no one should have a billion dollars. no, not him either.

Confuses me sometimes when people cape for billionaires. Idc how much money anyone has but they should be taxed a lot more than a person making normal success money.

If I make $150k i can pay like $40k+ in taxes Based on the state I live. To a person making $150k, $40k could go a very long way.

Yet a dude can make $20billion and get taxed a lower percentage of his income. Even at 23% tax rate, they’d pay $4 billion roughly. That $16 billion still lasting 5 lifetimes.

Wealthy people pay little to no tax homie... wouldn't matter how much you taxed them... wealthy people own capital assets not income... regular folk have income... and regular folk always get the short end of the stick...

Why do you think Steve Jobs had a $1 salary and had stock options when he was the CEO of Apple?

That's why I find people who flex about their income amusing...
Y’all talking about taxes tho. Of course they should pay the same taxes as everyone else. Saying billionaires shouldn’t exist is a completely different animal, and saying that the rich should assist the poor reeks of entitlement. Like your cousin hitting the lotto and expecting him/her to pay your rent because, “****, you got it!”
Y’all talking about taxes tho. Of course they should pay the same taxes as everyone else. Saying billionaires shouldn’t exist is a completely different animal, and saying that the rich should assist the poor reeks of entitlement. Like your cousin hitting the lotto and expecting him/her to pay your rent because, “****, you got it!”
I think there's pretty strong evidence that America was a much better place for everyone when the progressive tax rate was steeper for top-tier earners. They shouldn't be paying the same taxes (and they don't).

I won't go as far as to say that billionaires shouldn't exist, but I would say they absolutely have a moral obligation to help make the world a better place since they have the means to do so.
pass that after, I need to reup.

tragic sn/post relationship, this next spark is for you.

Yeah, caping for billionaires is odd. They skirt taxes and even sometimes in the case of Amazon have the public foot their bill for the cost of business, while using the infrastructure (roads, safe airspace, safe freight, etc) that ordinary people pay taxes on to upkeep.

socialize costs, privatize profits...the billionaire's way.
It is wild that so many people still believe the myth that anyone can achieve anything as long as they work hard enough

That’s the main reason people defend billionaires. Because they’re like “IF I WORKED HARD AND BECAME A BILLIONAIRE IM KEEPING EVERY DOLLAR. I EARNED IT” Bruh, look around you. You got tons of people working hard everyday, hustling, working multiple jobs, working OT, etc and they’re never gonna come close to ONE billion. But they saw a meme that said Amazon started up in a garage and they think “man maybe one day I’ll have an idea that’ll make me a ton of money”
I think there's pretty strong evidence that America was a much better place for everyone when the progressive tax rate was steeper for top-tier earners. They shouldn't be paying the same taxes (and they don't).

I won't go as far as to say that billionaires shouldn't exist, but I would say they absolutely have a moral obligation to help make the world a better place since they have the means to do so.
What constitutes “making the world a better place”?
That’s the main reason people defend billionaires. Because they’re like “IF I WORKED HARD AND BECAME A BILLIONAIRE IM KEEPING EVERY DOLLAR. I EARNED IT” Bruh, look around you. You got tons of people working hard everyday, hustling, working multiple jobs, working OT, etc and they’re never gonna come close to ONE billion. But they saw a meme that said Amazon started up in a garage and they think “man maybe one day I’ll have an idea that’ll make me a ton of money”

So basically, what you’re saying is, “it’s not fair”?
So basically, what you’re saying is, “it’s not fair”?

didn’t say anything about fair. I’m doing okay in life and I’m not a person who daydreams about yachts and lambos because that doesn’t mean anything to me. Just saying so many people who are thousandaires who defend billionaires do so because they wanna keep the billionaire landscape thriving in case they one day join those ranks. Which they won’t.
didn’t say anything about fair. I’m doing okay in life and I’m not a person who daydreams about yachts and lambos because that doesn’t mean anything to me. Just saying so many people who are thousandaires who defend billionaires do so because they wanna keep the billionaire landscape thriving in case they one day join those ranks. Which they won’t.
You didn’t say those words exactly, but comparing billionaires to people that work overtime, is definitely an insinuation. If not, please explain why you brought that up.
You didn’t say those words exactly, but comparing billionaires to people that work overtime, is definitely an insinuation. If not, please explain why you brought that up.

