NT you've never failed me.

And he getting mentally finessed by a chick who was buying prom dresses a few months ago.


I guess that was an alright guess...

^You keep ducking the age question asked by a few posters. Interesting. Shes a freshman in college, but how old are you?

I'm 24

I got a NT account back in 07 because I was collecting Jays and wanted to pay homage to the GOAT haha

Grape 5s were my holy grails at the time.

hence mrgrapes85

If I could go back and change it, believe me I would haha
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This is all legit advise, but I need to see if this chick is attractive enough to be causing all this turmoil. Some chick's are just too hideous to be so picky
Bro you just a rebound, something to pass time while she still hung up on her ex....seems like you will easily catch feelings hence this thread, so my advice is to abort and avoid a situation where you will be left hurt.

All of this!

damn man, I was in a similar situation this past semester at school. Started off as friends with a chick, she still had a boyfriend at the time. Controlling type dude. We eventually start to get close, hanging out daily, sleeping together while she was still with him for a while (red flag in my mind but I was still down to hit). She breaks up with dude on Halloween. The whole month of November it's like we're together but not official, I never fully cuffed, plus she was still in that breakup stage with her ex. Fast forward to finals week she starts studying with some new dude in her class she told me about. I didn't pay it any mind, she initially told me dude was wack. But, she starts getting feelings for the new dude, while she still has that small talk with her ex. Before I come back home she tells me she wants to focus on herself (basically smash the new dude or go back to her ex). I had to drop her and haven't talked to her since. You essentially need to do the same thing since she's still in contact with her ex and isn't completely over him. Don't wanna end up in a rough spot, and it'll save you a lot of time you could be focused on other things.

Listen to them.

I had a similar situation. In short me and girl hit it off, then abruptly outta nowhere she'd act standoffish. She then opened up about her feelings, and missing her ex. She then got over it. It was chill again then few days pass she was ignoring me. I laughed in my head cuz i knew what that meant. When she comes back I'll be quick with the . . . View media item 1389234
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We started talkin' again and this is what I'm doing.

She's tryin' to act all lovey dovey again, but I ain't wid it.
Why you lying?

You claim you guys started talking again and on the next breath you aren't with it. LoL

You came in here seeking approval and for NTers to co-sign your foolishness, but no one is because that's simp status ...

Be careful next time you kiss that broad you don't end with pubs in your mouth.

Merry Xmas and stay strapped ....
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I knew the situation as soon as you said she went dark zero thirty after two weeks of kicking it. Then I read the rest and confirmed my suspicions.

I'm not gonna give you advise, because you already know what you're gonna do. You just want someone to validate that. But you already made the choice to, and don't take this the wrong way, be her sucka when you were taking her on dates and not beating the stuffing outta that thang. She allowed you a two week window to smash/tested you and you tried to wife her up.

Well, she just got off the wife train, so you proved to be useless. She can hit old dude up for those types of emotions and D. Get it? You were supposed to be her transition, but instead became the b grade version of her man.

I'm an older dude on here so I'll drop some gems on you:

--ALWAYS think like a PIMP, just don't always act like one
--Women are not magical creatures, they're human just like you... even the bad ones
--Only trust YOURSELF 100%
--Women ALWAYS have a backup plan
--The realler you are with them and sincere in your idgaf attitude/you can replace her vibe (not words) the more loyal they'll be and that will still never be 100% loyal
--Women want what other women want, so stay sharp and wanted

Good luck.

Take all my reps. I'm crying right now. Write a book brolic, damn you got all the answers B.
Brah, you bout to be in the fetile position pretty soon. This chick is about to gut you if you continue to associate with her.
Leave that alone bro, one of the biggest problems with that situation is she is talking to you like she wants a relationship, which isn't cool.

If she played it cool, then I'd say you can keep her on the roster, but she isn't playing it cool, she acting lovey dovey and talking about a relationship. Thats why she has to go.

You aren't emotionally invested so you can get rid of her easily now. If you keep talking to her you will become emotionally invested and it'll be nothing but a big headache.
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Brah, you bout to be in the fetile position pretty soon. This chick is about to gut you if you continue to associate with her.
I'm an older dude on here so I'll drop some gems on you:

--ALWAYS think like a PIMP, just don't always act like one
--Women are not magical creatures, they're human just like you... even the bad ones
--Only trust YOURSELF 100%
--Women ALWAYS have a backup plan
--The realler you are with them and sincere in your idgaf attitude/you can replace her vibe (not words) the more loyal they'll be and that will still never be 100% loyal
--Women want what other women want, so stay sharp and wanted

Good luck.
I feel this is very applicable for women regarding men, but can you give me a more female friendly version of this wisdom. k thanks.
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