, but I have linked below the best 1B mitt we offer.  You can try using SPFOTL14 for a 30% discount.  Nothing new for Spring 14, but there are things in the works for 15.

Looks like they are old samples.  Not my size or I would have been all over them.  Not a bad price either compared to what I have seen them go for on ebay.
Hey guys random question-Altough I spent 6 years of my life picking up bats and have many contacts in the game, my high school (NYC) play in a wood bat only league and am looking for good (smaller) wood bat companies that are cheap and reasonably good quality that would give me a good price for a 6-12 CUSTOM bat order?!? Was thinking of companies such as Dinger, Viper, Beaver.....Any others????
Went to a sporting goods place that specializes in bulk orders mostly online. Our team gets a big discount so we get most of our stuff there. Was looking through their clearance BGs and they had some sweet ones. The fuses are my favorite of all time. Wish I could find size and color that would work for me.

These were sick. The leather felt super nice. Similar to my $100 polo driving gloves lol.

Also I've been struggling to find a white cleat I like. None are white enough. Might go with these because I love NB and maybe even could color the black part to white if I wanted.
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I would kill for those black/white Show Elites for $13!!!!! I have those Jordan Team BG's, they are really nice and form-fitting. Got em for $10 at a Nike outlet.
I would kill for those black/white Show Elites for $13!!!!! I have those Jordan Team BG's, they are really nice and form-fitting. Got em for $10 at a Nike outlet.
I have a couple pair of the Jordan bg'z and the leather is ridiculous.  I havent used them though because they feel too slick with the bat.  I generally sand the handle a bit to get a grittier feel but still fear the bat will go flying even with tar/tack.  They do feel like really nice driving gloves.. lol
Went to a sporting goods place that specializes in bulk orders mostly online. Our team gets a big discount so we get most of our stuff there. Was looking through their clearance BGs and they had some sweet ones. The fuses are my favorite of all time. Wish I could find size and color that would work for me.

These were sick. The leather felt super nice. Similar to my $100 polo driving gloves lol.

Also I've been struggling to find a white cleat I like. None are white enough. Might go with these because I love NB and maybe even could color the black part to white if I wanted.
Where is that store at?!
Those Jordan BGs are sick, the leather is SUPER soft, never had a problem with slipping.
Where is that store at?!
It's Direct Sports in Pearisburg, VA.

And unfortunately they've only got smalls in all of the above BGs. I'm going back soon and I'll see if they've got extras. Their  warehouse is huuuuuuge, but realistically that's everything they have.
Hey guys, so this year I decided to try something new with my cleats. I found a paint called plasti dip which is a peelable rubber coating that is pretty darn durable. I thought I would use it to customize my cleats beyond what nikeid can do, and for a much cheaper price. For my home cleats I started out with a pair of Air Max MVP Elite 3/4 in Royal like these:

I really like Mike trouts home PE MVP Elites because they feature a colorized toe which is not available on ID or retail and no other players to my knowledge have it. So, I chose to model my home cleats after these: 

I chose to use blue rather than black because my High School team's colors are royal blue, scarlet red, and white. I also took some inspiration from the fade in Elvis Andrus and Ian Kinsler's cleats: 

I also drew inspiration from the two tone laces seen on many new nike cleats that are issued to pros and some that are retail like these:

After painting and getting all the lines on the shoe as clean as possible I have come up with this:

The only possible thing left to do is the swoosh. My trusted gear advisor has recommended just the plain white swoosh or maybe a fade swoosh. However I also think a solid red swoosh with outline, chrome red swoosh with outline, or chrome silver swoosh would look good. I would achieve these chrome swooshes using a piece of a chrome colored fishing lure tape. I mocked up some real rough images of what these swoosh options would look like, and I would love to hear what you guys think would look best:

Thanks for reading this extensive and wordy post and I appreciate any input guys.
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