Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

I doubt that they'd be consistently buying xbl, purchasing things from the xbl store etc.
Not to mention, M$ has supposedly 40 million xbl subscribers.
Given that, I don't think that M$ cares about people with slow internet.
They should though,I've never been on XBL or have a desire to and I've always supported microsoft since the first xbox I even bought a Zune
but now since I don't have a reliable connection they are just like " Nah,we don't want your money"...
xbl was first about the games, now it's about getting you to buy stuff. I'd say that 85% of the xbl experience is geared towards getting you to buy stuff.

You need xbl to send meesages,

You need xbl to watch netflix, which said person already pays for.

You need xbl just to watch youtube, which is free on any other device.

You get this tiny portion of the screen for your games and everything else is ads.

M$ even sends you messages telling you to buy stuff.
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Your problem is that you think your experience applies to every one else.

All this happen in the last 12 months.

-Sim City online pass

-Crysis 3's first level

-AMD drivers bricking games

So please shut up about PC gaming not having headaches. That is simply not true


Xbox 360 had a RRoD failure rate of over 54% at one point. There's no way you can defend that. That's besides the point though man. I'm a Console and PC gamer, that's why I urge people to get into PC gaming to really experience games at their fullest, not to talk down to them.  I realize to each their own though and I apologize for trying to get people out of their comfort zone.

My whole point was that if a game comes out for PC and consoles, the PC version is always the definite "experience", bar none. That's all. 

BTW, I don't think you've had to look for a driver to play a game since the 90's. The way you THINK PC gaming is really skewed and wrong. It is as simple as you don't think it is. 




I'm trying to point out that PC gaming is not a pain free as you make it out to be

You trying to argue that it is PC gaming is better than console gaming.

Another thing you are glossing over is that a lot of AAA games don't release at the same time as PC. Yeah you get the definitive version, a couple weeks to months later. :lol:

And for you to really experience the "definitive" version of a PC game, you gotta have a $1500+ rig. Another thing you conveniently leave out.

But once again you will probably act like I'm saying console gaming is better and ignore my points.

Not true.
havent been following this at all but came across this on the misc

Microsoft officially announced the Xbox One this morning. This is what it provides:

-no backwards compatibility
-requires you to be online to register a game just to play it (confirmed by Microsoft VP)
-requires you to be online at least once a day (Confirmed by VP)
-requires u to have a Kinect just to use the Xbox one
-restricted amount of viewers able to watch videos making more fees if more viewers
-not able to lend, borrow or trade game with friends no more unless you pay a 60+ dollar fee.
-charging full retail price for serial keys/authorization codes
-HDD is not replaceable so if it breaks your SOL
-have to install game to play combined with limited HDD space makes it only limit to you to a small gaming collection
-requires you to purchase an extra device just to use the Tv portion

is this true? :rofl:
I think the upgraded Kinect system is to bring in new people who normally wouldn't buy a gaming console.   Just watch how many of them lame work out dance dvd games come out for the new Kinect system. 
   I think the only game I could get into on Kinect would be a boxing game where we could box vs others online.   We would get to see if we have elite skills  with our hands without getting hit for real lol     I think that would be fun.
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Wait, did I just read that the HDD cannot be replaced?! If true, what the hell is wrong with them? :smh:
havent been following this at all but came across this on the misc

Microsoft officially announced the Xbox One this morning. This is what it provides:

-no backwards compatibility
-requires you to be online to register a game just to play it (confirmed by Microsoft VP)
-requires you to be online at least once a day (Confirmed by VP)
-requires u to have a Kinect just to use the Xbox one
-restricted amount of viewers able to watch videos making more fees if more viewers
-not able to lend, borrow or trade game with friends no more unless you pay a 60+ dollar fee.
-charging full retail price for serial keys/authorization codes
-HDD is not replaceable so if it breaks your SOL
-have to install game to play combined with limited HDD space makes it only limit to you to a small gaming collection
-requires you to purchase an extra device just to use the Tv portion

is this true?
I havent been following it as much as I would like to either, but if all of this is true then this thing really will not be bought by me. They CAN NOT be serious with ANY of this....
Sees like MS is already backing away from statements about the connection requirements and fee's for used games already...

