Need some girl advice NT... My girl wants to be just friends for now

Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

O.P. to add further to what I said. The fact that she is questioning your relationship shows a real lack of loyalty. This may be a blanket statement, but I learned that chicks that consistently go out clubbing eventually fall to temptation. It's a dangerous situation to be in. The minute she starts liking someone else you will know. Females switch up and get so cold so fast it will literally have you trippin for a long time. They have the craziest on off switch and the most incredible part about them is they will move on and STILL LET YOU SMASH! These creatures defy the laws of logic and reality back away while you can! Be happy you dont have any kids or a home together and move on, dont put anyone before yourself. She could simply just want to experience someone else or just have sex. You never know what is going on with anyone. She might have a dookie fetish that she knows you wouldnt be comfortable with or shes gay. Life my friend is a funny thing like that.

This is so true. 

They will tell you they are in love with you....tell you they are crazy about happy your in their life....then they don't talk to you for 2 weeks and you find out they are banging other dudes on the side.  Society has almost done a complete 180.  Women say they want a good guy.  You embody that good guy and don't cheat and don't wonder.  Then the women gets bored and starts to cheat and wonder.  Role Reversal ftl.
Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

O.P. to add further to what I said. The fact that she is questioning your relationship shows a real lack of loyalty. This may be a blanket statement, but I learned that chicks that consistently go out clubbing eventually fall to temptation. It's a dangerous situation to be in. The minute she starts liking someone else you will know. Females switch up and get so cold so fast it will literally have you trippin for a long time. They have the craziest on off switch and the most incredible part about them is they will move on and STILL LET YOU SMASH! These creatures defy the laws of logic and reality back away while you can! Be happy you dont have any kids or a home together and move on, dont put anyone before yourself. She could simply just want to experience someone else or just have sex. You never know what is going on with anyone. She might have a dookie fetish that she knows you wouldnt be comfortable with or shes gay. Life my friend is a funny thing like that.

This is so true. 

They will tell you they are in love with you....tell you they are crazy about happy your in their life....then they don't talk to you for 2 weeks and you find out they are banging other dudes on the side.  Society has almost done a complete 180.  Women say they want a good guy.  You embody that good guy and don't cheat and don't wonder.  Then the women gets bored and starts to cheat and wonder.  Role Reversal ftl.
Let this be your learning experience. EVERYONE in their life has this happen and a girl that they learn from. Let this be it. Listen and learn once so you won't be stuck in the same position again. As much as it sucks and you don't want to believe it most of the replies in this thread are 100% dead on. Seriously move on, it will be much better for you, and if she wants to come back later on in life you have the power of choosing. But live for yourself before anyone else. DO YOU
Let this be your learning experience. EVERYONE in their life has this happen and a girl that they learn from. Let this be it. Listen and learn once so you won't be stuck in the same position again. As much as it sucks and you don't want to believe it most of the replies in this thread are 100% dead on. Seriously move on, it will be much better for you, and if she wants to come back later on in life you have the power of choosing. But live for yourself before anyone else. DO YOU
OP, please do me a huge favor and listen to every single poster on here. I have been on NT for for closing in on a decade now and I NEVER post on here. BUT, I am posting today because like others, I was in your EXACT situation.

Trust me, in my mind I had the perfect girl and we were going to get married and have kids. We were in a serious relationship for 2.5 years and everything was perfect. Then one day, just as if a light switch had turned on, she started acting sketchy. I received the EXACT SAME ADVICE you are receiving now, but I ignored it. I thought that our relationship was different and that she was different.

Needless to say, she just wanted to break up with me but was too much of a coward to be honest about it. Turns out she did have a guy on the side that she was interested in and EVERYONE was right.

Just drop her man, it will be easier on you in the end..I promise. I made the mistake of continuing to be friends and stay cordial with her, but it has killed me ever since the breakup. I still am not completely over her and every time we talk it sets me back. Just recently did I decide to act like a self respecting man and drop her.

Move on and forget about her.

