MotorSport pics from aNYth1ng(NT)

Man, I was really hoping to see an icy sole on these. But oh well, I'm not going to stress over these. It's not like it's coming out anyway.
i think the bike and shoes are sweet

wish i had a pair

also if jordan wanted to win a championship with that bike

just put me on it........................peace
no cop if they actually release the use of cement in the insole is just stupid
black bottoms??????????? FTW?!!!!
n that material looks funky
an does the jumpman on the tongue look strange to anyone else?
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

Man, I was really hoping to see an icy sole on these. But oh well, I'm not going to stress over these. It's not like it's coming out anyway.

now that i seen more pix, i think they are hot but would like much better wit white laces. black soles do them serious justice tho!
does anyone know how much jordan motorcycles go for.

i can see these shoes sell for at least 5 grand......
honestly i dont see why ppl are goin ape over these. if they didnt carry a motorsports theme and make um GR and watch ppl get mad
After looking at the NEW pics " aNYth1ng " posted .... Im not sure about them ... I think the black laces make them look ugly .. I cant really put myfinger on it , but something makes them look dirty and ugly .
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