My wife just told me she lurks Niketalk ....

LOL Same here. I also use the, "We talk about wrestling and basketball sometimes too" comeback and that makes them uninterested.
 if someone watchin see that action figure match u made she will never lurk again 
My current GF knows about NT but has no idea how to use it

Old jawnt went as far as making a screenname

No idea if she is still on here
I'm like 99% sure that my girl not only knows what NT is, but actively looks at my posts.

It started out simple. Innocent. "What's that website?" Oh, its just a shoe site where guys talk about collecting shoes and sports. "Oh, OK!"

Then it escalated. "You're on the black and red site again, why do you check it so much?" Cause its funny. "What's so funny about shoes?" Disaster. Its not so much the shoes, just how people talk about them. "I just don't get it." Safe again.

Finally, I knew she knew too much when she said "Is that your name on there?" What, I asked. "Yeah? Is Yeah your name? Why is that your name?" MISSION FAILURE. Yeah, I mean no... Well, yeah its Yeah, but no its not..ABORT MISSION, but it was too late. She knew.

I don't think she looks over every post, but I know for a fact that she's looked at my posts before because she'll ask questions about things she shouldn't know nothing about. So now I just stay in TAN and reminisce.

I'm just glad she doesn't know my old screen name(s) :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
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My ex creeped on here for over a year after we broke up.

She found out I smashed her two friends because of something I said in the TAY. Literally 19 minutes after I said something about it, the friend I smashed hit me up asking why I told my ex about it.
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