All it takes is one relationship like that to turn you cold hearted, but you will NEVER make those same mistakes again.
OP, please do me a huge favor and listen to every single poster on here. I have been on NT for for closing in on a decade now and I NEVER post on here. BUT, I am posting today because like others, I was in your EXACT situation.

Trust me, in my mind I had the perfect girl and we were going to get married and have kids. We were in a serious relationship for 2.5 years and everything was perfect. Then one day, just as if a light switch had turned on, she started acting sketchy. I received the EXACT SAME ADVICE you are receiving now, but I ignored it. I thought that our relationship was different and that she was different.

Needless to say, she just wanted to break up with me but was too much of a coward to be honest about it. Turns out she did have a guy on the side that she was interested in and EVERYONE was right.

Just drop her man, it will be easier on you in the end..I promise. I made the mistake of continuing to be friends and stay cordial with her, but it has killed me ever since the breakup. I still am not completely over her and every time we talk it sets me back. Just recently did I decide to act like a self respecting man and drop her.

Move on and forget about her.

All it takes is one relationship like that to turn you cold hearted, but you will NEVER make those same mistakes again.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

O.P. to add further to what I said. The fact that she is questioning your relationship shows a real lack of loyalty. This may be a blanket statement, but I learned that chicks that consistently go out clubbing eventually fall to temptation. It's a dangerous situation to be in. The minute she starts liking someone else you will know. Females switch up and get so cold so fast it will literally have you trippin for a long time. They have the craziest on off switch and the most incredible part about them is they will move on and STILL LET YOU SMASH! These creatures defy the laws of logic and reality back away while you can! Be happy you dont have any kids or a home together and move on, dont put anyone before yourself. She could simply just want to experience someone else or just have sex. You never know what is going on with anyone. She might have a dookie fetish that she knows you wouldnt be comfortable with or shes gay. Life my friend is a funny thing like that.

This...honestly son its pointless to have a gf anyways cause like op said, girls on and off switch is ridiculously unpredictable. just as fast as they fall for you they will fall from you so dont even get yourself caught up in the headaches and the back and forth bs of a relationship, just smash as many girls as you can while you still young and worry about settling down when your older and can find a mature woman.  right now it seems like she is a little immature and still into that party life and thats not the type of girl you want to settle down with in the long run cause girls like that never change, they be the same ones 45 years old still in the club looking for their husband smh
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

O.P. to add further to what I said. The fact that she is questioning your relationship shows a real lack of loyalty. This may be a blanket statement, but I learned that chicks that consistently go out clubbing eventually fall to temptation. It's a dangerous situation to be in. The minute she starts liking someone else you will know. Females switch up and get so cold so fast it will literally have you trippin for a long time. They have the craziest on off switch and the most incredible part about them is they will move on and STILL LET YOU SMASH! These creatures defy the laws of logic and reality back away while you can! Be happy you dont have any kids or a home together and move on, dont put anyone before yourself. She could simply just want to experience someone else or just have sex. You never know what is going on with anyone. She might have a dookie fetish that she knows you wouldnt be comfortable with or shes gay. Life my friend is a funny thing like that.

This...honestly son its pointless to have a gf anyways cause like op said, girls on and off switch is ridiculously unpredictable. just as fast as they fall for you they will fall from you so dont even get yourself caught up in the headaches and the back and forth bs of a relationship, just smash as many girls as you can while you still young and worry about settling down when your older and can find a mature woman.  right now it seems like she is a little immature and still into that party life and thats not the type of girl you want to settle down with in the long run cause girls like that never change, they be the same ones 45 years old still in the club looking for their husband smh
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

4) This won't work out for you...I've seen it happen alot, just save yourself the time and headache and just find someone's hard at first because you probably think you love this girl but down the road when you find a better girl your gonna kick yourself in the %## for not leaving her sooner.
you better listen to this man.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

4) This won't work out for you...I've seen it happen alot, just save yourself the time and headache and just find someone's hard at first because you probably think you love this girl but down the road when you find a better girl your gonna kick yourself in the %## for not leaving her sooner.
you better listen to this man.
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