NTers living at home VOL. Made

cmon son... dude had the audacity to down play it and ask for screen caps

not a single burned basement picture was posted
Well ill be 21 in February.. I'm a CUNY student so obviously I'm gonna live at home.. but I work full time doing security.. enough money that the lack of having to pay major bills works out for me.. I put in for Cable bill with my sis and our cell bill. It's a 3 family house.. my sisters and my mom live upstairs and my grandmother on the first floor.. my mom is often sick so I do my part around the house and try to take care of her.. she's mad chill though, let's my friends come over to chill at any time. So no complaints.. I got my own room, but i have to admit bc its an apartment sometimes the privacy sucks. And having a girl doley in my room is nearly impossible unless I got the free.. that's the one thing that blows mines. Besides that, I smoke on the back porch or backyard. my mom kinda knows i blow it down.. so she doesn't say anything. Once I graduate and get a job obviously ill be on the lookout for moving.. but for now, best case scenario.
I graduated college and supported myself throughout school.  I landed a position in the Contract Specialist field with a Government agency shortly after graduating.  I moved in with my girl and then I encountered some personal turmoil that included an auto accident and some legal matters...I was forced at 25 to be at home and start over while I sorted things out with my lady and pick up the pieces of my life.  I don't consider myself a failure for that...I just encountered some raw deal cards and played them as best I could. 

Things have picked up since then but haven't been as good as they were, but are headed in the right direction with all aspects....lady, job, finances.  Long story short...life happens man and it is up to the resolve and determination of the person to not be complacent or content.  There are some people content with living at home...I viewed it as a temporary stepping stone from an unfortunate situation.

As far as the OP getting called out....That is tough.  NT has a crucial memory and that is for sure.
This post is no longer about living with your parents.

OP, you know damn well that the shoes didn't burn in a fire. Admit your wrong doings and make amends.

You asked for him to bring something to the table, and he showed up with your credibility.

Damn shame. I feel sorry for your parents.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

damb he was waitin all this time for OP to start a thread to derail it...coldblooded

dude was waiting in the shadows for YEARS 

+1 casper

-1 brett
NT never forgets...that is the motto.  Folks going to be haunted at age 45 by posts they made back in high school about slammin' chicks and grimey stuff done to others. 
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

NT never forgets...that is the motto.  Folks going to be haunted at age 45 by posts they made back in high school about slammin' chicks and grimey stuff done to others. 

Word to KingJay and his troll encounter that he conveyed at home
Yeah if one is going to do dirt on NT....no need in having a facebook, twitter, girlfriend, etc.  NT always seems to find that and blow it off the map.  Condolences.
Damn, I was actually interested in this post too.

Oh well, I am thoroughly entertained.

*Waits to see what happens next*
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