no one should have a billion dollars. no, not him either.


...but for real, it makes you think.

how in the world did sports team owners start convincing cities to build their workplaces with public funds?

that's the kind of almost admirable sliminess exhibited by the handicapped folks who schemed with able-bodied lowlifes to create underground FastPasses for Disney parks.

is it clever? without a doubt.

...but is that the kind of society we want? idk man.
I mean you can flip it, flop it and try to make it sound noble all day, but the deep root of things is jealousy. I say that because of this line here..
no one, not one single soul to ever draw breath, is even one billion times as valuable as the next man.

Money doesn’t make the man. The money in your account doesn’t equate to your value as a person. Really who was more valuable to humanity, Rockefeller or Nelson Mandela? Billionaires aren’t the problem, the problem is the fact that, solely because of their monetary value, we view them as “better” than everyone. Also, survival of the fittest is always going to be a thing. Getting the “fittest” to take care of the “weakest” isn’t even realistic. That’s like getting another guy to get you laid. That just isn’t how life works. There’s always going to be winners and losers, females that want you, that you don’t want and females you want that don’t want you. Life is unfair. There’s no social solution to that. Deal with it.
For real though...

What are regular people going to do with a billion dollars??? If you handed the average joe a paltry 5MM what are they going to do other than consume???
Tbh, I feel Ike you or anyone else that feels this way just feels that way because they believe they’ll never have a billion.

Imagine if you came up with a product of passion that truly help civilization, it started to take off and you came up another idea, that could help even more, that would cost hundreds of millions of dollars and some sob tells you, “no one should ever have a billion dollars..”
Bruh the product doesn’t bring a billion the exploitation of less fortunate is how you get a billion.
The iPhone isn’ta billion dollar product but the exploitation of factory workers overseas is the billion dollar idea

people need to stop thinking an online marketplace or new phone is how these people get rich
Black people have excuse after excuse after excuse why they can't achieve monetary wealth... no one is holding you back and there are no barriers to entry...
You need to INVENT something or MAKE SOMETHING OR A PROCESS THAT EXISTS WORK BETTER... sure white people may have a slight leg up to get loans or whatever but that's still not a valid excuse as to why you can't get it yourself... those wealthy whites that became billionaires from the 20th century were poor as dirt and still made it happen with less resources than people have today... that's what makes America the best country in the world... anyone can make it if you put your mind to it...
You sound as if Black people haven't already invented something! Which means that everything that western culture lauds as its own? Was actually created on the backs of, or BY Black people. That includes the entire western economy.

Your comment about having a slight leg up, is insulting to anyone who operates with a modicum of intelligence. Ever heard of Dred Scott while those so called poor whites were building that wealth?

Your willful ignorance isn't even remotely funny.
Idky, but this made me think of transgenderism. What are your honest thoughts on transgenderism? I jizz in peace.
What gender is peace??
I believe one can do whatever the hell they want to themselves, BUT....Newton’s third law. For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. One can’t come into work Monday as Tom and come back Thursday as Susan and not expect somebody to be weirded out. It’s just life.

I think all these types of conversations come down to that. People want to do whatever with little to no reactions and/consequences....that’s just not real.
Bruh the product doesn’t bring a billion the exploitation of less fortunate is how you get a billion.
The iPhone isn’ta billion dollar product but the exploitation of factory workers overseas is the billion dollar idea

people need to stop thinking an online marketplace or new phone is how these people get rich

Idk where you got tech from, but that was just an off the cuff example. To an extent you’re right, but do you think if Martin Shkreli hadn’t have raised the price of Daraprim, he wouldn’t have made that kind of profit. He would’ve made the money anyway because the product was actually useful.
The application of his law to human matters. If the reaction were equal? White male supremacy should not exist.
You say that as if the circle is complete. He never said the reaction was “immediate”.
Confuses me sometimes when people cape for billionaires. Idc how much money anyone has but they should be taxed a lot more than a person making normal success money.

If I make $150k i can pay like $40k+ in taxes Based on the state I live. To a person making $150k, $40k could go a very long way.

