MODS - now that JRose5 is gone can we now know what really happened?

....preciate the response Meth
Originally Posted by Method Man

- what really happened? did he give any sort of explaination? whats his current status as a mod/member? did he finally lose it and jump off the deep end??

We deal with an audience that skews somewhat young - late teens, early twenties.  A lot of them still have that high school mentality and, in their minds, the people who volunteer their time to run this place for their benefit = teachers = authority = the enemy.  It gets old fast and not everyone has the patience needed to handle that on a day to day basis.  Imagine volunteering at a soup kitchen the day after a loved one dies, then having a customer spit in your face because they resent being told that they can't cut in line.  That's sort of what it's like to moderate on a site like this.  Nobody cares what's going on in your life.  Nobody cares that you're doing this for their benefit and reap no material gain from the effort.  Often people want to take full advantage of what you have to offer - but they don't want to listen to you, respect you, or respect anybody else.  They feel entitled.  There's no test you can give to see how someone will handle themselves in a situation like that.  Sometimes people who handle themselves with grace and dignity 99.99% of the time will snap.  Sometimes people who are generally a bit distant and surly will maintain that same even keel even during times of crisis.  It's not a matter of choosing whether you'd rather deal with the occasional meltdown or constant (though subtle) unpleasantness - because you don't really know what you're getting until after the fact.  

- ive always known and said this. as ive said before ive worked with teens in a juvenile prison for a fee and hated it, i would NEVER want to do what yall do in my spare time for nothing. kudos to every last one of you guys
....ive always had sympathy for each mod in that department, but sometimes mods group us all in the same category and butt heads with those not trying to buck the system. its cool though, i understand why it happens.
Originally Posted by Method Man

For his part, he claimed that the account was compromised.  It's true that there were some suspicious actions associated with his account (reinstating previously banned troublemakers), but nothing on the scale we'd associate with a real security breach.  

.....that clown actually went there? after all his dirt. he finally gets caught and hit yall with the "it wasnt me"?

- well, i dont think i have the label of being a trouble maker or repeat offender on here. i can say ive recieved similar pm's from JRose5 but i didnt save them. ive also seen JRose5 go HAM on someone in a thread and delete all evidence then come back in the thread with the 'what happened' face
. i guess we werent smart enough back then to screen capture what he was saying.
Originally Posted by Method Man

I remember an incident in 2003 where JRose made what I considered a racially inflammatory comment (something that involved the use of "ghetto" as a pejorative, I think) - days after I'd personally gone to the trouble of driving an hour out of my way to pick up a pair of Lebron "first games" for him out of appreciation for the work he'd done for the community.  In response, I posted - publicly - that I was personally offended and that he was making me regret that action.  After a handful of such incidents, I had reason for doubt and it is COMPLETELY unacceptable for ANY member of our staff to do anything even remotely resembling what JRose5 was accused of.  I couldn't afford to believe that it was a hacking issue.  We needed to be certain that it wouldn't happen again.

As a result, I pulled his staff access.

It's over and we've long since moved on.  I hope he has as well.

- glad to see that justice was finally served. dude was like a LA cop in the CRASH unit days.
....well, we cant say NT staff members get over anymore now
Originally Posted by G o D Jewels

Originally Posted by Method Man

 Method man keeps firing subtle [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]shots at Rexanglorum after all these years[/font]

Seriously?  If you think the shoe fits that's your business, but don't front like it's a PE.  The world's a lot larger than NikeTalk.  
Meth got bars.

Originally Posted by Method Man

Aye bruh, how bout you just post cliff notes before your reply. I can't eeem read all that

I summed that up earlier in the thread.  It's three sentences long.  I think you can handle that. 

i wanted to quote the same sentence, but i didn't out of fear of the ban. but then, i guess i just did quote it anyways 

 If that's your opinion, so be it.  We don't all find the same things interesting.  That, ironically, is what makes the world interesting.

 Method man keeps firing subtle [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]shots at Rexanglorum after all these years[/font]

Seriously?  If you think the shoe fits that's your business, but don't front like it's a PE.  The world's a lot larger than NikeTalk.  

I was joking
Of course JRose5 is still around if he logged in just two days ago.

But dude was nice and helpful when I had some questions a few years ago about my S/N.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Method Man wrote:

� ��

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Implying that a professor would kill themselves at the prospect of reading somebody's writing is generally considered an insult. Obviously long AND boring is a terrible combination, and nobody wants to read the self-indulgent rambling of someone who thinks they're far more insightful than they really are, but I think what wears on most professors more than anything is reading the same boring, poorly written garbage semester after semester. I'd rather read something 10 pages and interesting than an insipid 5 page (courier new) essay cribbed from wikipedia.