"Reports of Xbox One's online requirements and used-game fees are no more than "potential scenarios" and not concrete details, Microsoft told Polygon via email."

"While Phil [Harrison] discussed many potential scenarios around games on Xbox One, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail," Microsoft told Polygon.

Can we just get a straight answer already lol...
havent been following this at all but came across this on the misc

Microsoft officially announced the Xbox One this morning. This is what it provides:

-no backwards compatibility

-requires you to be online to register a game just to play it (confirmed by Microsoft VP)

-requires you to be online at least once a day (Confirmed by VP)

-requires u to have a Kinect just to use the Xbox one

-restricted amount of viewers able to watch videos making more fees if more viewers

-not able to lend, borrow or trade game with friends no more unless you pay a 60+ dollar fee.

-charging full retail price for serial keys/authorization codes

-HDD is not replaceable so if it breaks your SOL

-have to install game to play combined with limited HDD space makes it only limit to you to a small gaming collection

-requires you to purchase an extra device just to use the Tv portion

is this true? :rofl:
I havent been following it as much as I would like to either, but if all of this is true then this thing really will not be bought by me. They CAN NOT be serious with ANY of this....

Can anyone comment on this?

Because i heard Kinect 2.0 or whatever may come bundled with every xbox one...and i thought it was supposed to be backwards compatible with the 360.

No matter what Price will drive this thing. Its nice....but not $500 nice...but if they can keep it around $400 i think it will do fine. But i like the fact that Sony is still focused on gaming....since that is why i buy a gaming console. I don't really care for all the TV integration stuff that a simple man...i watch tv when i want to watch tv...turn on my playstation to watch blu-rays, netflix, or play games...thats it. I don't need twitter or facebook or sharing...whatever let me sit in peace and play games
Can anyone comment on this?

Because i heard Kinect 2.0 or whatever may come bundled with every xbox one...and i thought it was supposed to be backwards compatible with the 360.

No matter what Price will drive this thing. Its nice....but not $500 nice...but if they can keep it around $400 i think it will do fine. But i like the fact that Sony is still focused on gaming....since that is why i buy a gaming console. I don't really care for all the TV integration stuff that a simple man...i watch tv when i want to watch tv...turn on my playstation to watch blu-rays, netflix, or play games...thats it. I don't need twitter or facebook or sharing...whatever let me sit in peace and play games

Nope not backwards compatible from a quote from Mark Whitten President of XBL

"The system is based on a different core architecture, so back-compat doesn't really work from that perspective

It does come with Kinect 2.0,it's required to be hooked up for your console to work..
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Can anyone comment on this?

Because i heard Kinect 2.0 or whatever may come bundled with every xbox one...and i thought it was supposed to be backwards compatible with the 360.

No matter what Price will drive this thing. Its nice....but not $500 nice...but if they can keep it around $400 i think it will do fine. But i like the fact that Sony is still focused on gaming....since that is why i buy a gaming console. I don't really care for all the TV integration stuff that a simple man...i watch tv when i want to watch tv...turn on my playstation to watch blu-rays, netflix, or play games...thats it. I don't need twitter or facebook or sharing...whatever let me sit in peace and play games
they gonna bombard us with kinectimals, kinect sports, kinect shooters, etc
doubt it will be 500, sony did that with the ps3 and i think it really held it back
Honestly, the whole thing just looks like a huge focus group right now. They threw out a bunch of ideas yesterday and are going to figure out which ones will lose them the most money and they will change those things. And people will be happy.

With all the backing off of some of the things in the conference its pretty obvious that this wasnt the final product. Sony and Microsoft dont really want to make the systems backwards compatible because it costs them more to produce it and people will just buy the $60 previous gen version of the games that come out for a year or so rather than the next gen versions and they will lose money that way as well. But if people ***** enough they are going to include it at the end of the day.