Yet a dude can make $20billion and get taxed a lower percentage of his income. Even at 23% tax rate, they’d pay $4 billion roughly. That $16 billion still lasting 5 lifetimes.
Confuses me sometimes when people cape for billionaires. Idc how much money anyone has but they should be taxed a lot more than a person making normal success money.

If I make $150k i can pay like $40k+ in taxes Based on the state I live. To a person making $150k, $40k could go a very long way.

Yet a dude can make $20billion and get taxed a lower percentage of his income. Even at 23% tax rate, they’d pay $4 billion roughly. That $16 billion still lasting 5 lifetimes.
You're speaking to a different phenomena though.... A progressive tax system that is more in line with the wealth disparity that exists today is common sense imo and should be implemented.

What the people "caping" for Billionaires are arguing is that there is nothing inherently wrong with having a billion dollars. That is the disagreement. This came to the forefront of the 2012 campaign, the infamous "you didn't build that" statement made by Obama"
Idk where you got tech from, but that was just an off the cuff example. To an extent you’re right, but do you think if Martin Shkreli hadn’t have raised the price of Daraprim, he wouldn’t have made that kind of profit. He would’ve made the money anyway because the product was actually useful.
It all comes down to exploitation

billions are made from exploitation
no one should have a billion dollars.

we can dance around the economics of the matter until the drones come home, but just no.

yeah, easy for me to say right? if I even get one comma in my bank account, it's a good day, lol @ me.

still, I mean, one billion tho. a thousand million anything.

a million seconds is less than 2 weeks. a billion seconds is damn near 32 years.

pulling in about 100 racks a year, you would have literally had to be working since the Stone Age to earn one billion dollars.

like, okay, some people are--indisputably--more valuable to humanity than others. oh, it’s true.

some are smarter, some work harder, some manage relationships better, some know how to fix ****, super important.

...but is what any one person does equivalent to the efforts of thousands of individuals with time on their hands?

I mean, some genius designed the first bulldozer, and they should have been rewarded for it.

...but enough functional human bodies built the pyramids. (luckily labor laws have mostly improved, but still.)

so, nobody got a billion dollars by playing absolute best, you’re the kid who crawls up the Skee-Ball machine and dropped the balls directly into the 100 hole.

sure, it’s savvy...but is it the root of a sustainable society?

if money is the power to make decisions, at that scale you can make decisions for an entire population.

do we want that kid running our world?

lookit, let’s run a thought experiment.

The Planet has a human population of 8 bil, give or take, right?

so if one person can be as valuable as a billion, then 8 should be able to keep things running, yeah?

like, go ahead, pick an All-Sapes team....the best there is, the best there was, all that.

Aristotle, Einstein, Banneker, Salk, DaVinci, Tesla, Pythagoras...pick your favorites.

even throw Historical Jesus--the man whose good ideas endured so long that we know exactly how many years it has been since he died--in the 8th slot.

**** it, I’ll give you Kissinger or somebody as a coach/GM.

all dudes with more vision, breadth of knowledge, and raw mental horsepower than almost anyone living or dead.

put these 9 people on Earth right now with our current tools, take the rest of us off, and I bet both my typing fingers that they couldn’t even keep the lights on.

they just might never see 2020.

no one, not one single soul to ever draw breath, is even one billion times as valuable as the next man.

no one should have a billion dollars.
That’s wassup!
Funny cuz I had a convo with someone about having a billi. They’d strip that **** from me cause I’d use ALL of it to make this world less evil. GreaterGood >
Confuses me sometimes when people cape for billionaires. Idc how much money anyone has but they should be taxed a lot more than a person making normal success money.

If I make $150k i can pay like $40k+ in taxes Based on the state I live. To a person making $150k, $40k could go a very long way.

Yet a dude can make $20billion and get taxed a lower percentage of his income. Even at 23% tax rate, they’d pay $4 billion roughly. That $16 billion still lasting 5 lifetimes.
Yeah, caping for billionaires is odd. They skirt taxes and even sometimes in the case of Amazon have the public foot their bill for the cost of business, while using the infrastructure (roads, safe airspace, safe freight, etc) that ordinary people pay taxes on to upkeep.
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