NT True Life: Dealing With Depression ... (mature discussion)

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Straight up i think ive been suffering from depression for at least the past 2 months now. Its like i have these revelations where ill be on top of the world then for no reason at all ill just start feeling bad about myself and get super irritable. I dont want to kick it with anybody but at the same time it feels like i got to be around people and when i am around people im usually not my self.

I have no reason of being like this either, im a DJ, have friends,i make an adequate amount of money, and I can still even pull skeezers feeling like this but it feels like my potential is limited.

Its just that the things i love doing and used to get a warm feeling from inside just doesnt do it for me anymore. Even when im happy its not a real happiness its more like trying to convince my self that i am infact happy when i don't feel hardly any emotion at all towards the situation, it makes me feel like im a fake dude. I find it super hard to focus on easy things sometimes and alot of times when i read things its like the paper or book should have just been transparent.

Sounds like bipolarism. Don't know what to tell you, I don't trust medications, especially the ones for bipolar disorder.
What I've foundthat helps is meditation and self reflection. Twice a day. When you wake up...sit in a quiet room and reflect on your goals for the day. Visualize EVRYTHINGfrom getting ready to walking to your car and driving around town to deliver errands. At night reflect on your day and what you need to do tomorrow.

I recommend Zen philosophy. It's really about keeping your mind clear, so that your thoughts don't interact with your response and interfere with whatyou need to do. Keeping your mind clear enhances your awareness...which in turn allows you to see things how they REALLY are, and not see things through thefilter of your depressed mind.
Life's a *%+*@
and then you die
That's why we get high
'cause you never know when you gonna go

Repeat x2

But on the real, cope with it. Don't let it hit you where you're most vulnerable and try to do $%*@ that keeps you happy, even if it's
Go out with a %@%#-THE-WORLD attitude and you should be good.
this may sound like a joke, but have you tried slapping urself in the face with a hammer? they say it works cause its suppose to replace ur immaginary pain,with real pain. either that, or itll make you forget what you were sad about in the first place.
Yeah, I know it sucks that things never seem to go your way. I have been going through that too. I think that you should really see a doctor to see what isgoing on or write it down.

Depression is real. It isn't part of life. It is chemicals in your brain not either lacking or not working correctly. If you can't enjoy things anymoreyou aren't going to fix that yourself. They have tons of meds for depression. Some don't as well as others for certain people. All these people sayingshake it off or don't go on meds don't know what they are talking about. Prozac and Zoloft along with so many others aren't scams. They really helppeople live life every day.

Nothing gets me more upset than when people are ignorant about such a dominant disease in out culture. That picture of the gun really pissed me off. Wedon't need that !%@!. We just don't need it. If someone was like, man I have cancer. No one would be like, "screw doctors people always get cancerit's a part of life." The ignorance of America on this subject is ridiculous. People kill themselves because of depression and it isn't becausethey are cowards or whimps. It is because the pain of real depression is more than anyone without it can imagine. You feel like !%@! all day, you don'tsleep, nothing feels good, you just don't feel like getting up because the whole world is a dark cloud ready to kick you ##@.

Seriously, if you feel like !%@! for a long time and it is affecting your life you have to see somebody. There is help. You can't survive depression alone.

If anyone in here is suffering from real depression my prayers are with you. You are strong as hell for fighting through every second of the day. No one shouldbe dealing with what you guys face.
Originally Posted by IronmanFitness

its normal. keep yourself occupied.

its not normal you should go get some help. Sometimes you need a little direction to get a hold of it that nt, wont ever give you.
Life's a *%+*@
and then you die
That's why we get high
'cause you never know when you gonna go

Been my away message for the past two days. It's been a routine every day.

Wake up



Watch the game

Watch a movie

Pass out.
Latley, I've been observing my dreams trying to relate them to my everyday living. Trying to change my ways from my thoughts, to have pleasurable dreams towake up on a good note. Meditate man, and get in contact with yourself instead of letting what is in front of you alter YOU.
hey bro im depressed to but i just play ball and lose weight all day. takes it off my mind. also gets me in shape.
This may sound cliche, but you should turn to God. Start praying(if you don't already). You may just need to find yourself right now. Do something new andfun.
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