This was a clear marketing tactic. To get expectations low. Then they make the necessary changes (to whatever the consumer is *****ing about the most) and that will be the final product. More than likely the "always online" will go away as will paying fees for used games (which already seems to be going away)

Like I said yesterday. Im not going to make my decision on what console im going with till like a couple weeks before release anyways. So right now its kind of pointless to argue since neither of the consoles are in final production model stage anyways.
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at least they brought out more things than sony did don't even know why sony did that a couple months back

View media item 422105

LMAO you saw everything you did with microsoft except what the thing looks like

No you didn't the PS4 reveal wasn't even a reveal they just bluffed their hand to wait to see what the competition is doing and learn what people are complaining about then they work around that for their console. You guys didn't even know if that was the system that the game was running on or some PC hidden in the back or something because they didn't even have the console ready they're trying to rush to the market to keep up with the competition.

at least they brought out more things than sony did don't even know why sony did that a couple months back

View media item 422105

its funny that you mention that because sony actually used that controller to play a game LIVE on stage

all i saw from microsoft was a bunch of media transitioning

ALSO.... why were the Miami Heat playing during microsofts demonstration?  that demonstration couldnt have been fa.... nah >D

It doens't matter what M$ did you would have negative things to say even if they showed Jesus Christ himself embracing it with your bias. If M$ would have pulled the nonsense Sony did and not even show the system oh forget it you dudes wouldn't shut up about that, but Sony does it it's okay and not an issue even though it's a console reveal the main reason for a console reveal is to reveal the console not the controller.

They may not care, but this is a population that will be buying a PS4 now.

This. I fully planned on buying both PS4 and an XBox One but my internet isn't reliable enough ...I'm not really a Playstation fan but I guess I don't have much choice unless something changes...According to Forbes magazine as of February 2013,7 million U.S. households do not have access to broadband internet..That seems like a large portion of people to ignore....

I doubt that they'd be consistently buying xbl, purchasing things from the xbl store etc.
Not to mention, M$ has supposedly 40 million xbl subscribers.
Given that, I don't think that M$ cares about people with slow internet.

but a bunch of them are kids with 3 accounts for halo.
so really they probably have around 28mil

You're probably getting confused with little kids having multiple PSN accounts because it's free which I know many with a PS3 do where as with a Live account most aren't paying the $50 or whatever just to have multiple accounts.

On topic now... I thought M$ had a really good showing and I think it was better than the PS4 showing/reveal... if you want to call it that.

But, with all the things coming out that needs to be done with the system I is kind of turning me away from it. All those features they showed are nice though and I think people will use them as time goes on. All the stuff about the used games doesn't really affect me because I don't buy used games I wait until they go sale, and as someone else stated earlier I don't lend out my $60 game to anyone. I mostly play COD and Halo and GTA and I have a Live membership until 2019 so I'm kind of stuck buying the One unless I can sell my gamertag with the Live subscription or something.

I think the system itself is too big, and the controller looks big like the first Xbox controller and that might not go over well with people comfortable with the controller now which I think is perfect but they should have added the paddles like the scuff controller like Rusty said.

I prefer the PS controller for everything else not FPS and I like the how the render of what the PS4 might look like with the shiny piano black with the blue light going across.

I'm just going to wait until more details and facts come out on both systems though. Doesn't matter though I don't plan on buying either until 2-3 years down the line when they both cost like $399.

Also, I'm waiting to see what Steam is coming out with.
so many misinformed people in here :smh:

#1 - Buying and selling of used games is supported
Yes, you can play used games. Yes, you can buy used games and, therefore, it's reasonable to conclude that you can sell them too. It was postulated that you would have to pay some sort of activation fee to Microsoft to re-enable those used games, but Microsoft seems to be trying to dispel that thought. Exactly how it works still remains to be seen. "It's going to be different than the way we currently do it," Albert Penello, senior director of product planning at Microsoft told us. "We'll get into more specifics later."

#2 - Games are installed in the background while you play
Just pop the disc in and start playing and the game will start installing while you play. No need to hit the Y button and go through any other theatrics.

#3 - You can play installed games without the disc
Sick of sitting through the full game install on the Xbox 360, only to still have to get up and put the disc in every time you want to play it? So was everyone at Microsoft, as it turns out. "That feature, the ability to play games off the hard drive, was one of the first things we wrote down when we started to talk about next-gen," said Penello. So, yes, once you install the game, you can put the disc on the shelf and forget about it. But, presumably, you can't just sell the disc and still keep playing the game.