I bought it up because majority of people think that billionaires became such by following all rules and “grinding” when more times than not, that’s not the case. Perfect example being Kylie who got an alley oop bc she came from a famous influential family. Or Trump who got that million dollar head start. Most people who work hard (such as working extra hours to save and use that money to one day open a business) do not have those advantages in life.
What constitutes “making the world a better place”?
Creating a bigger pool of public revenue to be used towards social services, educational/vocational opportunities, libararies/museums/the arts/etc.

Donating privately to domestic and international organizations that will help promote the above goals nationwide and in impoverished areas throughout the world

Providing their employees with (actual) livable wages, full health benefits, retirement packages, etc.

Investing in technological innovations that will benefit the world as a whole.

Any more brain-busters, tr1ll?
I bought it up because majority of people think that billionaires became such by following all rules and “grinding” when more times than not, that’s not the case. Perfect example being Kylie who got an alley oop bc she came from a famous influential family. Or Trump who got that million dollar head start. Most people who work hard (such as working extra hours to save and use that money to one day open a business) do not have those advantages in life.
Then there are the Oprah’s, Tyler Perry’s and MJs that did. How are you going to discredit those who actually did put in work simply because of the existence of those didn’t? At this point, we’re not even talking about money or hard work, we’re talking about perception. You may not be able to become a billionaire if you put your mind to it, but you surely won’t if you believe you can’t.
Then there are the Oprah’s, Tyler Perry’s and MJs that did. How are you going to discredit those who actually did put in work simply because of the existence of those didn’t? At this point, we’re not even talking about money or hard work, we’re talking about perception. You may not be able to become a billionaire if you put your mind to it, but you surely won’t if you believe you can’t.

how many billionaires do you know? I grew up in NYC, so called opportunity capital of America. Met minimum 1000+ people in my lifetime. 0 are billionaires. 0 of my friend’s friends or family are billionaires. That’s probably about 5,000 people right there. There’s almost 8 billion humans on earth and under 3,000 billionaires.

again, I’ll repeat that idc how much money anyone has. Just saying there’s a social responsibility. Yeah we can say it’s your money, do what you want. But I personally help anyone I can with the resources I have. Personal friends, strangers in need, etc. And I’m not putting on a front when I say I don’t need a billion dollars to enjoy life and would gladly give as much as I could to assist struggling people.
I am curious as to why the focus on such a small % of the population? I mean there are less than 5K of them. Additionally, a large portion of them have pledged more than half of their wealth up death......

Wealth is inherently imbalanced and even MORE so towards whites in the US, Europe & Russia. The wealth trends will continue to even out over time.
Can you show me where the post you quoted says that no one who works hard enough could be a billionaire?
We’re in a thread stating there should be no billionaires.
Creating a bigger pool of public revenue to be used towards social services, educational/vocational opportunities, libararies/museums/the arts/etc.

Donating privately to domestic and international organizations that will help promote the above goals nationwide and in impoverished areas throughout the world

Providing their employees with (actual) livable wages, full health benefits, retirement packages, etc.

Investing in technological innovations that will benefit the world as a whole.

Any more brain-busters, tr1ll?
You said that as if no billionaire ever had done that. Idk where you work at, but my wages are livable, my insurance is paid for in full by my job. You know good well they donate, if not for the tax write off alone. The problem is how that money is allocated.

On top of that, what is going to make the world “better” is subjective. If ninjahood ninjahood got billions and spend hundreds of millions of lobbying to politicians to legalize prostitution, would you be ok with that? In his mind, he’s making the world a better place.
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