To answer your question: most undergraduate papers have length guidelines. If a professor asked for 5-10 pages, the goal was to deliver something concise. That's about par for the course for most undergraduate classes. I think the longest paper I wrote at that level was my thesis, which was about 30 pages - which is by no means outlandish.

Graduate work is a different question... By undergrad standards an 18,000 word term paper is off the charts. At a good graduate program, that's not horribly atypical and a thesis/dissertation is�expected�to be roughly book-length. It's all relative.

On a message board, 4 paragraphs is an insuperable wall of text and anyone who dares to speak in complete sentences has gone too far. �By that measure, I overdo it. By academic standards, my writing is considered concise.


Meth what do you have degrees in if you don't mind me asking?
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Method Man wrote:

� ��

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Implying that a professor would kill themselves at the prospect of reading somebody's writing is generally considered an insult. Obviously long AND boring is a terrible combination, and nobody wants to read the self-indulgent rambling of someone who thinks they're far more insightful than they really are, but I think what wears on most professors more than anything is reading the same boring, poorly written garbage semester after semester. I'd rather read something 10 pages and interesting than an insipid 5 page (courier new) essay cribbed from wikipedia.

To answer your question: most undergraduate papers have length guidelines. If a professor asked for 5-10 pages, the goal was to deliver something concise. That's about par for the course for most undergraduate classes. I think the longest paper I wrote at that level was my thesis, which was about 30 pages - which is by no means outlandish.

Graduate work is a different question... By undergrad standards an 18,000 word term paper is off the charts. At a good graduate program, that's not horribly atypical and a thesis/dissertation is�expected�to be roughly book-length. It's all relative.

On a message board, 4 paragraphs is an insuperable wall of text and anyone who dares to speak in complete sentences has gone too far. �By that measure, I overdo it. By academic standards, my writing is considered concise.

Meth what do you have degrees in if you don't mind me asking?

Don't even bother...
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I love that a guy uses complete sentences and he is considered a scholar on here.
Yeah but how many cats do you think are going to, are in, or have been to graduate school on this board?  Myself included, I couldn't say because I don't know NT like that.  Still, I don't think it would be overreaching to say that most people on NT haven't gone to grad school.  We all know that rarity most often leads to flattery –– when it comes to things such as this at least.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Method Man wrote:

� ��

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Implying that a professor would kill themselves at the prospect of reading somebody's writing is generally considered an insult. Obviously long AND boring is a terrible combination, and nobody wants to read the self-indulgent rambling of someone who thinks they're far more insightful than they really are, but I think what wears on most professors more than anything is reading the same boring, poorly written garbage semester after semester. I'd rather read something 10 pages and interesting than an insipid 5 page (courier new) essay cribbed from wikipedia.

To answer your question: most undergraduate papers have length guidelines. If a professor asked for 5-10 pages, the goal was to deliver something concise. That's about par for the course for most undergraduate classes. I think the longest paper I wrote at that level was my thesis, which was about 30 pages - which is by no means outlandish.

Graduate work is a different question... By undergrad standards an 18,000 word term paper is off the charts. At a good graduate program, that's not horribly atypical and a thesis/dissertation is�expected�to be roughly book-length. It's all relative.

On a message board, 4 paragraphs is an insuperable wall of text and anyone who dares to speak in complete sentences has gone too far. �By that measure, I overdo it. By academic standards, my writing is considered concise.

not to be captain save a rose, but he was a good dude on here..can't say the same on the "other site" though.
i need a copy of the super bomb cliffs to understand any of this as i don't feel like i have the time to read 39 pages of one thread and 9 pages of this thread.

anyone wanna hook me up?
Originally Posted by henz0

Jrose was cool... Was hilarious too

If u reading this, holla at me

And like Gunna said, that was DEF. him on the other site
Son, me and JRose used to SCRAP on that other site back in '02 and '03.  Then that mutual respect developed and he turned out to be cool peeps.  He even took the cuffs off my Dukehead SN.

That man was a beast though.  He was goin' HAM on dudes before HAM was HAM
Originally Posted by G o D Jewels

Originally Posted by Method Man

 Method man keeps firing subtle [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]shots at Rexanglorum after all these years[/font]

Seriously?  If you think the shoe fits that's your business, but don't front like it's a PE.  The world's a lot larger than NikeTalk.  
Meth got bars.

After reading a few pages, seems like this Jrose fella laid the smackdown on dirty. Put him in his place. Lol
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