So, how does that work? At a minimum, each game disc must have some sort of unique ID associated to your account. "Your Xbox account will tie you to your game," said Penello. That ID must, therefore, be somehow disassociated from your account before you can sell the thing. Unfortunately, this is where things start getting murky. "We'll get into more specifics later," Penello told us again, a common chant that hopefully will change when we get to E3 in a few weeks time.

#4 - You can download games that were purchased on disc
Here's an interesting situation. What happens if you want to play a game you own on a friends console? You will, Penello says, have "the ability to go over to your friends house, download your save game, or even download your game to his Xbox and pick up where you left off." So, not only will your game saves be stored in the cloud, your entire game library will be and you'll be able to download it from anywhere.

#5 - Offline gameplay is supported
That all your game saves are in the cloud is a nice step forward, but what if you're offline? Can you still access those game saves? Can you still play your games? Yes, you can. Games will work offline without an issue and game saves will sync transparently when you reconnect, Penello told us. However, some games that make use of Microsoft's online services may not be playable offline. That will be up to developers.

#6 - You can share games with those in your "household"
Another use-case we threw Penello's way: what if your spouse or child signs in to the family's Xbox One and wants to play a game that is associated with your account? Will they have to buy it themselves? "Certainly we've accounted for family members in the household being able to play games." Exactly how? That, again, remains to be seen. Only 19 days until E3...

That basically clears up nothing for me :lol:

A lot of "details remain to be seen" about major statements...guess it really is just wait and see
havent been following this at all but came across this on the misc

Microsoft officially announced the Xbox One this morning. This is what it provides:

-no backwards compatibility

-requires you to be online to register a game just to play it (confirmed by Microsoft VP)

-requires you to be online at least once a day (Confirmed by VP)

-requires u to have a Kinect just to use the Xbox one

-restricted amount of viewers able to watch videos making more fees if more viewers

-not able to lend, borrow or trade game with friends no more unless you pay a 60+ dollar fee.

-charging full retail price for serial keys/authorization codes

-HDD is not replaceable so if it breaks your SOL

-have to install game to play combined with limited HDD space makes it only limit to you to a small gaming collection

-requires you to purchase an extra device just to use the Tv portion

is this true? :rofl:
I havent been following it as much as I would like to either, but if all of this is true then this thing really will not be bought by me. They CAN NOT be serious with ANY of this....

Can anyone comment on this?

Because i heard Kinect 2.0 or whatever may come bundled with every xbox one...and i thought it was supposed to be backwards compatible with the 360.

No matter what Price will drive this thing. Its nice....but not $500 nice...but if they can keep it around $400 i think it will do fine. But i like the fact that Sony is still focused on gaming....since that is why i buy a gaming console. I don't really care for all the TV integration stuff that a simple man...i watch tv when i want to watch tv...turn on my playstation to watch blu-rays, netflix, or play games...thats it. I don't need twitter or facebook or sharing...whatever let me sit in peace and play games
What kind of phone do you have simple man? Do you have a smart phone? Any apps?.. or do you just have a old school nokia phone that just makes phone calls?
Base model car? .. some people want the most for their money..
It doens't matter what M$ did you would have negative things to say even if they showed Jesus Christ himself embracing it with your bias. If M$ would have pulled the nonsense Sony did and not even show the system oh forget it you dudes wouldn't shut up about that, but Sony does it it's okay and not an issue even though it's a console reveal the main reason for a console reveal is to reveal the console not the controller.
why you so defensive bruh?  because of the reaction that microsoft is getting all over the internet?  are you upset that sony didnt mention television 50 times?

other than a quick mention of netflix on sony's conference, try and remember what the WHOLE sony conference was about

heres a hint, it begins with a G_____  ... or is that no the what consoles are about anymore?  cause all i saw watch a bunch of watching, not playing, WATCHING

why you getting so worked up over something as superficial as how the console looks?  is that what youre going to be touching every time you play it?  or is it the


dont know about yall but ive been gaming since the NES days and what i saw was embarrassing
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